
���� Copyright � by Anatoli Bedritsky, 1984-2024

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Development of Matter of Universe

Author: Anatoli Bedritsky

Email: [email protected]






����� In the article is open the principle of formation of all types of matter of Universe from initial particles of ether. The essence of gravitation and the essence of the Big Bang is open.


1. Beginning of our Universe. Big Bang


The beginning of formation of our Universe is the Big Bang. It is the most probable that the Big Bang resulted from collision of two Universal Bodies. The Universal Body is formed at the end of life of this Universe. The surface of this Body has extreme density; therefore the Universal Body moves in infinite ethereal space with velocity limit under the influence of a ethereal stream behind it, but with limited velocity limit because of ethereal braking. As a result of collision of the Universes of Bodies they broke up to separate mats of ether. The mats are moved in different directions and collided with mats of ether of infinite space, therefore surrounding ether became denser. The movement of mats in different directions was also because the Universal Body were formed of stars in which there are rarefied cavities, where there was an impulsation of different particles that led to explosion in these parts. Thus, as a result of the Big Bang all matter of our Universe represented the separate mats moving diversely with a different speed and colliding among themselves.

����� In different places of infinite space, the condition of development of matter can differ, but on a basis consist of mats and emptiness. The different parts of infinite space which are in other stages of development represent the different Universes. The matter of our Universe changes, or otherwise develops. This development of matter of the Universe in infinite space happens under physical laws which are invariable.


����� 2. Formation of Polymats. Polymats of Boundary Mass.


The ether of the initial Universe had considerably bigger density, than at space ether now, because various matter of our Universe could be created only on the basis of mats of ether. As mats of ether have chaotic arrangement in space relative to each other, therefore at collision each other they change the direction of motion chaotically depending on conditions of their collision. Because of the chaotic motion of mats of ether, the density of ether can be unequal in space.����

As mats of ether had chaotic cases of collision with each other, mats of rather dense ether could approach each other till contact with formation of a dense group of mats which cannot disperse. So, if only two or three mats are grouped, the mats of these group can disperse at collision with other mats. But, if a group of 4 mats or more was created, then mats of such group cannot disperse even at collision with other mats of ether, because these mats to a certain extent are closing each other, i.e. they have no free access for removal from the dense group. A set of mats, which are in contact with each other, and not able to disperse, represent particles - polymats.

Because in the initial Universe the density of ether was increased, the polymats had frequent collisions with mats of ether and had small velocity of motion, at which there were good conditions for connection of mats of ether. In the process of formation of polymats and increasing of their mass the density of ether decreased, and then the conditions of formation of polymats worsened. At some density of ether, the formation of polymats is stopped. Thus, in the ether of our Universe, polymats were formed. The mass of polymaths is limited, because at increasing of their mass the velocity of their motion is increasing, because of the ethereal stream, accelerating the motion of polymats. (See "Motion of Elementary Particles"). The polymats having the largest mass are called boundary polymats. Polymats have spherical shapes, as the join of mats happened from the different sides with identical randomness.


����� 3. Formation of Neutrons. Electry-plasma and Neutry-swarm.


����� The early Universe consisted of mats of ether and polymats, representing rarefied plasma. Polymats of boundary mass had dimensions commensurable with average distance between mats of ether. At collision of mats of ether with polymats, the polymats can change the direction and velocity of motion. At formation of polymats they can approach more often with each other. When several polymats are approaching each other, the strength of impulsation of ether between them is less, than outside and polymats are pushed to each other, forming a dense group of polymats. Other polymats also can join this group of polymats. But small polymats leave this group of polymats, bacause for them is easier to pass between mats of ether. But only the boundary polymats having the largest mass remain in the group of polymats in contact with each other, forming a dense particle. But the increasing mass of particles is not boundless. If the dimensions of particles are repeatedly more than average distance between mats of ether, behind a moving particle an ethereal stream is formed, which increases the velocity of motion of the particle. At big velocity of motion of polymats is worse the conditions of their accession to particles. Thus, the mass of particles is limited, and they represent a dense particle - proton.

����� The polymats, having a little smaller mass than at boundary polymats and having smaller dimensions than average distance between mats of ether, form a rarefied plasma around proton. These polymats are called electries (one electry), and the plasma is called electry-plasma, as electrons consist of such polymats. If separate electry leave from electry-plasma they are pushed back by the mats of surrounding ether having a bigger impulse because of much bigger velocity of motion.

����� Polymats, bigger than initial polymats, but considerably smaller than electries and boundary polymats, have such dimensions and respectively velocity and an impulse, what they at approaching to proton are pushed to the proton by mats of surrounding ether. The polymats form a swarm around the electry-plasma. These polymats are called neutries (one neutry) and they form neutry-swarm, as neutrinos consist of such polymats. The protons having electry-plasma and neutry-swarm are neutrons. (See fig. 6).


����� When two or more neutrons are approaching each other, they are pushed to each other by surrounding ether, forming nucleus. Thus, the early Universe at an initial stage of development represented a plasma consisting of ether, neutrons, atomic nuclei and separate polymats. The formation of polymats, neutrons and atomic nuclei was at the same time. Then, when the ether became rather rare, began formation of atoms of hydrogen, helium and other elements.


����� 4. Formation of Stars, of Fogs and of Rarefied Cosmic Ether


����� In the early Universe which had big density of ether, because of frequent chaotic collisions of mats of ether with change of direction of motion of mats, the density of ether in different places of Universe differ. As the velocity of distribution of ether is small in comparison with the velocity of motion of separate mats of ether, then the density of ether in different parts of the Universe differed.

����� If ether in a part of early Universe became denser, then in this place of Universe are formed polymats and elementary particles (neutrons, protons, electrons and nucleuses). If into this part of Universe come mats from surrounding ether, then these mats in collision with polymats reduce the velocity of motion, and at collisions are forming polymats, due to that the concentration of polymats and other particles is increasing. The space where the high concentration of polymats and denser the ether, is called a fog. The space where a high concentration of polymats, neutrons and atomic nuclei, which together are formed plasma, consisting of atoms of hydrogen, helium and other atoms, is called a star. All other incomparably bigger space of the Universe became rarefied, representing space ether.


����� 5. Gravitation


����� Space ether (in distant space) is uniform, in which mats of ether have identical velocity of motion, and the ether have identical strength of impulsation in different directions. Identical velocity of motion was formed as a result of a set of collisions of mats with each other after the Big Bang. The ether around star is non-uniform, i.e. it has a greater strength of impulsation towards the star. This results from the fact that the mats of surrounding ether at collision with protons and atomic nuclei of a star considerably reduce the velocity of motion and are pushed into star by other mats of surrounding ether. Mats of ether at collision with a proton face polymats of the proton not on proton radius, but in deepening between the next superficial polymats. In this case the mats of ether at collision with a proton or nuclei cannot freely move away from proton, they face several mats of polymats of proton, considerably having reduced the velocity of motion before they leave the proton. Thus, mats of ether after collision with protons of a star have incomparably smaller velocity of motion than the mats of ether of external ether around a star.

����� Thus, mats of surrounding ether have the primary direction of motion towards a star, coming into it. The more density and mass of a star, the are more the orientation of movement of mats of surrounding ether into a star. The orientation of mats of ether around a star decreases in proportion to a distance square to the star. The action of mats of surrounding ether on particles of star (polymats, elementary particles and atomic nuclei) represents gravitation. The strength of gravitational field is defined by excess of strength of impulsation of ether towards a star over the strength of impulsation of ether in the opposite direction.

����� Because of absorption of ether by star from outside, happens movement of cosmic ether to the star. The velocity of motion of mats of ether have braking by nucleuses of atoms of star, and then the mats of ether unite in polymats. The ability of a star to absorb ether depends on density of the star. Because of braking of mats of ether, at passing through star, the density of ether near the surface of star is more, than in the surrounding atmospheric ether, because of sharp change of density of the environment, through which pass the ether.


����� 6. Galaxies. Voyd Space. Formation of Uniform Body


����� If the star is rather far from other stars, then this star has rectilinear motion in ethereal space. If two stars are at such a distance from each other that the remote surface of one star is affected by gravitation from the other star, then these stars have attraction to each other. If at one star the mass is considerable lesser than at other star, then this star will have curvilinear motion around other star. This motion can be orbital if these stars is aproaching enough close to each other. The principle of orbital motion of stars and planets, see in "Motion of Stars and Planets").

����� In most cases moving stars are at such distance from each other that they have the orbital motion from gravitational action. Stars formed different orbital systems, where in the center the massive stars. These star systems formed larger orbital systems - galaxies. The motion of the galaxy in general is defined by the motion of the black star, around which the galaxy is created.

����� Galaxies can be connected among themselves, or are independent of gravitation action, depending on distance between them. Within one congestion of a set of galaxies this galaxy can approach or move further (farther) from the neighboring galaxies depending on gravitation force from the opposite sides of this galaxy. This galaxy approaches the galaxy having big mass and can move away from the galaxy having smaller mass.

����� Galaxies occupy about 1/10 part of the space of the Universe. In the space occupied by galaxies, space is denser than in the rest of space of the Universe, because the mats of space ether are entering into stars of galaxies and turn there into particles, increasing the mass of stars. Galaxies in space are condensed to each other, forming galactic congestionsin, which are stretched in the form of threads, forming a galactic web, having an uneven density. Cosmic ether between galactic congestions has small density, as ether from there gradually goes to stars of galactic lines. But, at the formation of space emptiness, the stars, which are there, can move under the influence of the moving ether towards galactic congestions. Space emptiness between galactic congestions is called voyds. In the central part of a voyd there can be one or several galaxies, because there to them come mats equally from all directions of surrounding ether of the voyd.

����� As stars absorb mats of space ether, then the ether density in Universe space decreases over time, and force of gravitation will decrease. In this case stars will not have orbital movement, but will have almost rectilinear movement in different directions, and at collisions they will connect. If ether density in the Universe becomes less than density of ether in surrounding infinite space, then the mats of ether from surrounding space will move to the Universe. Then all stars will approach each other and form a Uniform Body. This Uniform Body will continue the motion in the infinite rarefied ethereal space until then, when collision with another such Uniform Body yet. It will be resulted by the Big Bang and the new Universe is formed. The life of the developing Universe can be shorter than the lifetime of the Uniform Body.




1.      The ether of the early Universe had a bigger density than space ether now, because then all matter was in the form of ether.

2.      Because of frequent collisions of mats of ether with each other, the ether slowly extends in space. Therefore, in different parts of infinite space is different density of ether could be formed.

3.      The areas of ethereal space, in which there was big density of ether, polymats are formed.At formation of big number of polymats, the density of ether is decreasing and formation of polymats stops. The mass of polymats is limited to boundary mass.

4.      At approaching of several polymats of boundary mass the force of impulsation of ether between them is less, than outside and polymats are pushed to each other, forming a dense particle - a proton, at which mass is limited.

5.      The polymats having smaller mass than boundary polymats at collision with a proton form an electry-plasma around the proton. Polymats of small mass form a neutry-swarm around proton. Such protons are called neutrons.

6.      Areas with the increased concentration of polymats are fogs, which become stars when protons and neutrons are formed.

7.      Because of collisions of mats of surrounding ether with protons and neutrons of a star, the average velocity of motion of mats of ether is decreasing. Therefore, mats of space ether at collision with slow mats of ether around the star push them, and therefore there is an exitting of surrounding space ether in the star, due to that there is a gravitation.


����� References


1.      Anatoli Bedritsky �Ether Theory of Construction of Matter of Universe�, Moscow,OOO �Lenand�, 2013, ISBN978-5-9710-0593-3 (in Russian).

2.      Anatoli Bedritsky �Real Theoretical Physics�, Moscow,OOO �Lenand�, 2018, ISBN978-5-9710-3897-9 (in Russian).

3.      Anatoli Bedritsky �New Theoretical Physics�. Published 1994 by A. Bedritsky in Netanya, Israel. Written in English. LC Classifications: QC20. B4 1994. Open Library OL936258M. LC Control Number 95237985