



The Humanity and Jews

Messiah and the Apocalypse



Zionist Shock on Soviet Jews

Destruction of USSR and threat of World War III




Who will counteract the Messiah,

will receive a punishment from the God.

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Israel � 2013 (6030)






Bedritsky Anatoly Borisovich (Mikhaylovich on the father)




ISBN 979-8-9903241-1-4������

� A.B. Bedritsky, 1986-2024

Email: [email protected]



Translated from Russian



The first edition of my book "Messiah" of ISBN 978-5-4438-0580-1 was in Russian in 2013 in the Algorithm publishing house, Moscow.





����� Reproduction and distribution of the book in electronic form without the permission of the author is forbidden. Use of the ideas from the book without reference to this book is forbidden as loan of the ideas without instruction on the primary source, is plagiarism.








1-1.            The primordial Earth

1-2.            The Divine light (They the first)

1-3.            Formation of water and air (They the second)

1-4.            Formation of dry land and growth of plants (Day the third)

1-5.            Creation of the solar system (Day the fourth)

1-6.            Creation of flying and water living beings (Day the fifth).

1-7.            Creation of terrestrial living beings and creation the primeval Humans. (Day the sixth).


2-1. Death of the progressive part of the primeval humans

2-2. Creation of secondary humans from Adam Creation of a woman (Eve) from Adam's rib. Garden Eden

2-3. Hidden immortality of the person

2-4. Development of humanity from Adam. God's sons and giants.

2-5. Flesh, bone and soul

2-6. The person - a being unique.

Section 3. Tertiary Humanity (Humanity from Noah)

3-1. The Flood and the humanity from Noah and its sons

3-2. Renouncing God by Humanity

3-3. Division of humanity from Noah�����������

3-4. Partition of the Eearth����

3-5. Testament of Noah about offspring of Sam, Ham and Yefet

3-6. Semites, hamita and yefetita. Caucasians, Negroids and Mongoloids����


4-1. God's precept about Abraham posterity

4-2. Angels of God and birth from they the Son Divine Isaak

4-3. Great people of Ismail (arabs)

4-5. People of Israel (Jews) � the Divine people

4-6. People of Esav (edomites)

4-6. Multitude of Christian peoples of Israel

4-7. Chronology from Adam


5-1. Moses - the Messiah of the people of Israel

5-2. The Torah (Pentateuch of Moses)

5-3. Conditional Blessing of God about people of Israel to be Elite People

5-4. The tables and precepts of the Torah

5-5. The great Sin of the people of Israel and the bad blessing from God with punishment for the people of Israel

5-6. Transition of the people of Israel through the Red Sea

Section 6. PRECEPTS

6-1. Ten main precepts of God to posterity of Israel

6-2. Ten expiatory precepts of God to the people of Israel for life on the earth of Israel

6-3. The Sabbath

6-4. Thou Shalt Do not kill

6-5. Thou Shalt Do not commit adultery

6-6. The Promised Land by God to Jews

6-6. The people of Israel - a separate people from other peoples


7-1. The first attempt of Atonement

7-2. The second attempt of Atonement

7-3. The third attempt of Atonement

7-4. Mercy of the God to the people of Israel - Kingdom of priests and a Saint people

7-5. Bilaam's vision

7-6. About God



1-1. Moses and Jesus Christ - the first and second Messiah

1-2. Jews and Jesus Christ

1-3. The Son Human � the third Messiah

1-4. The bird of the Son Human, who is a Lamb

1-4. Overthrow of the Dragon and threat of life to the Son of Human

1-5. Ascension of the Son of Human on the sky to God and his Saints


2-1. The first Beast

2-2. The second Beast

2-3. Babylon loose woman

2-4. Falling of the loose woman Babylon

2-5. Falling of an animal

2-6. Removal of seven seals from the God's book

2-7. Seven pipes and seven bowls of God's anger

2-8. Imprisonment of the Dragon and thousand-year Kingdom of God

2-9. Release and torture of the Dragon.Gog and Magog's defeat. Avoiding the Earth from the Sun.

2-10. God's court and updating of Earth


3-1.����� China, America, Europe

3-2.����� Not that Zion

3-3.����� Yes, there will be Light


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The main controversial issue in the cognition of the truth of the existence of the ambient material world is the issue of the existence of God. If God exists, then the creation of life on the Earth by God described in the book Torah must have a scientific confirmation, since the changing of matter at creations by God could occur only in accordance with the laws of nature, which God is not able to change. Matter has always existed, i.e., infinitely long in the past, while God has developed from matter during a period of time, may be even according to Darwin's theory. God is the most developed living being in the Universe. The main difference of God from the person is that God lives forever in the Universe and can improve the physical condition of life. God (Elohim), in the original is multiple gods, but this plurality is uniform. So, Angels is a part of God.

����� God created the person on similarity to himself as the living being. God created the person independent of God, having given to the person the chance to gain knowledge at the life. Therefore, the person can have knowledge, which God does not have. Therefore, not only the person can not understand in many respects God, but also God can not understand the person anymore and moved away from him. Especially it concerns spiritual morals. The person was afraid of God and brought him sacrifices. Yaakov (Israel), unlike Abraham and Isaak was more developed, he wanted to be exempted from the power of God. So, when he fought against the God's angel, and Yaakov achieved it, the God's angel said, "release me". But God kept the power over mankind. Because of not understanding by God of human sufferings, God allowed the Holocost of the European Jewry for the sake of creation of the State of Israel.

��� The original of the book Torah was written in an ancient language, Hebrew, which had no vowels. The Massoretic putting of vowel signs made in the seventh century could not be absolutely correct, since by that time Hebrew had ceased to be a continuous living language. Some words and idioms of text of the Book had lost their initial meaning and acquired a new meaning in the canonical text of the Book, as well as in modern Hebrew. Due to the fact that the same word may mean different things in modern Hebrew and in ancient Hebrew, the Book of Moses should better be interpreted not in Hebrew, but in other languages. The text of the Book quoted in the present revelation is in some instances translated anew, or, contains new interpretations of the King James Bible, which disclose the real meaning of the text.

����� The book Messiah is a logical study of the Book Torah with accounting for the development of humankind up to the present. Since this revelation has been written under the influence of God, the revelation also contains the results of research, which contradict the initial conviction of the author.



Part I:






1.1 Primordial Earth

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The earth was chaotic and empty, and the darkness was over the chaos and the spirit of God descended over the liquid (Gen. 1:1,2). The Earth was chaotic due to the fact that its surface layer was a boiling liquid consisting of a mixture of water and air. The Earth was empty because there were neither plants nor living beings on it. The darkness over the Earth was due to that the Earth was situated far from any star, the Sun including, since the Earth then was not a satellite of the Sun, but it was a free planet floating over the Universe.

����� The God's spirit, falling on the Earth, represents the space ether, which enter into the Earth. With this ether God breathes, in the course of breath the mats of ether can be transformed in polymats and elementary particles, which are acting on the matter of the Earth. (See Anatoly Bedritsky, Global Theoretical physics on basis of ether).

1.2��� Divine Light. (The First Day)

And God said, let there be light: and there was light (Gen. 1:3). These words of God do not at all mean that light appeared as the result of God's pronouncing these words. In order to execute these words on the appearance of light on the Earth, God made the Earth to approach a star, which became a strong source of light for the Earth. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

The words: the light was good mean that the in�tensity of the emitted radiation called light turned out to be good for transformation of the Earth according to God's design. The light which God used to transform the Earth may be called the Divine Light, since God was able to change its intensity by moving the Earth closer or far�ther to the light source. The words divided the light from the darkness mean that the Earth rotated moving by the action of the Spirit of God; due to this, the Divine Light fell periodically on different sides of the Earth.

And God called the light [on the Earth] Day, and the darkness He called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day (Gen. 1:5). The word evening means the cessation of light, and the word morn�ing means the appearance of light in a given place on the Earth. The Divine Light differed from the sun light by that it included stronger emissions, like γ-rays and proton-neutron rays which were necessary for transforming the Earth. The duration of the day of the Divine Light might differ from that of the solar day.

1.3��� Formation of Water and Air. (The Sec�ond Day)

And God said, let there be a rarefaction within the liquid and let the liquid divide from the liquid. And God made the rarefaction and divided the liquid which was under the rarefaction from the liquid above the rarefac�tion: and it was so. And God called the rarefaction the heaven. And the Vivifying the Earth evening and the morning were the second day (Gen. 1:6-8). As is seen, under the action of ether of God's Spirit there was a decomposition of the primeval liquid which covered the entire earth-crust occurred; as a result, the liquid partially transformed into a rarefaction formed of gases which came outside and began to be air, and the remainder of the liquid became water. This water formed a continuous ocean which covered the entire earth-crust, while part of this water was vapor in the form of clouds.

The water on the Earth is called the liquid under the rarefaction, while the clouds are called the liquid above the rarefaction. The rarefaction it is the atmosphere (air). God called the rarefaction - heavenly arch (sky). The rarefaction of the liquid in order to divide air from water was not called a creation, since God earlier made such rarefactions in other worlds of the Universe.

1.4 Formation of Dry Land and Growth of Plants. (The Third Day)

And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good (Gen. 1:9-10). These words imply that the earth-crust underwater, under the action of the Divine Light of the third day was deformed so that part of the earth-crust appeared above the water and formed a continent (dry land). The water from the surface of the continent poured together to the lowered part of the earth-crust and formed the single ocean of water surrounding the single continent. The part of water that did not pour from the continent but stayed in depressions formed lakes.

And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, and herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the third day (Gen. 1:11-15). As is seen, in the third day of God's work over the Earth no act of creation occurred, since in the Book of Moses it is not written that God created the plants, but that the earth brought forth plants. Since the plants were not created during God's work over the Earth, they were created by Him earlier in another world and transported to the Earth in the form of seeds, where, under the action of the Divine Light they rapidly sprouted and matured.

1.5 Creation of the Solar System. (The Fourth Day)

And God said, let there be lights in the rarefaction of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the rarefaction of the heaven to give light upon the earth; and it was so (Gen. 1:14,15). And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night, and the planets. And God set them in the rarefaction of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to distinguish between the light and the darkness: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day (Gen. 1:16-19).

It is seen from the words of God that the Solar System consisting of a greater light (the Sun) and the lesser light (the Moon), as well as other planets was not created but made by God. The Solar System could have been made by God's at moving the Earth and other planets towards the Sun by gravitation by God`s Spirit. Since God did not create the Solar System, earlier he made similar work with other gravibodies in other places of the Universe. God made the Solar System such, that the Earth began to receive the solar light, which cannot change the condition of the Earth, created by God.

1.6 Creation of Water and Flying Living Beings.(The Fifth Day)

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the rarefaction of heaven. And God created great fishes, and every living creature that moveth which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day (Gen. 1:20-23).

The cited words of God show that He created and not made the water and flying creatures. These are the first creature by God on the Earth. An act of creation is work, as a result of which a principally new creature appears, or an act of creation is an act of cognition of a new form of the being of matter.

God performed the transformation of matter in order to create and make living creatures by making use of the Divine Light and God`s Spirit. Further they developed according to their genetic structure (instinctive knowledge). Food for living beings was available, which started to grow from the earth on the third day.

1.7Creation of Earth Living Beings and Primeval Humans.(The Sixth Days)


During the sixth day God continued his work of creating new living beings in the earth. And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle and invertebrate, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every invertebrate after his kind: and God saw that it was good (Gen. 1:24, 25). As is seen, unlike the water and flying creatures, God made the creatures of the earth, He did not create them. But the terrestrial creatures were made by God on the earth, not transplanted from another planet were He created life earlier, like it was with the plants, because living beings and even their zygotes cannot suspend their development, in contrast to the seeds of plants.

God's sixth working day was crowned by the creation of Adam: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them (Gen. 1:27). As is seen, the creation of Adam was the creation of man and woman who were the initial human couple, from which mankind was formed. Therefore, not only the first man is designated by the word "Adam," but entire humankind. In contrast to other terrestrial living beings, Adam was not made, but created as all the water and flying creatures.

After the creation of the first human couple, God concluded the First Covenant with the human couple created and their progeny: And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and every living thing that moveth upon the earth (Gen. 1:28). As food, all living beings, including humans, used vegetables only: And God said, Behold, I have given you [humankind] every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the Earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the Earth and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the Earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat; and it was so (Gen. 1:29-30).

And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day (Gen. 1:31). As we see, it was only the creation of man that God appraised as "very good," while other His creations he considered simply as "good."




2.1 Destruction of Primeval Humanity (Pre-Humanity)

During a life of mankind on the Earth, when there was a uniform ocean and the ground has not been divided into continents, change of the climate was pernicious for a significant part of mankind, due to that there was an extinction of alive essences, and including people. So according to a Torah 6000 years ago on the Earth there was a global warming at which there were no rains, and that has worsened conditions of a life for mankind.

The disappearance of the majority of primary mankind because of change of the climate on the Earth follows from the text: "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Eternal made the earth and the heavens. There was no bush of the field, and no herb of the field could grow: for the Eternal had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was no Adam to till the ground (Gen. 2:4,5). After of the ending of excessive warming of the earth, when again there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground (Gen. 2:6), the people, engaged agriculture any more were not. Therefore, the God has been compelled to recreate the mankind, using ashes of one of Adam's his representatives. The word "adama" is translated from Hebrew as "earth".

A proof that up to Adam the primeval humanity existed, that fact testifies, that in Book of Moses the Adam's occurrence is twice differently described. For the first time, it describes the creation of Adam during God's work on vivifying the Earth (see Gen. 1:27, sec. 1-6), and for the second, the Book of Moses describes vivifying Adam who was needed for tilling the land (see Gen.2:7).

If one takes into account that God created the secondary initial hu�man couple in the year 4017 BCE (see Sec. 4.6), then the neoanthropes who lived earlier, paleoanthropes who preceded neoanthropes, and archanthropes who preceded paleoanthropes compose the primeval humanity. Accord�ing to scientific data, neoanthropes originated from paleoanthropes about 60,000-70,000 years ago. For creation of initial person of secondary mankind the God used the died person (Adam) who was the representative of a progressive part of the first mankind, engaged by agriculture. But the people of the first mankind, lived in Africa, were engaged basically in collecting of fruits and progressed a little. If to consider, that the modern mankind have different haplogroups of people, who have occured from different ancestors, lived long before Adam, then not all primary mankind has disappeared. (see 4-7).

����� Members of the primeval humanity lived collectively and formed the primitive human herd. As to secondary humanity, it started to live in families created by marrying couples: shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh (Gen. 2:24). Males of the primeval humanity were less responsible for common women and children, than males of the secondary humanity, in which each man protected his family.Therefore, during glacial epochs, when food became scarce, first to perish were women and children, while males survived, being stronger in the fight for victuals.

The remained lonely men for satisfaction of the sexual needs have started to copulate with living beings other kind. Probably, that as a result of copulation with anthropoids (lemurs) there have occured thea chimpanzee and orangutans, at which DNA only 1-2 % differ from human. Such origin of a chimpanzee and orangutans probably if to consider that remains of a chimpanzee and orangutans of earlier period of time are not found.

2.2 Creation of Secondary Humanity from Adam

The appearance of the secondary humanity is described in the following way: the Eternal formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the Eternal planted a garden [taken] from Kedem; and there He put the man whom He had saved (Gen. 2:7,8).

As is seen from the present text, unlike that in Gen. 1:27 (see Sec. 1.6), God did not create Adam, nor made him anew, but took him out the dust of the ground and vivified him.

The word "dusty" in the original text of the Book of Moses in Hebrew is denoted by the word "apar," which is usually translated as "ashes," but "dust" is more correct. This follows from God's words addressed to the serpent, apar shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. Indeed, serpents do not have legs and they crawl on their bellies, swallowing the dust over the surface of the ground. The same meaning has the word "apar" in the words of God addressed to Adam: thou return to the ground; for out of it wast thou taken from dust art thou taken and unto dust shalt thou return.

In the original text, the word "formed" is denoted by the word "itzar," which in modern Hebrew means "made," but when one takes into account that some of its part mean other concepts, like, for instance, "narrow," "trouble," and "take out," it seems most probable that "itzar" should be translated as "took out."

If we take into account these new meanings of the words "apar" and "itzar," then the description of the second emergence of Adam should be understood in the sense that God took from the surface of the ground the body of Adam covered with dust, but not decomposed, made him artificial ventilation through the nostrils; following this, Adam come to his senses. In this way, God revived Adam who was a neoanthrope, that is the last representative of the perished primary humanity, in order to create a secondary humanity from Adam.

Naturally, Adam alone was not able to re-create a humanity. In order to do so, he needed a woman of his species. It is reflected in God's following words: It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help who will reflect him. And out of the ground the Eternal selected every beast of the field and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them... But for Adam He [God] did not find a help reflecting him [Adam] (Gen. 2:18,19). This text can be understood in only one sense: that God wished to test Adam's genetic fastidiousness, that is to test whether Adam would agree to take as a a pair a genetically alien being, due to the absence of woman. Adam did not choose a being of a different species; and this the evidence that he did not have intercourse with any of them, in contrast to other males belonging to the primeval humanity. It was perhaps because of having sexual intercourse with living beings of different species that other males died before Adam, since they might have acquired mortal diseases because of the intercourse.

In order to genetically improve the development of humankind, God performed an operation on Adam: And the Eternal caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and He (God) took one of his rib links and closed up the flesh instead thereof (Gen. 2:21). As is seen, for pain control during the operation on Adam, God put him to sleep. Subsequently the Eternal restructured the rib link taken from Adam forming a woman (Eve) from it and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she will be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man (husband) (Gen. 2:22, 23). It should be noted that in the original Hebrew text man and woman of the primeval humanity are called differently, "zakhar" and "nekevah," while man and woman of the secondary humanity are denoted by the same word: "ish" and "ishah." That woman originated from the bone and flesh of the genetically perfected Adam was instrumental for the genetical stability of the subsequent humanity, in which men and women conceive only in the case of intercourse between themselves, while in the primeval humanity, the offspring also might have originated from having intercourse with beings belonging to other species.

2.3 Homo Sapiens

Since the primeval humanity ceased to exist with the worsening of life conditions on the earth, God performed an operation on Adam in order to improve his consciousness. God's intent was to improve mental faculties of the person to the knowledge of good and evil, that would help the secondary humanity to secure its existence under changing life conditions on the earth.

���� To test the action of the instinct of knowledge of good and evil, God placed Adam and Eve into the Garden of eden (Gen. 2:8; see Sec. 2.2). In the Garden of Eden, God said to Adam: Of every tree in the garden, thou mayest freely eat:But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou may die (Gen. 2:16, 17). But according to Adam's wife words said to the serpent, of the fruit of the tree, which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die (Gen. 3:4). And the serpent corrected Adam's wife, saying: no, you may die (Gen. 3:4). Following this, the serpent disclosed the purpose of the deadly tree: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil (Gen. 3:5). And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant for the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat (Gen. 3:6). As is seen, the trespassing of the prohibition to eat the fruits of the tree in the midst of the Garden of Eden was a test of Adam's and his wife's ability to breach the prohibition and by this to perform the act of knowing of good and evil.

After Adam and his wife had eaten fruits from the prohibited tree, God said: Behold, Adam is become as one of us, to know good and evil (Gen. 3:22). From these words of the God follows, that the person began to have a new ability for knowledge of good and evil as at the God, which the primeval humanity lacked. Ability of knowledge of good and evil represents thinking. The instinctive knowledge is more effect than conscious knowledge, but, in addition to the instinctive knowledge, the conscious knowledge make it possible for man to struggle with unfavorable conditions of his life, сhanging the surrounding conditions.

����� The instinctive knowledge is the genetic memory, which is hereditar�ily transferred, while the conscious knowledge, earned by an individual, or taken from other sources, are fixed in the conscious memory of an individual, and are not hereditarily transferred. The genetic memory is far stronger than the conscious memory; due to this, one's descendants manifest only the instinctive knowledge. But in the case of one's soul overstretching, the conscious knowledge may become strongly fixed, and then be partially manifested in the conscious memory of this person's descendant.

����� Prior to the acquiring by Adam and Eve of a sufficient capacity to know good from evil, they were unable to support themselves and were vulnerable to other living beings. Therefore, God placed the newly cre�ated couple into the garden of Eden, where he cared for them until they developed a sufficient capacity for telling good from evil. As soon as God became convinced of their acquiring a sufficient capacity for know�ing good from evil, which was necessary for their survival, He sent him and his wife forth from the garden of Eden (Gen. 3:23). After Adam and his wife acquired the capacity to know good from evil, Adam called his wife Eve (Havah in Hebrew), because she was the mother of all living (Gen. 3:20). After this Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain (Gen. 4:1), while before acquiring the capacity to know good from evil, Adam did not use his wife as was proper.

2.4 Hidden Immortality of Man

Adam's wife quoted God's words: But of the fruit of the tree, which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die (Gen. 3:4). But in the midst of the garden of eden there was not only the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but also the tree of eternal life, as is seen from the text: And out of the ground made the Eternal to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:9).

After Adam an his wife had eaten fruits of the tree of knowledge good from evil, God said: Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever (Gen.�� 3:22).�� Since man was created in the image of God, his genetics contains not only the genes of knowledge good from evil, but also the genes of eternal life. But God activated in man only the genes of knowledge good from evil, and He did not activate the genes of eternal life, lest man would not live eternally, like God. In order to do this, The Eternal sent him (Adam) forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So He drove out the man; and He placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life (Gen. 3:23, 24).

Due to the fact that Adam and his wife had eaten fruits from the tree of knowledge good from evil, man became similar to God in knowing good from evil, but because of God's preventing Adam to eat fruits of the tree of eternal life, man did not became immortal like God. Therefore, a man cannot continuously know good from evil, but only during the time of his lifespan. Although a man may use the experience accumulate by previous generations, discrete acts of knowledge by mankind cannot be compared to the harmonious process of knowing the Universe by God.

As is seen from the above text, God drove Adam and his wife out of the garden of Eden, but He did not destroy the garden, and even took the garden under guard, in order to prevent man from approaching it and eating fruits from the tree of life. Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way may constitute a natural obstacle. If man succeeds in finding the garden of Eden and penetrating it, then having eaten some fruit from the tree of life, man may become immortal and the modern humanity may transform into God-like humanity.

From the above text (Gen. 3:24) it follows that the garden of Eden was in a location open only from the east, since sea was seen from the west. It should be noted that the position of the garden of Eden is given for the time when the earth was not yet divided into single continents (see Sec. 3.6). And when we take into account that the garden of Eden is inaccessible, it is most probable that the land where the garden of Eden is located drifted and is now on the bottom of ocean, in the Bermuda triangle, where often some mysterious disasters happen.

It is the most probable, that the flaming sword represents the ether beams proceeding from within of the Earth where the ether pressure breaking is formed. The ether consists of initial particles of matter of which elementary particles consist also. If to consider, that an ether around of the Earth, directed to the Earth, forms a gravitational field, then the ether beams directed from the Earth outside represent the antigravitation, capable to overturn the ships and planes. Thus the flaming sword is antigravitational ether beams.


2.5 The Sons Divine and Deterioration of the Moral of the Secondary Humanity

During stay in garden Eden Adam and Eve did not have children. Only after Adam and Eve's exile from garden Eden. Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain... And she again bares his brother Abel (Gen. 4:1, 2). When Adam had lived 130 years, he begot a son in his likeness after his image, and he named him Seth. After the birth of Seth, Adam lived 800 years and begot sons and daughters. (Gen. 5:3,4). When men began to increase on earth and daughters were born to them, the divine beings saw how beautiful the daughters of men were and took wives from among those that pleased them. (Gen. 6:1,2).

The sons Divine (sons of God) were not those literally, and they are named so because they were Adam's descendants which were similarity of the God. Cain though was the first-born at Adam and Eve, and he was a son Divine, but he did not become the basic continuer of sons of God as he has killed brother Avel. Instead of him, Seth the third son of Adam, has continued a family tree of sons Divine of ten person from Adam up to Noah in such sequence: Instead of him, Seth the third son of Adam, has continued a family tree of sons Divine of ten person from Adam up to Noah in such sequence: " Adam (930), Seth (192), Enosh (905), Kenan (910), Mahalalel (895), Jared (962), Enoch (365), Methuselah (969), Lamech (777) and Noah (950) ". (Gen.5:1-31) where in brackets life expectancy of everyone them them is specified.

Apparently, not all Adam's descendants were Divine sons. Up to the flood the ten generations of descendants from Adam up to Noah were the Divine sons. "Noah was a righteous man; he was blameless in his age; Noah walked with God; Noah begot three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth." (Б.6:10). But after the flood from three sons of Noah only Shem has continued a sort of Divine sons up to Abraham. About last son Divine Abraham the sons of Heth have told: "you are the elect of God among us". (Gen.23:6). And about the sons of Ham it is told: " Cursed be Canaan; the lowest of slaves shall he be to his brothers." (Gen.9:25).

The sons Divine after Noah up to Abraham, as well as from Adam up to Noah, consists of ten generations. It Shem (600), Arpachshad (438), Shelah (433), Eber (464), Peleg (239), Reu (239), Serug (230), Nahor (148), Terah (205), Abraham (175). (Б.11:10-32). Apparently, the sons Divine from Adam up to Noah had life expectancy till 1000, and from Noah up to Abraham till 600 years.

In the Torah the descendants of Cain from 10 person also is specified: Cain, Enoch, Irad, Mehujael, Methusael, Lamech, brothers Jabal and Jubal, Tubal-cain and his sister Naamah." (Б.4:17-22). But duration of their life is not specified. Descendants of Cain are not sons Divine as Cain has killed his brother Abel, then the God has damned Cain, having told: Therefore, you shall be more cursedthan the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother`s blood from your hand. If you till the soil, it shall no longer yield its strengh to you. You shall become a ceaseless wanderer on earth.". (Gen.4:11,12.). "Cain left the presence of God and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden." (Gen.4:12). In the east from Eden there is India, from which have left to wander the gipsy.

In the Torah also are specified the descendants of Japheth and Ham, but duration of their life there is not given. The descendants of Japheth: Gomer, Magog, Madaj, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, Tiras. The descendants of Gomer: Ashkenas, Riphath and Togarma. The descendants of Javan: Elishah, Tarshis, Kittim and Dodanim. (Gen. 10:2-4).

The descendants of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan. The descendants of Cush: Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah and Sabteca. The descendants of Raamah: Sheba and Dedan. Cush also begot Nimrod, who was the first manof might on earth... His kingdom was Babylon, Erech and Accad. From that land Asshur went forth and boilt Nineveh, Rehovot-ir. And Mizraim begot the Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim, Naphtuhim, Pathrusim, Casluhim and Caphtorim, Whence Philistines came forth. Canaan begot Sidon, Heth, Jebusites, Amorites, Girgashites, Hivites, Arkites, Sinites, Arvadites, Zemarites, Hamathites. (Gen. 10:7-18).

God's words: My spirit shall not always strive with man (Gen. 6:3) mean that earlier God's Spirit was in connection with every man, and it checked and if necessary directed men's actions; due to this these men had longevity. The subsequent word of God, his days shall be an hundred and twenty years (Gen. 6:3) mean that God ceased to support with His spirit every man, so that men's lifespan shortened to one hundred twenty years.

"Great were on the earth in those days also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to them who always became men of renown". (Gen. 6:4). But after the God has ceased to support by his Spirit the life of descendants of sons Divine, "that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts in his heart was only evil all the day" (Gen. 6:5). Apparently, the people of secondary mankind used the raised abilities of knowledge to make to themselves gud, harming other people. They though were cleverer than people of primary mankind, but the moral was not better than at primary mankind.

2.6 The Flood and Birth of Ter�tiary Humanity from Noah����������������

And it repented the Eternal that He had made man on the earth, at it grieved Him at His heart. And the Eternal said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Eternal (Gen. 6:6-8). Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God (Gen. 6:9), since Noah was the tenth son of God from Adam's direct descendants.

In order to destroy the corrupt secondary humanity, God brought a flood on the earth, which occurred in the year 1649 after the creation of Adam and Eve. Only Noah was warned by God about the flood to be happen: And behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life (soul), from under the heaven; and everything that is in the earth shall die. But with thee will I establish my Covenant (Agreement); and though shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee. And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female (Gen. 6:17-19). And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two all flesh, wherein is the breath of life (Gen. 7:15). Since only the imperfection of humanity was the reason for the Flood, God did not make a selection between all other living beings a told Noah to take a couple from every species of living beings.

So, all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing creepeth upon the earth, and every man; all in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in perishing, died (Gen. 7:21, 22). But, it is the most probable, that the flood was in the Europe, and behind of mountains in Asia there have remained to live the secondary mankind. After the flood from Noah with the wife and their three sons with wives have occured a tertiary mankind.

After the Flood had ceased, Noah made a sacrifice to God. Hav�ing accepted the sacrifice, God blessed Noah and his sons to originate a new tertiary humanity: be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth (Gen. 9:1). And unlike it was with the primary and secondary humani�ties, God permitted them to eat not only vegetarian food, but also other living beings, every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat. Especially for your (human) blood, will I make you answerable for it (Gen. 9: 3-5).

After the Flood God spake unto Noah and to his sons with him, saying, and I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you; and with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth... never shall all flesh be cut any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. And God said: This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for token of a covenant between me and the earth (Gen. 9:8-13).

2.7 Flesh, Bones, and Soul

Instead of the word "being" (nefesh), the Book of Moses often uses the word "flesh" (Gen. 6:3, 17 and Gen. 7:21, 22, as discussed in sec. 2.6). Flesh is the meaty tissues of a being without bones. Living beings are called "flesh," since all living beings always consist of flesh, but not nec�essarily of bones. Flesh is the core of a living being. This follows from the following words of God: he (man) also is flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years (Gen. 6:3). And indeed after the cessation of a living being's life, its flesh begins to decompose, while his bones preserve for a long time without essential changes.

The Book of Moses contains a word combination "neshmat chayym" (see Gen. 2:7, sec. 2.2), which usually is translated as "breath of life," but sometimes as the "soul of life." The word "soul" in Hebrew is denoted by the word "neshama," while "breath," "neshima." But in combination with other words (nouns) the word "neshama" and "neshima" acquire the form "neshmat." If the word "neshmat" means only "breath," and not the soul, that is if Adam (the first man of the tertiary humanity) had been revived after God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (Gen. 2:7, sec. 2.2), this means that Adam had been resuscitated after God made him artificial ventilation. And taking into account that the Book of Moses has no words "neshama" and "neshima," the word "neshama (soul)" appeared with no substantiation from the word "neshmat."

The word "soul" most probably corresponds to the word "spirit," which is denoted in Hebrew as "ruah." This follows from the text: And all flesh died... All in whose nostrils was the breath of life (neshmat ruah chayym) (Gen. 7:21, 22).

The word combination "Ruah Elohim" (see Gen. 1:2, sec. 1.1, Gen. 6:3, sec. 2:6; Gen. 41:38, Exod. 35:31) is translated as "the Spirit of God," or "God's actions." It is plausible that the word "soul" is identical to the word "spirit." From God's words: My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years (Gen. 6:3) it follows that previously the soul (spirit) of man was supported by the constant connection with the Divine Spirit. That is the reason why the average span of human life was longer than 120 years. So, for instance, the first ten generations since Adam had the average lifespan of about 900 years. As is seen, previously God was able to influence the soul (spirit) of a man, then after these words of God had been fulfilled.

The soul of a man is born with his flesh. The character of the soul is transmitted genetically by the initial zygote in parts from two individu�als. The soul is rarefied matter which has a certain structure determining the behavior (actions) of man. The structure of the soul is similar to the structure of Angels. Due to this, Angels are sometimes able to enter a man, that is, to be impersonated as a man. In sleep, the soul of an individual somewhat distance from the body, remaining in minimally necessary connection with flesh. When an individual throws a glance at an object, the spontaneous release of part of the soul towards this object occurs. Therefore, the individual may react to the glance of a stranger, even not seeing it. But in some people, the soul is so strong that it may move at a significant distance from the flesh of a man and perceive surrounding information, while maintaining the necessary connection with the remaining soul. Such people have the gift of foreseeing. The soul of some people may influence the souls of other people, and this expresses itself in hypnosis and telepathy. But people possess such abilities in ex�tremely rare cases, and they are unstable. Only God can influence the souls of men to a considerable degree (see Exod. 35:30, 31, Chapt. 5-7).

The human soul may be identified with human consciousness; in this case fainting means the cessation of connection between the soul and flesh of man. When there is no connection between the soul and flesh, man does not feel pain, and that is what happens under general anesthesia. When an individual dies, the soul leaves his/her body and could even visit his/her descendants.

Since the souls of the newborn are weak and do not remember them�selves, the soul of a deceased ancestor can enter a newborn. Only the characteristic part of the soul of the ancestor can enter the newborn; the rest of the ancestor's soul is destroyed. The souls of the dead men enter the newborn of the masculine sex, while the souls of the dead women enter the newborn of the feminine sex. The soul of the deceased husband or wife could call to itself the remained other soul to be together if they had a no sin one before the other. The continuation of the progeny of a deceased person is determined only by successive transitions of his/her soul to the new newborn descendants. The soul of the deceased person itself defines in what newborn he will to enter, that depends on the feeling of the soul to his(its) children, grandson or to other man. Sometimes, the soul of the deceased person considers necessary to defend a alive descendant or a person with his idea. In this case this soul is a Angel-keeper. If this soul has not had time to fall into a correct newborn, that this soul remains a solitary righteous soul.

The souls of the righteous who suffered for the Divine Justice do not enter the newborn but remain waiting for the triumph of the Divine Justice on the earth. The Jewish religious trend of pharisees did not correctly understand the prophets' writing on the future resurrection of the dead bodies of the righteous individuals and developed a theory on the future resurrection of the dead bodies of the righteous and on the life in the world beyond. but saddukees, the representatives of the traditional Judaism were correct in their rejecting that theory. But with the fall of Judea, saddukees disappeared, and the pharisean trend became orthodox Judaism, from which this theory was adopted by Christians.

����� Souls of dead people are telepathic among themselves. The soul of the dead person can warn somehow the close alive person about danger of death threatening to him and can also to call the close person to itself if it is bad for him to remain one. But the souls of dead people exist separately while they do not have passed to newborns.

����� Not only a live man has the soul, but other living beings too. Some flying living beings, as well as those who inhabit water their souls may interact, transmitting and receiving necessary information at a distance. Of all living beings of the earth, man has the most highly organized soul, due to this, man has a greater ability to cognition.




3.1 Renouncing God

When blessing Noah and his offspring, God said them, be ye fruitful and multiply, bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein (Gen. 9:7). But when the descendants of Noah (Semites, Hamites and Japhethes) came to Mesopotamia said they one to another: Go, let us build up a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth (Gen. 11:4). The leader of the rebellion became Nimrod, Ham's grandson: Cush (Black) begat Nimrod: he began to be a rebel in the earth; he was a leading rebel against God (Gen. 10:8,9). The Semites and Japhethes have given in to Nimrod and his Hamite relatives. But not having wished to spread all over the world, the descendants of Noah did disobey God. Having renounced the real God, these descendants begun to create an artificial deity in the form of the Babel tower, which in this case could be nothing but an idol. As is seen, the descendants of Ham and Shem did not wish to develop along the way predestined by God, since spreading over the earth required much work, which man perceived as evil.

The descendant of Noah was able to rebel against God, since the people is one and they have one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined doing (Gen. 11:6). It is clear that God could not allow further progress of mankind from Noah leadership along the path not previewed by God.


3.2 Three Human Races


At Noah was three sons Sem, Ham and Japhet, from whom became Semites, Hamites and Japhetes, who differ by their place of habitation, language and kin. The sons of Japheth: Gomer, Magog, Maday, Javan, Tubal, Meshech and Tiras... From these (the sons of Japheth) go out separate peoples by their lands- each with its language - their clans and their nations. The sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan... These are the sons of Ham according, to their clans and languages, by their lands and nations... The sons of Shem: Elam, Asshur, Arpachshad, Lud and Aram... These are the sons of Shem, according to their clans and languages, by their lands, according to their nations (Gen. 10:2-31). (In more detail the family tree of Semites, Hamites and Japhethes is in sec. 2-5).

After the flood all tertiary mankind from Noah (the Semites, Hamites and Japhethes) lived together on the Iranian plateau near mountain Ararat in the earth Kedem (East). It follows from the text: "And as they (the sons Ham and Shem) migrated from Kedem, they came upon a valley in the land of Shinar and settled there... They said: come let us build us a city (Babylon) and a tower with its top in the sky... The Eternal scattered them from there over the face of the whole earth" (Gen. 11:2,4,8). Thus, the Semites Hamites and Japhethes having multiplied after the flood, have gone down from the Iranian plateau to Entre Rios of earth Eden, where they have started to build the Babel tower, then they at will of the God have started to extend on the all earth.

The Japhethes have extended on the northeast to the earth Kedem, where they have mixed up with a part of secondary mankind. The Japhethes are the Turkic people of the central and northern Asia Kazakhs, татары, Buryats, eskimos, etc.). The majority of secondary mankind of Asia has not mixed up with the Japhethes and represent еру Mongoloid race (Japaneses, Chineses, Koreanes, Vietnames).

Chamites have extended on a southwest of Asia and northwest to Africa, where they have mixed up with a part of black secondary mankind, having formed Chamitic peoples (Hindus, Pakistan, Persians, Egyptians, berbers, etc.). But the Negros of the central and southern Africa have not mixed up with the Chamites and represent the Negroide race.

���� Part of Semites have extended on the north to the East Europe, which has not been populated because of a cold climate. These Semites now represent beautiful and noble Slavs. And the part of Semites has extended to the Mediterranean of Europe, where have mixed up with a part of the secondary mankind lived there. People of the western Europe differ from Slavs of the East Europe a little and consequently they together represent white European race. Apparently at the flood the part of white secondary mankind was lost, and the God has saved Noah as he was a straight descendant Adam of the ancestor of secondary mankind. Thus, Slavs are not only pure Semites, but also Adam's a straight descendant.

3.3 Division of Humanity

In the beginning, the descendant of Shem, Ham and Japhet was united and lived in Babylon. While the tertiary humanity was united, it spoke one lan�guage. The initial unique language of the tertiary humanity could be only the language spoken by Noah, who, in turn, inherited this language from the secondary humanity.

In order that the united humanity would not fall under rule of one po�tentate who might turn out to be an immoral man, God decided to split humanity. Do this, God decided to divide humanity so that there would be contradictions between separate tribes. In Babylon different tribes begun to speak different dialects, which later became different languages. When a man did understand one another's speech, different tribes started to leave Babylon, where the united humanity was con�centrated. So the Lord scattered them (humanity) abroad from thence (Babylon) upon the face of all the earth (Gen. 11:8). And it was mostly the descendants of Shem and Japheth who left the city, while Ham's de�scendants headed by Nimrod became the masters of Babylon. And the beginning of his (Nimrod's) kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneb, in the land of Shinar (Gen. 10:10). In order to divide hu�manity, God had also divided the earth, which was united prior to Peleg's time (see Ch. 5).

Since the division of humanity is pre-ordained by God, humanity will never become united and shed its contradictions. And during the entire human history no stronger people ruled the entire earth, since, if necessary, God influences single individuals so that the course of human history changes in a direction previewed by God.

After humanity started speak different languages, the initial language must had been left as the language of liturgy in God's Temple situated in the city of Ur, where the Shumers, the descendants of Arphaxad, lived (see Sec. 4.1). Since Abraham, the ancestor of the Jews, was a native of Ur, and he was a pious man, Abraham must be an offspring of the Temple's priests; therefore he spoke not the Shumerian, but Hebrew which evidently was the liturgical language. In that case, Hebrew was the initial language of humanity. And since Abraham is the ancestor of the People of Israel, he made Hebrew the spoken language of that people.

3.4 Partition of the Earth

During life of the secondary mankind and at the beginning of the life of the tertiary mankind, the dry land constituted a single continent surrounded by the ocean. Only in Peleg's time the whole continent was divided into separate continents by oceans and seas. It is seen from the following text: And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided (Gen. 10:25). Below I quote the description of the location of the garden of Eden in the time when the earth was a whole continent. �And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison; that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold... And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Cush. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assur. And the fourth river is Prathes� (Gen. 2:10-15).

The partition of the united mainland asunder could occur at break of the hard mineralmetal charge, which is a base of the united terrestrial cortex. This charge overhand gradually become a stone land, but adown gradually she become a hot fluid plasma. In the centre of the planet in plasma there is supermats, which presenting itself absolutely dense matter. (Refer to Anatoli Bedritsky "New theoretical physics").

The Break of the charge of the terrestrial cortex with separation of the united mainland could occur at blow a enough big supermat on the charge in point in central part of the united mainland. Most likely that very big supermat (the UFO) has arrive from cosmos and has overpunched the terrestrial cortex. Less probably that one of the supermats, residing in the centre of the Earth, could move with top speed through plasma and having big momentum has overpunched the terrestrial cortex and has flew outward in cosmos. After blow of the supermat the separated charges moved on the plasma in the different sides while between the charges has not frozen and harden the plasma, having connected the charges. But the eminences of the terrestrial cortex already remained separated with the water of the ocean. The Earth could get the new direction of the rotation.

�� The most telling is the dividing line between the western coast of the African continent and the eastern coast of the South-American con�tinent. If one mentally makes them touch, one can see that their outlines almost coincide. After the partition of the earth, the level of ground in the proximity of the site of partition became lower; due to this, the rivers that crossed the division line might continue their flow only in the upper current, while the riverbeds down were left without water, or water flew there from other rivers. For instance, when the western coast of Africa touches the eastern coast of South America, the power parts of the rivers Parana and Orange, San-Francisco and Congo, and the Amazon and the Niger coincide.

As is seen the Parana River in South America and the Orange river in South Africa appeared after the partition of the earth in place of the Gihon river. In South Africa there are still large resources of gold and precious stones. The Nile was a continuation of the Orange river, which was the lower part of the Pison river. Presently the riverbed of the Gihon is occupied by the lower Amazon in South America and the Niger in central Africa where until present live peoples of Cush (Negroes). The lower part of the Gihon river flowed through the Sahara (now there is a dried out riverbed there) and ended close to the Pison river (now the Nile).

The former Hiddekel river is now represented by the Mississippi, which earlier continued its flow between the southern and northern coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. Apparently the lower reaches of the Hiddekel transformed into that sea after the partition of the earth. This claim is supported by the fact that the Assur land (Assyria) lies to the east of the Mediterranean.

The lower reaches of the Prathes river ran in the reverse direction of that of the modern Euphrates; its upper reaches were the Indus River and the Murray river (in Australia). Evidently, Australia turned at 180� upon the partition of the earth.

Division of the terrestrial cortex could occur, if big cosmic body (the asteroid or small planet) had a collision with the Earth and has broken the terrestrial cortex up to magma. So far as the cosmic body moved with angle about the surfaces of the Earth, that this cosmic body has repulsed on direction of its motion one part terrestrial cortex from the other part of the terrestrial cortex. Because of the collision the Earth has got a new axis and direction of the rotation. If take into account that Earth at present has a rotation with west on orient, that approxi�mately cosmic body moved in this direction before entry in the Earth. In place of the breakup and divergences of the terrestrial cortex was opened magma, which was flooded by water and became hard. The collision of the united terrestrial cortex caused America, Australia and the islands to break away. The mainlands and islands when moving could turn around. Consequently, the land Eden consisted of the west Asia, Europe, Africa, America and Australia. The land Kedem presented the remained part of terrestrial cortex i.e. central and east Asia. The border between Eden and Kedem are the mountains of Caucasus and Himalayas. During the catastrophe, mankind particularly did not damage, because the mankind after flood lived not on all places of the Earth, but only on the table�land near mont Ararat, which was protected on west by strong mountain array.

So far as the divergence of the united terrestrial cortex has occured during life of Peleg before birth of Reu, therefore the catastrophe of the collision of the Earth with cosmic body has occured during between 2220 BCE and 2190 BCE (refer to Sec.3-6).


3.5 Noah's Testament about Hamites, Semites and Japhetes

And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father (Noah), and told his two brethren without. And Shem and Japheth took a gar�ment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father nakedness (Gen. 9:22, 23).

By having seen the nakedness of his father, Ham did not cover him, and told his two brothers about it, Ham showed his disrespect toward his father. But before of it Canaan made something especially nasty to the sleeping Noah: And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him (Gen. 9:24). What precisely did Canaan do is not written. But Canaan's deed was apparently so impertinent, that Noah cursed him: Cursed is Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. The blessed Eternal said of Shem: shall be Canaan his (of Shem) servant. Shall enlarge God to Japheth and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his (of Japheth) servant. (Gen. 9:25-27). These words of Noah and the God constitute a testament to offspring of Shem, Japhet and Ham.

���� As is seen, Noah's testament is a blessing of the Semites and Japhetes, and a curse of the Hamites. Both blessing and cursing transmitted hered�itarily is due to the fact that the mentality of a people is genetically transmitted. This is seen from the facts that while Ham was disrespect�ful to his father, Canaan made something unmentionable. According to the Leviticus, God said to the people of Israel when the latter stood at the gates of the land of Canaan: For all the abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled (Lev. 18:27). Sodom and Gomorrah populated by Canaanites were even de�stroyed by God for their sins: And the Eternal said, because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous... Then the Eternal rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Eternal out of heaven (Gen. 18:20, 19:24).

��� Because of disobedience of Hamites, the God has made so, that they have extended aside where there lived the remainder people of primary mankind and mixed up with them, due to that color of skin of Hamites from white to dark has changed. The pigmentation of the skin of the person does not depend on a sunlight.

���� But the Semites and Japhetes unlike Hamites at extending on the earth does not meet people of primary mankind or them has killed. So, the God has enjoined to ancient Jews to kill the people Canaan which have been mixed with primary mankind and copulated even with animals. (see sec. 4-7). Also has acted the Europeans to Indians at extending to northern America, and in southern America have remained to live representatives of different people. People of Mexico represents basically ancient Hamites (Indians) who there have remained after division of uniform terrestrial continent. The people of Brazil represents Hamites, namely the descendants of Cush, lived near the river Gishon (Amazon). These Hamites have mixed up with the African Negros who represent descendants of primary mankind.

��� Words of the God "Shall enlarge God to Japheth and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem" were executed that the Japhetes (turkis) have extended on the north on territory of Semites (east Slavs) during invasion to them the tatars-Mongols.

3.6 The Inheritance of Tertiary Humanity from Secondary Humanity

As the life of tertiary humanity began after the flood; therefore, the tertiary humanity could not take advantage of all knowledge which the secondary humanity possessed, but only the knowledge which possessed Noah with its family and the knowledge which the tertiary humanity could see on place of the ruins of a part secondary humanity. Therefore, the tertiary humanity in the beginning had one language, one writing and one faith in the united true God, which knew Noah. Certainly, that the Shumer's culture of tertiary humanity unoriginal from secondary humanity. The Shumer has a God's house, in which they kept books, which much more likely Noah has took with you from secondary humanity. Where live Noah before the flood is unknown, but in six months after beginning of the flood his ark stopped on grief Ararat.

Noah and his descendants after the flood have gone down from moun�tains in districts favorable for a life where they have quickly accustomed and multiplied as people of tertiary humanity. In the beginning they had life expectancy before 1000 years and even more. The tertiary humanity after the flood lived in Mesopotamia, and after construction of a tower of Babylon at will of the God they have begun to spread on the whole land. Japhethes spread on orient of the Asia, Hamites spread in Africa, and Semites in Europe.

In the beginning the people of secondary and tertiary mankind had big life expectancy, why a population on the Earth quickly increase. Improve�ment of a life of peoples on the land was reached by wars. Accorging to the God (refer to 2-6) exactly because of bitterness of the people sec�ondary humanity. He has done the flood and has reduced life expectancy secondary humanity before 120 years instead of 1000 years. About that that folk�s secondary humanity much cruel wars between itself witness the information, stated in book Vlesov, found in Ukraina, and in book Tertery, found on Balkanah. Writing of book Tertery is like writing Shumer, hence Shumer borrowed its writing from one of secondary humanity. From the modern historical data, the impression is created, that the highest ancient culture was at peoples of Entry Rios, and actually their culture was based on achievements of the previous secondary humanity.




4.1 God`s Covenant about Posterity of Abraham


The tertiary humanity that descended from the righteous Noah had a better morality than the secondary humanity, but since the tertiary hu�manity descended from the secondary through Noah, the tertiary hu�manity also suffered from the same imperfection of morality. This is evidenced by the fact that God was forced to destroy the notorious dens of iniquity, Sodom and Gomorrah, of which God said: the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and their sin is very grievous (Gen. 18:20). In order to improve morality of the tertiary humanity, God did not de�stroy this humanity by a flood followed by the creation of a new mankind, since according to the First Covenant, God said: nether shall all flesh be cut anymore by the waters of a flood; neither shall there anymore be a flood to destroy the earth (Gen. 9:11).

Since morality of a human being and society as a whole is formed not only under the influence of the environment (life), but also depending on a person's character (genes), in order to improve morality of the tertiary humanity, God decided to select from the latter a person who had the highest moral standards, which satisfied God, and to create a special people endowed with higher moral values on the basis of this person, and then to mix this people with the rest of humanity, thus improving morality of the whole of humanity.

��� In order to achieve this goal, God chose Abram who was born in 1945 from Adam, or in 2071 BCE. Abram first lived in the Shumerian city of Ur, and later settled in the city of Harran. It is most probable that Abram married when he was forty years old, since Isaac, Esau and Jacob married precisely at the same age. For instance, Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebecca to wife (Gen. 25:20), Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith (Gen. 26:34), and Jacob said unto Laban, give me my wife, for my days (forty years of age) are fulfilled (Gen. 29:21). In the year 2021 from the creation of Adam, Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Harran (Gen. 12:4).

As to Ur, Abram left it shortly before, if he stayed in Harran only for a brief spell. At that time, Ur was conquered by the wild nomadic Hamitic tribes of Amorites who destroyed Shumerian culture and their Temple of God. When the Temple was destroyed, the family of Terah (Abram's father), like other high priests, for instance Melchi Zedek, were forced to leave their country for a less dangerous place, which was then in the land of Canaan. Melchi Zedek, king of Salem was a priest of the most High God (Gen. 14:18). However, in order to bring humanity to perfection, God chose not the priest Melchi Zedek, but the righteous Abram.

In Harran God gave Abram a preliminary blessing: Get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land I will shew thee. And I will make of thee a great nation (goi), and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curses thee: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed (Gen. 12:1-3). When Abram has come to the land Kanaan, the God has blessed Abram: all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever. And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth (Gen. 13:15,16). It is seen from these blessings that a great nation would descend from Abram, which should become the Blessing for all the peoples of the world in order to improve the morality of entire humanity. The same Blessing people is mentioned in the following words by God: Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him (Gen. 18:18).

After the preliminary blessing, God established a Covenant for Abram and his posterity, which is God's Genetic Covenant As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shall be a father of many nations. Neither shall thy name anymore be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee. And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. And I will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God. And God said unto Abraham, Thou shall keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations. This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; every man among you shall be circumcised. And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you... And the uncircumcised man whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken my covenant (Gen. 17:4-11, 14).

As Abraham has not regretted the son for sacrifice to the God, the God has blessed Abraham: That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice (Gen. 22:17,18). The words in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed mean that upon mixing up (assimilating) of the blessed posterity of Israel with different peoples, these peoples will be blessed, that is receive the genes which will improve morality of these peoples and will satisfy God.


4.2 Birth of Son Divine Isaac


��� In the period of the preliminary blessing and of the establishment of the Covenant Abraham had only one son Ishmael, born with the slave woman Hagar, which was given as wife to Abraham his childless wife Sarah. The God has acknowledged Ishmael as a son and a descendant of Abraham. But after the establishing of the Covenant, God said to Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be. And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her (Gen. 17:15, 16). Abraham was already 100 years, and he knew that from him can not be born a son, bat God has said ... Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him (Gen. 17:19). And my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year (Gen. 17:21).

After some time the God has done so that were performed his words to Abraham. The God Eternal visited Abraham in the form of three men (God's Angels). And they said unto him (Abraham), Where is Sarah thy wife? And he said, Behold in the tent. And he (the Eternal) said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him. Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. Therefore, Sarah laughed with herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also? And the Eternal said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old? Is any thing too hard for the Eternal? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son (Gen. 18:9-14). So the Eternal in the form of three men was with Sarah in the tabernacle and He has conceived her a son, since indeed, after a certain period of time she gave birth to Isaac, who could not have been begat by Abraham, as witnessed be the Eternal's words: Will I keep in secret from Sarah, what I will do? (Gen. 18:17). So God blessed Sarah, by making with her Isaac, the son of God, who gave origin to the People of God. For this the God gave for Sarai a new name Sarah.

�� As concerns Isaac, God said to Abraham, ...Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad (Ishmael), and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called (Gen. 21:12). These God's words could be understood in such a sense that despite the fact that Ishmael is the first son originated from the seed of Abraham, and Isaac was engendered by God's Angels God gives Isaac to Abraham as son and appoints him the continuator of the posterity of Abraham. If Isaac was not the son of God he could not win the Angel of God at struggle against him.

Besides Sarah and Hagar, Abraham had also a concubine, Ketura, who bore him Midian, Ishban and Shuah. And Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac. But unto the sons of the concubines, which Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts, and sent them away from Isaac his son, while he yet lived, eastward, unto the east country (Kedem) (Gen. 25:5, 6). Ketura's sons did not inherit the posterity of Abraham, since Abraham had the sexual relations with Ketura without the permission of its wife Sarah. Therefore the God has not blessed sons Ketura.

Having given over to his son Isaac all he had, Abraham thus fulfilled Sarah's demand, ...Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac (Gen. 21:10). So, Abraham has executed the God's words "everything what Sarah commanded, and to heed to her voice."

4.3 Great People of Ishmael

Despite Sarah's giving her servant Hagar in marriage to Abraham, God did not recognize Hagar Abraham's wife, calling her only a slave, let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman (Gen. 21:12). Hagar is also called a slave by God's Angel; Hagar was a bondwoman of Sarah (Gen. 16:8). Ishmael's mother, Hagar, was an "Egyptian" (Gen. 21:9), that is, of Hamite origin. Despite that fact, Ishmael is called a son and descendant of Abraham, and also of the son of a bondwoman will I make a nation because he is thy posterity (Gen. 21:13); his mother took him a wife out of the land of Egypt (Gen. 21:21).

As the God has recognized Ishmael as lawful son Abraham's, therefore to people of Ishmael has bin predetermined to become great people. This follows from God's words: Behold, I have blessed him... twelve princes (rulers) shall he beget, and will make him a great nation (Gen. 17:20), as well as from the words of the Angel of God addressed to Hagar: Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in thine hand; for I will make him a great nation (Gen. 21:18). Only the great people of Ishmael and the people of Israel have a blessing from the God, unlike all other peoples of the Earth.

The people of Ismael became a great people which possesses significant resources of the Earth and has expanded the spiritual doctrine of islam to many peoples. Arabs have started to create the doctrine of islam after Jews have acquainted them with book Moses (Torah), from which the arabs have learned that they are descendants of Ismael of senior son Avraama. The basic book of an islam the Koran contains basically spiritual morals. In the Koran there are data from the Torah and from the Gospel and also are mentioned Jesus Christ, apostles, Abraham, Sarah, Ismael, Agar, Isaak, Jacob and Moses. But these data are sketchy. The islam did not canonize the books of the Old Testament and the New testament, and only used therefrom some data, giving{allowing} them the interpretation. Not using the base books of belief in the uniform God, the islam can be on a false way, carrying out necessarily malicious will of the Dragon. Therefore, the islam should reconsider the canons and canonize the books of the Old and New Testament. Herewith the islam in the Koran can do its comments to Precepts.

��� The name Ishmael means "one who heard God." And indeed, Gabriel (Jebrail) the God's Angel in 610 transmitted the God's commandments through Muham�mad to the people of Ishmael; thus the great Arab people begin their influence on the history of humankind. Before Muhammad was the prophet, he studied the book of Moses and Prophets under influence of the Jews. A part of Jews has appeared in Arabia after Rome have ban�ished the Jews from Judea in 66. Arabs before was a pagan and under influence of Jews some Arabian tribes have accepted judaism. These arabian tribes represent now in Israel the Jews from Yemen. Muham�mad has not passed in judaism, and at help from God became the great Prophet, having written the Koran. In the Koran is a lot of data from book of Moses and New Testament. Jews not acknowledge that their pupil became the new Prophet, therefore Muhammad and its Arabs have started to attack Jews, and the Jews go away from Arabia to Iraq.

���� The Arab people, or the people of Ishmael, had widely multiplied after the Arab conquests and became really great. In the present time, the people of Ishmael is mostly represented in twelve states (Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Arabic emirates, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algiers and Morocco), which symbolize the twelve prince mentioned in Gen. 17:20, and in the text below, These are the sons of Ismael, and these are their names, by their towns, by their castles; twelve princes according to their nations (Gen. 25:16).

��� The future of the people of Ishmael is expressed in the words of the Angel of God, who told to Hagar: Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ismael, because the Eternal had heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren (Gen. 16:11, 12).

�� The words he will be a wild man reflect the fact that the Arab people, which is of Hamite origin, has a culture which differs significantly of cultures of European nations that have created European civilization on the basis of the Old and New Testaments originated by the people of Israel. But that does not mean that the modern European civilization is better than the Islamic civilization, since the family cell, which is the basis of the development of mankind, has remained healthier in the Islamic civilization, despite the permission of polygamy. The European civilization has declined because of the emancipation of society, when the person's freedom of living has become independent of the Divine spiritual laws. This freedom transforms man into an immoral creature who founds himself in a blind alley at the end of his life. The absence of spirituality in the modern European civilization makes it even dangerous for the further existence of humankind. Only a revival of the faith in God and free learning of the holy writ of the Book of Moses may save the European civilization. Maybe the influence of the so-called "wild men" with their "veils" is needed for that.

The words his hand will be against every man reflect the fact that the Arabs own the main sources of oil; due to this they keep in a certain dependence all the nations of the world. But the subsequent words, every man's hand against him mean that in order to have a free access to the main oil sources, all the nations of the world will seize power over the people of Ismael.

The words and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren have been realized in that the great people of Ishmael have spread to entire West Asia and North Africa and lives beside its fraternal peoples that represent the people of Israel and the multitude of European people of Israel.

The Divine predestination of the people of Ishmael consists in aiding the Judeans (Jews) to fulfill the Divine Mission of blessing all the peoples of the world, in order to reach this aim, the people of Ishmael hinders all the Jews in their intention to return from the diaspora and enclose in their State of Israel. This predestination of the people of Ishmael was expressed as early as the second century by Rabbi Shimon bar Iohan (Rashbi) in the Book of Zohar, a Kabbalistic commentary to the Book of Moses:"Sons of Ishmael will own the Holy Land when it becomes void... They will hinder the sons of the people of Israel in returning to their land until their activity is avenged. They will incite great wars... and fight on land, sea and near Jerusalem." According to these words the peoples of Ishmael will wage war against the people of Israel, but the people of Israel and the multitude of peoples of Israel will avenge the people of Ishmael. Hereon the people of Ismael not will more prevent the people of Israel to live on its land and these peoples will live peacefully. Occupation of the USA and their allies of the earth of Ishmael is doomed for a failure.

4.4 People of Israel and People of Esau

After the disintegration of the great Israel into two states, the northern one, Israel, and the southern, Judea, with the Assyrian captivity of ten Israeli tribes, the only independent state remained was that of Judea, which consisted of the posterity of Israel from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. These descendants of Israel were the "people" of Israel, or what remained of the "great people" of Israel which included all the twelve Israeli tribes. The people of Israel existed continuously even staying in the diaspora among other peoples. The blessed posterity of Israel is to the greatest degree concentrated in the people of Israel, where they are the least assimilated with the representatives of other peoples. The modern descendants of Israel are called the Jews after the tribe of Judah of which the people of Israel mainly descended. But in the modern State of Israel people of any origin who practice the Judean religion are considered Jude, and that is wrong. The members of the people of Israel are also called the Hebrews. The word 'Hebrew' is derived from the word 'Ivri' the name of Abraham, the first forefather of the posterity of Israel. The name 'Hebrew' for the descendants of the people of Israel is an unsuitable one, since the Arab peoples are also descendants of Abraham-Ivri, and therefore also could be called Hebrews.

The Life of the people of Israel is very closely connected with the people of Esau. Prior to Rebecca's (Isaac's wife) giving birth to two sons (Esau and Israel) God said, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder (the posterity of Esau) shall serve the younger (the posterity of Israel) (Gen. 25:23).

Esau had not received the blessing by his father Isaac and could not continue the blessed posterity of Israel, since by the time of the blessing Esau already had two wives of Hamite extraction, not the Semitic one. And Esau seeing that the daughters of Canaan pleased not Isaac his father. And Esau went unto Ismael, and took unto the wives which he had Mahalath the daughter of Ismael Abraham's son... to be his wife (Gen. 28:8, 9). But Mahalath the daughter of Ismael was mostly of Egyptian origin and thus she also was of Hamitic extraction, as well as the Canaanite wives of Esau. Therefore Esau became the founder of a Hamitic people which was called the Edomites. Esau is Edom. Now these are the generations of Esau, the father of the Edomites (Gen. 36:8, 9).

Since the Israelites are a Semitic people, and the Edomites are a Hamitic one, the people of Israel and the people of Edom are not only two different nations, but belong to two different races. The Edomites, who are Hamites, have a darker skin as compared with the light-colored skin of the Israelites.

Since Esau was the firstborn with respect to Israel, the people of Esau is the "elder," while that of Israel, the "younger." In accordance with this, the people and the state of the Edomites were formed earlier than those of the Israelites. Thus, during their march from Egypt to the promised land, the people of Israel met on their way the people of Esau, which already had a strong state.

According to God's words that one nation will be stronger than an�other nation, the great Israel, and later Judea, did many times fight with Edom. In the tenth century BCE, David, the king of the great Israel conquered Edom. In the ninth and eighth centuries BCE Edom waged a bitter struggle for independence. In the eighth century Edom even conquered part of southern Judea (after the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuhdanazzar). And finally, in the second century BCE, King Iohanan Hyrcanus of Judea did finally subjugate Edom and the Edomites were even converted to Judaism. Thus God's word that the "elder nation (Esau's) will serve the younger nation (people of Israel) came true.

�� That the people of Esau will serve the people of Israel was also said by Isaac to Esau: behold, I have made him (Israel) thy lord, and his brethren have I given to him for servants (Gen. 27:37). Since Israel had only one brother, Esau, the implication was that the term "brethren" included not only the people of Esau, but also the people of Ismael.

Following that, Isaac said to Esau: And by thy sword... shalt thou serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck (Gen. 27:40). And indeed, after the Romans had conquered Judea, Antipatres the Edomite became a leading figure in the Jerusalem administration. And his son Herod became King of Judea with the support of the Romans and his brethren the Edomites. Herod also succeeded in making his four sons the rulers of the people of Judah. As a result, the Edomites began to rule over the people of Judah (the residue of the people of Israel). That the Edomites had a stronger spirit than the Judeans can be seen from the following text: Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a meek man, dwelling in tents (Gen. 25:27). The people of Judah were unable to free themselves from the power of the Edomites, since they both were under the Romans' rule; besides, after their conversion to Judaism, they began to call themselves also Judeans (Jews in modern spelling).

Although the real people of Judah evicted by the Romans from Judea, prior to the eviction had been living for some time with the Edomites in Judea and were of the same Judaic faith, the genetic assimilation of the real Jews was insignificant, since the real Jews and the Edomite Judeans lived mostly in different territories of the state. For instance, during the reign of Herod (37 BCE) only a fraction of the Edomites was settled in Judea (Galilee). And in 100 almost the entire territory of Edom was merged with Nabatea (Transjordan) which together constituted a Roman province, Arabia. After this the relations between the Edomites and the people of Judah almost ceased. The insignificance of assimilation between the people of Judah and Edomites is substantiated by the fact that during the rebellion of Judea against the Roman empire, the Edomites formed a separate detachment in the besieged Jerusalem.

���� When edomite Irod became the king of Israel he created adverse living conditions for the people of Israel in the state Judea. Because of it the people of Israel have been compelled to leave Judea and to live in Roman empire (in Egypt, Asia Minor, Cyprus and Syria). And after falling of Jerusalem and exile by Romans of Jews from Judea, there remained mainly only edomitean Jews, because they were more loyal to Romans. The edomitean Jews have started to mix up with surrounding Hamitic people of Asia and Africa and to translate them in a Judaism. Thus, the majority of Jews to Asia and Africa were prozelites, i.e. Jews on religion, but not by origin (on a nationality).

After the Arab conquests, the Afro-Asian Judeans spread over the entire territory of the Arab Chalifate in Western Asia and North Africa. And all the Afro-Asian Jews identified themselves with the real Judeans, forgetting their Edomite and other origin. Due to their mostly Hamitic origin, the Afro-Asian Judeans were so different from the real Judeans who lived in Europe that the latter called them the native Judeans. The hostile relation of Jews to Romans and идумеям promoted falling of the state of Judea and resettlement of Jews to Roman empire for performance by Jews of Divine mission on blessing of other peoples.

���� And in modern Israel the afroasian Jews, named Sephardics, as earlier the edomites, also create adverse conditions for life of the Ashkenaz Jews. Therefore many people Ashkenaz have left and continue to leave the state of Israel, and they move in other states where there live the Christian people, which on mentality are closer than the modern Edomites (Sephardics).

4.5 Christian Peoples of Israel

In blessing, God-given to Israel, it is told: "I am a God-almighty, you will be propagated and multiplied, a people and a great number of peoples will be from you, and tsars will come from your loins" (B.35:11). The people of Israel represent the people of ancient Judea and Israel. Now the people of Israel are the Jewish people, representing generally European Jews - ashkenaz. And the mentioned "great number of the peoples" of Israel it is the Christian people of Europe which in that case can be descendants of the God's son Isaak and his son of Israel (Yaakov). It so, as Isaak is not Abraham's son as he is given birth from a coition of God's angels with Sara. Thus, from Israel there were not only the Jewish people, but also considerably a great number of the white people of Europe.

So, in 732 BCE the Assyrian kings Tiglathpalassar attacked the northern part of the state of Israel, and the Assyrians abducted nine of the ten Israeli tribes. In 722 BCE Salamanssar, Tiglathpalassar's son, laid siege to Samaria, the capital of Israel, followed which Sargon II, heir to Salamanssar destroyed Samaria in 722 BCE and took prisoner the last of the Israeli ten tribes, that of Ephraim. In 715 the Assyrians again attacked the remained conquered Israel had been left in Samaria. Samaria was repopulated by Chaldeans, who were Hamites and mixed up with the insignificant remnant of Israelite people. As a result, a new Hamite people came into being, the Samaritans.

The captivated ten tribes of Israel have been moved in the Midia and Syria of empire Assur. The Israelis, certainly, tried to be released by different ways from the captivity. In 672 B.C.the Scythians are entering in empire of Assur and have helped the Midia to be exempt from the empire of Assur. In 653 B.C. the Scythians have enslaved the Midia. The Israelis lived in the Midia as captives, and certainly have taken advantage of the favorable situation and have joined Scythians to be free. Scythian intrusion has weakened the empire Assur. In 626 Scythians are entering in Syria and Judea. The captured Israelis, which lived in Syria, also could join Scythians for finding of freedom. In 624 B.C. the Midia was exempted from authority of Scythians, and in 613 B.C. the Midia and Babylon have won Assyria. Under pressure of midians, the Scythians together with the descendants of the ten tribes of Israel leave in Black Sea Coast where earlier there lived Scythians. Scythians are white people as well as Israelis, unlike Midians and Syrians, which have dark color of the skin. Descendants of ten tribes of Israel in conditions of mixing with Scythians have started to lose quickly the language, culture and national consciousness. Ancient Israelis even before their capture worshipped not only one God, but also many gods.

By the forties of the fourth century BCE, Scythia spread from the Azov Sea to the Danube. In the late third century BCE part of Scythia was captured by the Sarmathians who came from the Don River. Therefore, part of Israel's posterity lived also among the Sarmathians. It is interesting to note that in visual arts of Scythians and Sarmathians the so-called "Anumal style", in which are absent human images; it was also char�acteristic for Israelis.

��� In 260, the Scythians and Sarmathians were conquered by the Goths who came from the river Vistula and the Baltic Sea. in 375, the Huns defeated the Goths and the great migration of nations to Europe is started. Among the newcomers there was a significant number of the posterity of Israel, but they were not aware of their origin. But in the Europe from the time of existence of Roman empire there lived also descendants of two tribes of Israel, which named itself judeans, because they occured from Judas's big tribe and Veniamin's small tribe. Judeans, which live in Roman empire have kept the Torah and the Jewish traditions, and the descendants of 10 tribes even weakly knew their origin. Therefore, only the part of descendants of 10 tribes of Israel has adjoined to Judeans, and the most part of descendants of 10 tribes of Israel are assimilated among slavic, Romance and German people of the Europe. These peoples through son Divine Jesus Christ have accepted the belief Judeans in the uniform true God and began to represent the "multitude of peoples Israel" which are mentioned in the Blessing of the God to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. If races to define not on language similarity, and on color of the skin of peoples, then the people of Israel and the group of European peoples of Israel are forming one white race and they have the greatest spiritual similarity among themselves in comparison with other peoples. Probably, therefore European people easily became Christians. Thus, the assimilated descendants of ten tribes of Israel have come back to belief in the God.


4.6 Chronology from Adam

The lifespan of Adam and Eve and their offspring until the birth of Jacob was 2,106 years, which is determined by adding the lifespan of Adam and each of his offspring until the birth of the first-born son, until the birth of Jacob (Israel). The figure 2,106 is composed as follows: 2106 = 130 + 105 + 90 + 70 + 65 + 162 + 65 + 187 + 182 + 500 + 100 + 35 + 30 + 34 + 30 + 32 + 30 + 29 + 70 + 100 + 60. The added figures are taken from Gen. 11:10-26; Gen. 17:1; Gen. 21:4; Gen. 25:26. The chronology from the beginning of lives of Adam and Eve is called the chronology from Adam.

Jacob married when he was forty, since Jacob went to Laban to take wives immediately after Esau, and Esau was forty years old (Gen. 26:34) when he took wives. After Jacob had worked for Laban fourteen years, Joseph was born to Jacob, as follows from Gen. 30:35. Taking into account that Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt (Gen. 41:46), after what there were seven fat and seven lean years in Egypt, and keeping in mind that Israel with his sons came to Egypt after two lean years, the beginning of life in Egypt of the offspring of Israel is determined as 2106 + 40 + 14 + 30 + 7 + 7 + 2 = 2206. Taking into account that the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years (Ex. 12:40), the year of the exodus of Israel's offspring from Egypt is defined as 2206 + 430 = 2636.

The year of the exodus of Israel's offspring from Egypt can also be determined by Israel's life. When Israel came to Egypt, he said to the Pharaoh: the days of the years of my pilgrimage are a hundred and thirty years (Gen.��� 47:9).��� And taking into account God's words to Abraham: thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them, and they shall afflict them four hundred years (Gen. 15:13), the exodus year of Israel's offspring is defined as follows: 2106 + 130 + 400 = 2636. It is seen that of 430 years of life in Egypt, the first thirty years Israel's offspring was not humiliated.

Since the dates of the exodus from Egypt determined by Joseph's and Israel's lives coincide, we have correctly determined the date. Therefore, Israel's offspring settled in Egypt in the year 2,206, and the exodus of Israel's offspring from Egypt occurred in the Adam year 2,636.

If one takes account of the data from the first book of Kings that in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel... that he began to build the house of the Eternal (I Kings:6) (the First Jerusalem Temple), and that Solomon began to reign over Israel in 965 BCE, then the time elapsed from the beginning of lives of Adam and Eve until the beginning of the Common Era is 2636+480-4+965 = 4077. Thus, the beginning of the Common Era was in the year 4077 from the beginning of Adam and Eve's life.

According to the Jewish chronology, the beginning of the Common Era was in the year 3760 from the creation of Adam and Eve. The Jewish chronology errs by 317 years, since it wrongly determines the year of exodus from Egypt.

The chronology from Adam is the chronology fro the beginning of life of the tertiary (modern) humanity. The life of tertiary humanity from Noah after a Flood began in 1656 from Adam's creation, or in 2421 before o.e., or 4425 years ago from present time. According to scientific data, the primeval humanity (pre-humanity) appeared about three million years ago.


5. MOSES � MESSIAH FOR PEOPLE OF ISRAEL��������������������������


5.1 Moses and Joshua, His Aide

The exodus of the people of Israel from Egypt began in the year 2636 according to the chronology from Adam (see 3.6), or in 1441 BCE. The exodus of the people of Israel from Egypt took place under Pharaoh Amenkhothep III (1455-1419 BCE) who commissioned his warlords to pursue the Jews: Pharaoh's chariots and his host hath He (God) cast into the sea: his chosen captains also are drowned in the Red sea (Exod. 15:4). As to the Pharaoh, he remained alive, since he did not take part in the pursuit.

The conquest of the land of Canaan by the people of Israel occurred in 2676 (1401 BCE) during the reign of Pharaoh Amenkhothep IV (1419-1400 BCE), when according to the historical sources there was an invasion by nomadic tribes, the Habiru, into the Asian possessions of Egypt, which reached as far as Babylon, that is included the land of Canaan. Most probably, the Habiru included the twelve tribes of Israel.

Moses lived and was raised among the Egyptians, but he knew that he was a Jew. It is confirmed by the fact that Moses knew his brother Aaron and sister Miriam. God had chosen Moses in order to implement the mission of taking out the people of Israel from Egypt, since Moses was not a slave like the others, but was a freedom-loving man. It is supported by the fact that Moses killed a Egyptian when he saw that the latter beat a Jewish slave. The people of Israel obeyed Moses, since they considered him to be a free Egyptian, a person to whom they had been accustomed to obey. Since Moses lived among the Egyptians, he did not know Hebrew, therefore, he spoke with the people of Israel through an interpreter, his brother Aaron. In addition, Moses suffered from a speech impediment, as is seen from Moses's words to God: I am slow of speech and of a slow tongue (Exod. 4:10).

On careful consideration of the text on Moses's ascent to the summit of Mount Sinai in order to obtain the tablets with God's Commandments, one could see that Moses was not alone in this ascent. And despite God's words: And Moses shall come alone near the Eternal (Exod. 24:2), in fact also Moses's aid, Joshua the son of Nun went with him: And Moses rose up, and his minister Joshua; and Moses went up into the Mount of God. And he said unto the elders, Tarry ye here for us, until we come again unto you; and, behold, Aaron and Hur are with you: if any man have any matters to do, let him come unto them. And Moses went up into the mount, and a cloud covered the mount... And Moses went up into the midst of the cloud, and gat him up into the mount: and Moses was in the mount forty days and forty nights (Exod. 24:13-15, 18). That Moses was on the summit of the mountain not alone, but with Joshua, is confirmed by the fact that Joshua was with Moses not only upon the ascent, but also upon his descent: And Moses turned and went down from the mount... And when Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted, he said unto Moses: there is a noise of war in the camp. And he (Joshua) said, it is not the voice of them that shout for mastery, neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome, but the noise of them that sing do I hear (Exod. 32:15-18). And only when Moses came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf, and the dancing (Exod. 32:19) whose noise Joshua heard earlier, since the hearing of the young Joshua was certainly better than that of the eighty-year-old Moses. Joshua was also the witness of God's conversing with Moses near the Tabernacle of the congregation. And it came to pass, as Moses entered into the tabernacle, the cloudy pillar descended, and stood at the door of the tabernacle, and the Eternal talked with Moses... And the Eternal spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he (Moses) turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle (Exod. 32:8-11).

�� Moses led out the people of Israel from Egypt not upon his own initiative, and even not under God's telepathic influence, but under God's direct leadership. But Moses failed to fulfill God's instructions and for his disobedience, God intended to bring about the death of Moses's son. And I (God) say unto thee (Moses), Let my son go, that he may serve me: and ifthou refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay thy son, even thy firstborn. And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the Lord met him, and sought to kill him (exod. 4:23). God's words: Let my son go mean God's requirement that Moses took the people of Israel from Egypt. In the opposite case, God would eliminate Moses's son by Zipporah. God's demand that the people of Israel be led out of Egypt, was formulated in unambiguous terms, in other words, bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt (Exod. 3:10). But instead of bringing out the Jewish people from Egypt, Moses had intercourse with Zipporah, who was not Jewish, and even had a son by her. When Zipporah realized that her son is endangered, she took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said, Surely, a bloody husband art thou to me (Exod. 4:25). Zipporah, by circumcising Moses's son, had fulfilled a God's commandment for the Jews; after this, Zipporah became Moses's legal wife. After this, He (God) let him (Moses's son) go (Exod. 4:26). But due to Moses's taking his wife Zipporah not from a Jewish tribe, even not from the white race, but from the Negroid race, God had not given Moses the opportunity to cross the Jordan river and to live with the people of Israel in the promised land.

5.2 The Book of Moses

The Book of Moses consists of five parts: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy; due to this, it is also called the Pentateuch of Moses. In different passages of the Book of Moses various commandments are given in different versions, thus forming contradictions. Most of the commandments contained in Leviticus are not new commandments, but are additions to the commandments contained in Exodus and Numbers. Taking into account that, that Leviticus mostly says about improvement of the quality of sacrifices, it is clear that this part was not written by Moses, but was inserted into the Book of Moses by priests, in order to improve sacrifices that they used. Since the fifth part of the Book of Moses, which is called Deuteronomy, mostly retells events described in the previous four parts of the Book of Moses, and since Deuteronomy describes Moses's death, Deuteronomy was written not by Moses, but by Joshua who witnessed all the events narrated by Moses. Taking into account that Leviticus and Deuteronomy were written not by Moses, but by Joshua, the Book of Moses originally consisted only of three parts: Genesis, Exodus and Numbers, whose contents are not contradictory between themselves.

The Book of Moses was begun not by Moses, but earlier, since the people of Israel had this book before Moses's time; it was called the Book of Memory, or the Book of Covenant: And the Eternal said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven (Exod. 17:14). And Moses took the Book of the Covenant and read in the audience of the people (Exod. 24:7). It follows from God's words that Moses wrote down in the Book with the help of his aide, Joshua, since, as Moses had been brought up among the Egyptians, he was not sufficiently fluent in Hebrew. Since the Book of Moses contains God's commandments, this book could have been started by Abraham who was a God's priest and with whom God concluded the covenant for the people of Israel. The Book of Moses could have been started even before, by Noah, or even by Adam.

The Book of Moses has been written under the influence of God and this Book is actually a Divine Book, as confirmed by Moses's words addressed to God: blot me... out of thy book which Thou hast written (Exod. 32:32), as well as by God's answer to Moses: the Eternal said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book (Exod. 32:33).

The books by Joshua and later prophets could not be compared to the Book of Moses as regards the revealing of Divine truth. For instance, Joshua has written in the book of Deuteronomy after Moses's death: And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Eternal saw face to face (Deut. 34:10).

�� Since the text of the Torah (Book of Moses) was not completely un�derstandable to the Jewish people, the priests gave their interpretations concerning the fulfilling of the commandments and the exact sense of the events narrated in the Book of Moses. These interpretations were transmitted through generations and changed depending on the new life conditions. The commentary to the Torah were later called the Oral Torah allegedly given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. Rabbi Yehudah (135-217) wrote down the Oral Torah according to the mishnah method and it began to be called the Mishnah. But with the change of the life conditions new interpretations of the Torah and Mishnah continued to appear. These additional interpretations were called the Gemarrah, and taken with the Mishnah, the Talmud. The famous Babylonian Talmud was written around the year 500 by the Babylonian Judaists, who are more Babylonians in their origin than the Jews.Since the Babylonian Talmud is written not by Jews by God's will, but by the Babylonian Judaists in favor of their ethnos, that talmud distorts the truth revealed in the Book of Moses. The less known Jerusalem Talmud is not popular.

In various times, considerable numbers of Jews were against the tal�mud. For instance, the Saddukees who lived in the first century CE did not recognize the authority of the Oral Torah. In the eighth century CE Rabbi Anan ben David had rejected the talmud and gave recognition only to the Book of Moses literally understood. According to the Book of Moses, it is forbidden to make additions to the commandments: Do not add to what I command you and not detract from obeying (truly) the commandments of the Eternal (Deut. 4:2).

5.3 The Conditional Blessing of the People of Israel

In the third month when the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt, the same day came they into the wilderness of Sinai... And Moses went up to unto God, and the Eternal called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the people of Israel... if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people; for all the earth is mine. And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the people of Israel (Exod. 19:1-6). The words if ye will obey my voice indeed are the condition of the First Divine Blessing of the people of Israel, that is, these words are a Divine test of the people of Israel. According to this test, the people ought only to listen to God on Mount Sinai. Only on condition of a positive result of this Divine test, the people would obtain a positive Divine blessing which consisted of three points: (1) "you will fulfill my Covenant; (2) you will be chosen out of all people on the earth; (3) you will be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation."

And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all these words which the Eternal commanded him. And all the people answered together, and said, All that the Eternal hath spoken we will do. And Moses returned the words of the people unto the Eternal (Exod. 19:7, 8).

When Moses with the people approached Mount Sinai, then The Eter�nal came down in the sight of all the people upon Mount Sinai (Exod. 19:11). Only Moses and Joshua rise on Mount. There the God declared the Ten basic commandments. And God spake all these words, saying:

1.       I am the Eternal thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.�� Thou shalt have no other gods before me...

2.       Thou shalt not take the name of the Eternal thy God in vain...

3.       Remember the Sabbath day...

4.       Honour thy father and thy mother...

5.       Thou shalt not kill...

6.        Thou shalt not commit adultery...

7. Thou shalt not steal...

8.        Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy enemy...

9. Thou shalt not covet thy enemy's house.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy enemy's wife.

And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of shofar and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed and stood afar off. (The people) said unto Moses, speak thou with us, and we will hear; but let not God speak with us, lest we die (Exod. 20:1-16). The "noise" heard by the people were the words of the Ten basic commandments.

In order to encourage the people, Moses said unto people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not (Exod. 20:17). But even after these words were said by Moses, the people stood afar off, and Moses drew near unto thick darkness where God was. And the Eternal said unto Moses, thus thou shalt say unto the children of Israel... ye shall not make with me gods of silver, neither shall ye make unto you gods of gold. An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and shall sacrifice thereon by burnt offering... (Exod. 20:18-21). This commandment is an additional one to the first of the Ten basic commandments. After the additional commandment, God pronounced judgments (mishpatim) (Exod. 21:1-23:33). The people had not heard the additional commandment and the judgments, since after God announced the Ten basic commandments, the people stood afar from God.

After that, Moses came and told the people all the words of the Eternal, and all the judgments, and all the people answered with one voice, and said, all the words which the Eternal hath said will we do... Moses wrote all the words of the Eternal, and rose up early in the morning, and built an altar... he took the book of the covenant, and read in the audience of the people...�� and Moses took the blood, and sprinkled it on the people, and said, Behold the blood of the covenant, which the Eternal hath made with you concerning all these words (Exod. 24:3-8). The spots of the blood with which Moses sprinkled the people of Israel should remain on the bodies of the offspring of this people for the eternity, since they are the sign of God's Covenant.

5.4 The Tablets and the Torah

And the Eternal said unto Moses, come up to me into the mount, and be there; and I will give thee the tables of stone, and Torah (a code of law), and commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them (Exod. 24:12). Torah given by God to Moses is a code of eternal law on how to build a shrine and on the order of liturgy in this shrine (Exod. 25:1-31:11). It should be noted that the laws of Torah are called eternal ones, in contrast to judgments (mishpatim) which are temporarily valid. After having relied Torah to Moses, God told him the words of a separate commandment, namely the commandment on the Sabbath.

And finally He (God) gave unto Moses, when he had made an end to communing with him upon Mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone written with the finger of God (Exod. 31:18). The words written on the tablets may be determined from the testimony of Joshua: And He (God) declared unto you his Covenant, which He commanded you to perform, even Ten Commandments; and He wrote them upon two tables of stone (Deut. 4:13).

God singled out Ten basic commandments and wrote them on stone tablets, because, in contrast to other commandments, they were the words of God's Covenant with the people of Israel. After having con�versed with God, Moses turned and went down from the mount, and the two tables of testimony were in his hand; the tables were written on both their sides (Exod. 32:15). Since when Moses descended from the mount after his meeting with God, he had only the tablets, the commandments of Torah and the commandment on the Sabbath were orally given to Moses by God.

5.5 The Great Sin of the People of Israel and Bad God�s Blessings with punishment for the People Israel

But Moses did not manage to bring the tablets forth to the people, since it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf, and the dancing: and Moses's anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount (Exod. 32:19).

The people of Israel created themselves an artificial God in the form of a golden calf, thus breaking the additional commandment. This hap�pened because on Mount Sinai the people of Israel heard only the ten basic commandments, and not the additional one, since it was declared after the Ten basic commandments, when the people of Israel stood aside.

God knew that the people of Israel had made themselves a golden calf when God was giving Moses the tablets of covenant: And the Eternal said unto Moses, Go, get thee down; for thy people, which thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves. They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them... I have seen this people, and behold, it is a stiffnecked people. Now therefore, let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation. And Moses besought God the Eternal... Turn from thy people wrath and repent of this evil against thy people... And the Eternal repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people (Exod. 32:7-14).

Having come down from the mountain and convinced that the people made indeed a golden calf, Moses said to the people: Ye have sinned a great sin: and now I will go up unto the Eternal; peradventure I shall make an atonement for your sin. And Moses returned unto the Eternal, and said, Oh, this people have sinned a great sin, and have made them gods of gold. Yet now, if thou wilt forgive their sin-; and if not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou hast written. And the Eternal said unto Moses, whosoever hath sinned against me, him I will blot out of my Book (Exod. 32:30-33).

Since the Book of Moses is God's book, this book narrates the de�velopment of mankind under God's influence.�� If God decided to erase the people of Israel from His Book, that means that this people ought to vanish. But according to the Second God's covenant, the offspring of the people of Israel should mix up with all the peoples of the world, in order that these people receive God's blessing, that is improved their morality. Therefore, God did not hasten the destruction of the people of Israel, and hence said: Therefore now go, lead the people unto the place of which I have spoken unto thee: behold, my angel shall go before thee: nevertheless in the day when I visit I will visit their sin upon them. And the Eternal abandoned the people, because they made the calf, which Aaron made (Exod. 32:34, 35).

The words abandoned the Eternal the people mean that God ceased to care for the people. Therefore, in order to assist in the coming conquest of the promised land, God decided to send an angel and not to accompany the people in person. I will not go in the midst of thee: for thou art a stiffnecked people: lest I consume thee in the way (Exod. 33:3).

After that, Moses said unto the Eternal, See, thou sayest unto me, bring up this people: and thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with me. Yet thou hast said, I know thee by name, and thou hast also found grace in my sight... And He (God) said, my presence shall go with thee, and will give thee rest (Exod. 33:12-14). God's agreement to accompany the people of Israel instead of an angel means only that God decided to ease Moses's mission but does not mean that God forgave the people for the great Sin committed.

Moses had said (to the people), Consecrate your hands to day to the Eternal, even every man upon his son, and upon his brother; that He may bestow upon you a blessing this day (Exod. 32:29). On this day Moses ascended to Mount Sinai and the Eternal passed by before him, and proclaimed, the Eternal, the Eternal, mighty, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth. Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation (Exod. 34:6, 7). These God's words is the Second blessing given by Him to the people of Israel, and are God's answer to Moses's request to forgive the people of Israel for the Great sin committed by them.

Having heard that the people of Israel could not expiate the Great sin, Moses made haste, and bowed his head towards the earth, and worshiped. And he said, If now I have found grace in thy sight, O Lord, let my Lord, I pray thee, go among us; for it is a stiffnecked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for thine inheritance (Exod. 34:8, 9).

In answer to Moses's request, God gave to the people of Israel a third Blessing, which turned out to be even less favorable than the Second one: Behold, I make a covenant: before all thy people I will do marvels, such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation: and all the people among which thou art shall see the work of the Eternal, for it is a terrible thing that I will do with thee (Exod. 34:10). And indeed God made a marvel, which consisted in preserving a remnant of the people of Israel, which for most of the time lived among other nations, and did not have its own state. And except this people, no other people have survived of those mentioned in the Book of Moses. And according to the last words of God, crimes have been committed against the people of Israel, followed by a terrible Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis.

According to His Second blessing, God, although gave the people of Israel an opportunity to expiate its Great sin, was not convinced that the people of Israel would not be able to (clear off) expiate its Great sin, since the culpability for any sin remains for three or four generations, and during this time the people of Israel would commit a new sin added to the previous one. Until the present day, on the "Day of Atonement" (Levit. 23:27), Jews gather in synagogues and pray for atonement of the Great sin, but in vain... the balance of sins does not change in favor of the people of Israel. Only out of mercy, will God keep mercy for thousands (of the people of Israel) who commit iniquities and sins (see sec. 7.4).


5.6 Transition of the People of Israel through Red Sea


Now when Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although in was nearer; for God said: the people may have a change of heart when they see war, and return to Egypt. (Exod. 13:17). The nearest way from Egypt to the land of the Israel passed along Mediterranean sea through the region Gasa, but there shortly before this came a militant tribe Philistines. So God led the people roundabout, by way of the wilderness at the Sea Reeds... They set out from Succoth, and encamped at etham, at the edge of the wilderness. (Exod. 13:18,20). As is seen the God lead the people of Israel from the egyptian Succoth not on orient, but on south and has brought them on the south coast of the deserted peninsula, which now is identified Sinay. The Eternal said to Moses: Tell the Israelites to turn back and encamp before Pi-hahiroth, between Miglol and the sea, before Baal-zephon; you shall encamp facing it, by the sea. Pharaoh will say of the Israelites: they are astray in the land; the wilderness has closed in on them. (Exod. 14:1,2,3). The Pharaoh has said that the Jews are inclosed in the desert because from the south coast of the peninsula no output to all sides, but only backward. But the God has intentionally disposed the people of Israel on the seeshore in the part South-East of the peninsula beside entry in the bay (Eyiat) opposite of the cape, emerging with Arabian Peninsula, since then Moses held out his arm over the sea and the Eternal drove back the sea with a strong east wind all that night, and turned the sea into dry ground. The waters were split, and the Israelites went into the sea on dry ground, the waters forming a wall for them on their right and on their left. (Exod. 14:21,21). As it is seen, when the people of Israel went through bay of the Red Sea, they came on the deserted coast of the Arabian Peninsula. According of the Torah in the Arabian peninsula the desert from the Red Sea to the oasis Elim is identified a desert Shur, and the desert from the oasis Elim to the mountain Sinai (the height 908?), is identified a desert of Sin. In the desert Sin Moses caused Israel to set out from the Sea of Reeds and went on into the wilderness of Shur, and traveled three days in the wilderness and found no water. (Exod. 15:22). And they came to Elim, where there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees. (Exod. 15:27). Setting out from Elim, the whole Israelite community came to the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai (Exod. 16:1). the Israelites ate manna forty yers, until they came to a setled land; they ate the manna until they came to the land of Canaan. (Exod. 16:35).

So, the people of Israel went from Egypt through the Suez isthmus to the deserted peninsula (Sinai), went through the Red Sea near the bay (Eilat) on the Arabian Peninsula, where is located the desert of Sin. In this desert the people of Israel were fourty years before the begining of the conquests of the land Canaan. In this desert is located the Sinai mountain, on which the God talked with the people of Israel. As it is seen the religious interpretation of the text of the Torah, according to which Moses with the people of Israel was living fourty years in the desert Sinai peninsula, untrue, since before transition the people of Israel through the Red Sea not was in the Torah of word Sinai. Sinai Peninsula is named simply desert in the Torah. If do a excavations on the bottom of the bay Eilat near the Red Sea, there is possibility to find the egyptian chariots, on which army of the pharaoh chased on the jews.


5.7 Gaplogroups of Jews and other Peoples


����� Jews it is a white people. Europeans and many Jewish are similar. So, the French in general cannot be distinguished from Jews. In Italy the Jews also decently left marks during the Roman Empire. Hereditary properties of the person are transferred by chromosomes of X and Y. The chromosome Y contains much less genes (alleles) than the chromosome X. The chromosome of Y contains the genetic information necessary for a male in the basic. Men have one chromosome of Y from the father and one chromosome of X from mother. Women have two chromosomes X, one from the father, another from mother which are mixed at conception, and chromosomes of Y no have. As the chromosome of X containing the majority of genetic information at men is inherited from mother, the man is more often more similar to mother. And women have an identical opportunity to be more like mother or the father. But only men have a chromosome of Y which is transferred without changes from the father to the son and thus determines a family tree of the person. On the Torah the Jewry is determined by the father as men keep a sort, and women are only means of reproduction.

����� The modern Jewish people of the have DNA almost equally several gaplogruppa and it is unknown what of them is gaplogruppy Yaakov's (Israel) descendants, i.e. it is unknown which of modern Jews (men) is a true Jew Yaakov's descendant. Men of the modern Jewish people who have no true Jewish gaplogruppa in that case are not Yaakov's descendants but are in the structure of the Jewish people thanks to the birth from mothers of Jews.

����� The European Jews (ashkenaz) genetically on a chromosome of Y have J1 gaplogruppa - 25%, J2 - 5%, E1b1b1 * (M35) - 20%, Е1b1b1c(М123) - 12%, E1b1b1a3 - 10%, R1a - 10%, R1b - 10%, G - 9300 years - 5%, Q - 950 years - 5%. Apparently gaplogruppa of J1, E1 and R1 at Jews prevailing, however the gaplogruppa of E1 is considered Jewish.

����� Afro-Asian Jews (Sephardic Jews and mizrakhy) have J1 haplogruppa - 10%, J2 - 30%, E1b1b1a2-V13 - 25%. Percent of haplogroup of these Jews were not defined separately for Sephardic Jews and mizrakhy. Only the haplogroup of E1b1b1(M35) was defined separately - 8% (mizrakhy) and 30% (Sephardic Jews). Apparently, mizrakhy have haplogroups which considerably differ from haplogroups of Jews and Sephardic Jews. The majority mizrakhy is representatives of the different Afro-Asian people which accepted Judaism, i.e. proselytes, and they adjoined to Sephardic Jews. Mizrakhim externally strongly differs from ashkenaz, and on mentality. Sephardic Jews mixed up with mizrakhy (east Jews) even before resettlement to Israel and it is impossible to divide them.

����� Haplogroup J1 (12000 years), though is inherent considerably in ashkenaz, but to a large extent it is inherent in Arabs and bedouins (more than 50%). But the haplogroup J2 (12000 years) inherent in mizrakhy is as well inherent in the Mediterranean people: to Greeks, southern Italians and Turks (30%). As the haplogroup of J1 is the greatest at modern Jews, on this haplogroup consider Jews with a surname cohen, which is cohen of descendants of Aaron. These Jews left Egypt 3350 years ago. But the haplotipe cohen in haplogroup J1 was formed only 1000 years ago why they cannot be true cohen in any way. And in haplogrup J2 the haplotipe of cohen it was formed 3300 years ago, which do not approach to be cohen too, especially as same haplotipe cohen are available also for Arabs with prescription of 9000 years. As cohen haplogroup are not true J1 and J2, they can not be Yaakov's (Israel) descendants, and then all Jews of these haplogroups can not be descendants of ancient Jews and joined Jews later. The haplogroup of cohen of ashkenaz and Sephardic Jews are identical. But Sephardic Jews in Israel a miserable amount. Most of Afro-Asian Jews are mizrakhy, which have haplogroup same as at the people from where they left. Thus, modern Jews descendants of ancient Jews of the state Judea it is the European Jews living in the basic in the USA, Israel and Europe.

����� Yaakov the ancestor of Jews was born in 1971 BC, i.e. about 4000 years ago. His father Isaak was given birth to by Sara, but not Abraham (Sara's husband). Isaak's father was the God's Angel with whom Sara was alone in a tent and which told her that God can do everything, and she will give birth to the son and will name him Isaak. (See Chapter 4-2). In that case ancient Jews, unlike Arabs, do not come from Abraam-Sem-Noya-Adam, are not Semites and had no Arab haplogroup of J1, but had a haplogroup of Angel of God. If to consider that about 20% of the European Jews and about 30% of Sephardic Jews (only true Sephardic Jews, but not mizrakhy) have E1b1b1-M35 haplogroup, then perhaps the God's Angel from whom Sara gave birth to Isaak of the father Yaakov of the forefather of Jews had this haplogroup. But authentically the haplogroup of true descendants of Yaakov can be learned only through genetic examination of remains of ancient Jews. To haplogroup E1b1b1-M35 have also a part of representatives of the European people because of mixture with Jews.�����

����� Esav (brother of Yaakov`s) became an ancestor of edomites, at which haplogroup could changed generally on J1 and J2 because of mixture with Arabs and other people of the Mediterranean. The edomites are presented in mizrakhy now.

����� As the haplogroup J1 have the greatest people Arabs, and it have more than 10000 years and as Abraham is a descendant Noya, living 4500 years ago and the descendant of Adam recovered 6000 years ago, Adam had J1 haplogroup from one of the people of primary mankind and its haplogroup did not change at revival.

����� Most of representatives of the white European people belong to haplogroup of R1a, R1b, I, E1b1b1. To haplogroup I (20000 years) 10-40% among the people of Western Europe, mainly have the people of Scandinavia and northern Germany, and certain representatives of all European people, but to a large extent Jews have a haplogroup of E1b1b1. As the haplogroup of R1b peculiar to most of the people of Western Europe (to the British, Spaniards, Italians, Germans, the western Slavs, etc.), appeared 6000 years in Western Asia, i.e. in time and in the place of creation of Adam, it is possible that the people of Western Europe having this haplogroup are lineal descendants of Adam. Therefore, it is no wonder that adamits created a progressive western civilization.

����� Haplogroup R1a (12000 years) is peculiar to east Slavs. At Jews in the greatest measure the levits representing descendants of a knee of Levi, being attendants in the Temple, have R1a haplogroup. Cohen also belongs to this sort. Considering it, it is quite probable that the haplogroup of R1a is native for Jews. In that case Jews, as well as east Slavs, are the descendants of Ach which are from Adam. (See Chapter 3-5). Genealogical Yaakova (Israel) are belong to Sam and Noyu without mixture with representatives of primary and secondary mankind.

����� As the haplogroup of R1a peculiar to Slavs of Eastern Europe appeared about 12000 years ago, i.e. before Adam's revival, this part of initial white mankind remained thanks to the fact that during global warming they lived separately in the north in forests. Then on the coast of the Ledovity ocean of present Russia it was warm.

����� The people of Africa have mainly a haplogroup A, which is about 50000 years old. This haplogroup represents generally black primary mankind. Blacks of Africa and the black population of the western Asia and also the Chukchi, Eskimos and Indians have this haplogroup. 41% of Ethiopia who in Israel also belong to this haplogroup.

����� If to consider that descendants of Noah mixed up with the people of primary and secondary mankind, then the different haplogroups at the people of modern mankind is clear.






6.1 Ten Basic Commandments

The first of the Ten main commandments states: Thou shalt have no other gods before Me (the Eternal God). Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth (Exod. 20:3, 4). This commandment prohibits to make non-existent gods, while the religious Jews are overeager in following this commandment and do not make any images; due to this their visual arts have suffered.

The second commandment, thou shalt not take the name of the Eter�nal thy God in vain (Exod. 20:7) means only that one should not say the name of God without necessity and not to use it for cheating and joking, while the religious Jews do not say the name of God in any case.

The third commandment, remember Sabbath has been considered in sec. 6.3.

The fourth commandment sounds, honor thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Eternal thy God giveth thee (Exod. 20:1 2). The said "days" is the average life span of a healthy person which God stated as one hundred and twenty years (Gen. 6:3).

The fifth commandment, thou shalt not kill and the sixth, thou shalt not commit adultery will be considered below, in chapters 5 and 6.

The seventh commandment, thou shalt not steal, prohibits to steal. But in the case of a war, it is even recommended to take as spoils from the enemy his property, cattle, as well as wives and children (see Deut. 20:14).

The eight, ninth and tenth commandments are as follows:

(8)      Thou shalt no bear false witness against a man like you (not your

(9)  Thou shalt not covet a man's like you house.

(10)Thou shalt not covet a man's like you wife.

Besides the ten basic commandments, God had given many other commandments. Some of these commandments have been incorrectly understood by the religious Jews, and therefore are incorrectly obeyed.

For instance, the commandment: Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk (Exod. 34:26) is clear for obeying, but the religious Jews have overstated it, thus complicating its keeping. Instead of not cooking kid's meat together with the milk of the goat that bore it, the religious Jews do not eat any meat with milk.

The religious Jews also incorrectly keep about a sign on one's hand (tefillin), which says: Thou shalt shew thy son in that day (Passover), saying, This is done because of that which the Eternal did unto me when I came forth out of Egypt. And it (God's commandment) shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand, and for a memorial between thine eyes, that the Lords law may be in thine mouth; for with a strong hand hath the Eternal brought thee out of Egypt (Exod. 13:8, 9). On the same subject there exists yet another commandment: And it (God's commandment) shall be for a token upon thine hand, and for frontlets between thine eyes: for by strength of hand the Eternal brought us out of Egypt (Exod. 13:16). The commandment on signs is also contained in the Book of Joshua: And thou shalt bind them (God's words) for a sign upon thy hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes, and thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates (Deut. 6:8, 9).

These words mean that each Jew should often turn to God's words about the exodus of the people of Israel; in order to do this, one should often take the Book of Moses into his hands and read these words. These words also should be written in the places where one moves within his house, since they should be displayed in front of one's eyes. The religious Jews, having wrongly understood these words hid God's written words in a box and tie it to their hands and to the brow between the eyes, and also attach a box with these words to their doors.

On a condition of Divine test (see ch.5-3): if people of Israel will listen to words of Ten (basic) commandments directly from the God, the people will execute these commandments. And further is specified, that people of Israel has passed this Divine test. People of Israel till now tries to carry out Ten basic precepts. Ten basic precepts are voluntary accepted also by other people as positive morals.

6.2 Ten Redemptive Commandments - God's Covenant for Redemption of People Israel

Prior to His pronouncement of the second and third Blessings of the people of Israel, And the Lord said unto Moses, hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first: and I will write upon these tables the words that were in the first tables, which thou brakest (Exod. 34:1).

But after having pronounces the second and third Blessings, God had not written on the new tablets the Ten commandments. God declared ten commandments and told Moses to write down these ten commandments on the tablets hewn by Moses. These ten com�mandments which God told Moses to write down on the new tablets are called Ten redemptive commandments, since the people of Israel should carry out these commandments in their land in order to atone the Great Sin. Below are given these redemptive commandments:

Observe thou that which I command thee this day:

1.      Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the inhab�
itants of the land whither goest, lest it be for a snare in the midst of

2.      Thou shalt make thee no molten gods.

3.      The feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep...

4.      All that openeth the matrix is mine...

5.      Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest...

6.      Thou shalt observe the feast of weeks...

7. Thrice in the year shall all your men children appear before the
Lord Eternal...

8.       Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven...

��� 9.The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the
house of the Lord thy Eternal...

10. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk

And the Eternal said unto Moses, write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and the people of Israel. And he (Moses) was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the tables the words of the Covenant, the Ten Commandments (Exod. 34:11-28).

So, Moses wrote on the tables not the Ten basic command�ments which the God said to people Israel, but the Ten redemptive commandments, which the people of Israel should execute in order to expiate the Great Sin. From the quoted words of God follows, that the Ten redemp�tive commandments is a God�s Covenant for redemption the Great Sin of people Israel. Most of the Ten redemptive commandments are related to the Liturgy of the people of Israel and their fulfillment is only possible provided the people of Israel owns its land.

The Ten redemptive commandments are aimed only to the people of Israel, but this people is not even aware of the existence of these com�mandments. The Ten redemptive commandments may become invalid in the case when the people of Israel expiates its Sin, or if God shows His Mercy by forgiving the Sin committed by the people of Israel (see sec. 7.4).

God's tablets, as well as Moses's tablets are called "the tablets of testimony" (Exod. 25:21, 32:15, 40:20), since they remained as a tes�timony of God's conversation with the people of Israel. The people of Israel is also called a witness. And Moses gathered all the congregation of the witnesses children of Israel (Exod. 35:1). The storing place of these tablets was called the arc of testimony (Exod. 40:21), or the tabernacle of testimony (Num. 10:11).

6.3 Sabbath

The commandment concerning the Sabbath is an obligatory one, since it not only is mentioned in the Ten basic commandments, but also in the Ten redemptive ones, as well as quoted separately. Together with the tablets of the Ten basic commandments, God gave the Torah com�mandments and a separate commandment on the Sabbath: Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the Eter�nal; whosoever doeth any work in the Sabbath day he shall surely be put to death. Wherefore, the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath their generations, for a perpetual covenant. It is sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the Eternal made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day He rested, and was refreshed (Exod. 31:15-17). The separate commandment con�cerning the Sabbath is called a Covenant, since this commandment is contained both in the Ten basic commandments and the Ten redemptive commandments, which are God's covenant.

The Sabbath commandment in the Ten redemptive commandments says: Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest: in earning time and in harvest thou shall rest (Exod. 34:21). The commandment on the Sabbath, Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy (craft) work. But the seventh day is a Sabbath unto the Eternal thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work... For in six days the Eternal made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day... (Exod. 20:8-11), is one of the Ten basic commandments.

After Moses transmitted to the people of Israel the Ten redemptive commandments, Moses said again an abridged version of the Sabbath commandment (Exod. 35:2) and the Torah commandments (Exod. 35:5-19).

The above quoted Sabbath commandments imply that the Sabbath as the day of rest is a recollection of God's six days of work aimed at vivification of the earth. According to the commandments only crafts should not be performed in the Sabbath; that is, work aimed at earning a living. As to work not aimed at earning a living, it is not prohibited to do it on the Sabbath.

The Sabbath commandments do not specify that workdays and the Sabbath should be counted from the time of God's vivification of the earth. Therefore, despite the fact that the Jews, Christians and Mus�lims observe the day of rest on different days of the week, this does not constitute a breach of the Sabbath commandment. The above third con�fessions, also have different durations of the Sabbath day as the day of rest. For instance, the Jews define it as the period of time from the evening of one day until the evening of the following day; the Christians define their Sunday beginning in the morning and ending in the evening; the Muslims begin their Friday in the mid-day and end at the following mid-day, excluding the night. The duration of the Sabbath as the rest day depends on a definition of the day. The day does not include night, since God said, let there be lights in the rarefaction of the heaven to divide the day from the night (Gen. 1, 14). Since the day's duration is from the sunrise until the sunset, it is the Christian who keep the most correct day of rest.

6.4 You Shall not Kill

The commandments thou shalt not kill and thou shalt not steal are con�tained only in the Ten basic commandments which a problematic. Due to this, the Book of Moses has a number of contradictions concerning the descrip�tions of the commandment on murder. The commandment thou shalt not kill prohibits premeditated murder which is denoted by the word ret-zakh; it does not prohibit manslaughter denoted by the word harigah. Manslaughter may happen accidentally, or in a dispute, self-defense, as well as during war when an armed enemy is killed. In the case of non-premeditated murder, the killer is not punished with death; he should be isolated from society for a period of time.

The commandment thou shalt not kill does not extend to a person convicted to death for committing a crime according to the law of a given community. During Moses's times death was the punishment not only if a man come presumptuously upon his neighbor, to slay him with guile, but also if he hath smiteth his father, or his mother... he hath stealeth a man, and selleth him... surely be put to death (Exod. 21:14-17).

Some modern states do not have death penalty even for murder, since the court is not always able to determine who committed murder, and whether it is premeditated.

If a state has a social system that commit injustices with respect to some of its citizens, and if some of the latter committed murder in order to survive under unfavorable conditions imposed by the state, not only this person is guilty of murder, but even more so the rulers of the state who create difficult living conditions for its inhabitants. If the victim was a person guilty of worsening living conditions in this state, the per�petrator of murder made a self-sacrifice in order to improve the social system. Since human society cannot have a social system satisfying all its members, the Ten basic commandments have become basic laws of human society, which humanity has accepted as positive morality. The commandment thou shalt not kill is one of these Ten basic command�ments.

However, the God has allowed to the people of Israel to be ruthless to Hamitic people of Canaan lived on the earth, intended for Israel: But of the cities of these people, which the Lord thy God give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt not save alive nothing that breatheth; but thou shalt utterly destroy them: the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Peruzzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee (Deut. 20:16-17). But, the God has not allowed people of Israel to be at war against peoples of Moab and Ammon, related with people of Israel: Dis�tress not the Moabites, neither contend with them in battle. Thou art to pass over through Ar, the coast of Moab this day; And when thou comest nigh over against the children of Ammon, distress them not, nor meddle with them (Deut. 2:9,18).

At collision of people of Israel with people of Canaan on the way to the earth promised, the God has told to Moses: When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it. And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee. And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it; and when the Eternal thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword. But the women and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself... (Deut. 20:10-14).

����� The girls could be used for the birth of children, that increased number of people-winner. It does not change man's genotype of people. Only the men have chromosome Y which is transferred from the father to the son. At the woman this chromosome is not present. The chromosome X is present both at the man and at the woman and at descendants she mixs up. Therefore according to the Torah Jewry is defined on the father, and the woman it only the tool for birth of children. But herewith the mother should be a Semitic (white) race. According to the book Galach the Jewry is defined on mother, as the father can be doubtful. But the Galach not from the God - from the people. Apparently in the Torah from the God, the laws of genetics are considered.


6.5 You Shall not Commit Adultery

The commandment thou shalt not commit adultery is obligatory, since it is given also separately, not only in the Ten basic commandments. On adultery of a man with a married woman, (God) speaking unto the children of Israel, said unto them, if a man who was ridiculed because of his wife, and if jealousy appeared into him: and a man lie with her ejaculating his semen, and it be hid from the eyes of her husband... and the spirit of jealousy come upon him... and she be defiled, or the spirit of jealousy come upon him, and she be not defiled, than shall the man bring his wife unto the priest... shall cause the woman to drink bitter water... if she be defiled and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter; and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot; and the woman shall be a curse among her people. And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be free, and conceive seed (Num. 5:12-28).

As is seen, upon adultery of a married woman, some bad substance is formed in her body, to which the solution given by the priest actively reacts; by this it became clear, whether the woman committed adultery, or not. At present, we do not know the composition of this water solution that acted on a defiled woman.

The formation of a bad substance in the body of a married woman upon her adultery with a stranger could be explained by a reaction of sex hormones of her lover on the body and the soul of the woman. This defiling substance has a bad odor for her husband, since the soul is manifested in men's respiration.

If a married woman was raped, and she was not swayed by sexual pas�sion, she is not defiled in that case, that is not adultery, since adultery of a wife is defined in the case if she be defiled, and trespassed against her husband. The above quoted God's words, she shall be a curse among her own people define a punishment solely of a married woman who committed adultery with another man and this punishment should be condemned out by the husband. And God's words do not imply any punishment of a man who committed adultery with a married woman.

But the book of Joshua, Deuteronomy, contains Moses's law which prescribes death penalty for a married woman and a man who committed adultery: If a man is found lying with a woman married to her husband, then they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel (Deut. 22:22).

The priestly codex, Leviticus, prescribes a similarly strict punishment to be meted out to a married woman and a man who committed adul�tery: the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, he that committeth adultery with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and the adul�teress shall surely be put to death (Lev. 20:10). Jesus Christ by having said, who did not commit adultery throw first a stone at the adulteress, was instrumental in the abolishment of this death penalty introduced by Moses. The modern State of Israel has a religious law that permits a man to divorce his wife, if she committed adultery. But it is problematic to prove the fact of adultery.

If from the adultery of wife with another man the child has turned out, and the husband and the child up to the end of the life do not know about this, then such criminal adultery leads to heavy consequences. In this case the Divine punishment will comprehend the wife and indirectly to the husband, also such crime can repeat at the child and its offspring. The destiny of the deceived husband will change after the husband will start to doubt that he is a father of the child and will try to check up it. The adultery of wife will negatively not influence offspring of the child if this child till his marriage know that his (her) true father is another. That the adultery of the woman not will reflected in destiny of children, it is necessary to do a checking for all newborn children and prospective fathers to genetic conformity of paternity. A woman may only light flirt with strangers; she should not allow sexual touches by this man and she should avoid intimate conversations with him. Such flirting that does not lead to adultery stimulates her to be sexually attractive; it is useful not only for her, but for her husband, too.

If prior to marrying a woman, the man warned her that he might have cases of adultery with another woman or girl, in that case the man is not punished by God. The girl also is not punished by God if prior to her marriage she warned that she might have cases of adultery due to of a unequal marriage. And it is usual even the flirtation of a married women with another man is already a prelude to adultery.

����� Seducing a young unmarried woman is described in the Book of Moses as follows: if a man entices a maid that is not betrothed, and lie with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife. If her father utterly refuse to give her unto him, he shall pay money according to the dowry of virgins (Exod. 22:15, 16). As is seen, the man who seduced a virgin, and committed adultery with her is punished by an enforced marriage with her, even if he did not wish to prior to adultery, or by compensating her loss. And the seduced virgin is punished for her adultery by that that she may be cheated by her seducer. Another punishment for a girl and a man who committed adultery may be that they can be infected by a venereal disease from each other.

If a virgin did not commit adultery, she is clean for the prospective husband. If she did, she might be infected with a venereal disease and consequences of the disease may remain in her. A divorcee, or a widow may also be unclean, since she might have been infected by her hus�band, possibly without her knowing it. The emancipation of the women has brought about sexual liberty of girls and married women. Since the mankind has neglected the commandment "thou shalt not commit adultery", the God has punished the mankind by new venereal disease.

According to Leviticus, the priests may marry only virgins, They shall not take a wife that is a whore, or profane; neither shall they take a woman put away by her husband: for he is holy unto his God (Lev. 21:7). According to this text, and Gen. 38, an insignificant part of women may be "whores," that is, prostitutes, and may be used by men, and it is not considered adultery. The prostitutes can by because on statistics is several more women than mans.

Upon consent of his wife, a man may else have one wife. But this can by extremely seldom, since usually wife does not give on these consents. But Abraham was a good luck, since his wife Sarah has allowed him to take a maid Hagar as the second wife. Abraham also had a woman, Keturah, who bore him children and who became his wife after Sarah's death. Isaac did not have wives others than his Rebecca. Jacob had two wives, Leah and Rachel, and he did not object. Besides, Jacob lived with the maids, Bilah and Zilpah as with his wives upon insistence of his wives Leah and Rachel.

A man must not allow his wife to commit adultery with another man. But Abraham had twice given his wife Sarrah over to Abimelech, King of Gerar, in order to save his life. But it turned out later that there was no danger for him, since Abimelech was afraid of being punished by God for using somebody else's wife. Abimelech was even angry with Abraham for having hidden his true relation to Sarrah (Gen. 12:11-20, Gen. 20:2-18). Isaac acted similarly to Abraham in giving his wife Rebecca to Abimelech, King of the Philistines, also in order to save his life; but out of fear of God, King of the Philistines did not use Rebecca (Gen. 26:6-12). Evidently, it was because Abraham and Isaac gave their wives to other men to use that God blessed the offspring of Jacob who never gave away his wife, and his sons, Simon and Levi even cruelly avenged the defilement of their sister Dinah by Sichem; his father Chamor had also suffered (Gen. 34).

The Book of Moses contains a prohibition of sexual intercourse of a man with his father and mother, shall a man leave his father and his mother and cleave unto his wife (Gen. 2:24). These words also mean that a man should have only one wife at a given time. There can be no polygamy, since each man will get only one wife; in the contrary case, pederasty and sodomy shall develop.

The Book of Moses prohibits sexual intercourse of man or woman with other living beings (sodomy), whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death (Exod.22:18). The priestly codex Leviticus and Joshua's Deuteronomy prohibit sexual actions between two women (Lesbianism) and between two men (pederasty). They also prohibit sexual intercourse between a brother and his sister and other close relatives. But taking into account the fact that Leviticus and Deuteronomy were not written by Moses, but inserted later by priests, the Book of Moses does not mention these sexual activities. According of the Torah the son must get from their own parents and take itself a wife from the other familie. These families can be in kinship. From mix of the different clans or folks possible to gain only new diseases, which earlier not was in this clan or folk.

The homosexuality and the onanism is a natural psychic deflection, which appears in an effort so satisfy their own sexual need. On the contrary, the clones are unnatural physiological deviations, which may change the Divine genetics of the humanity. But use in medicine the stem hutches are justified, since they do not change, but restore the hutches of the living being.

In a modern western civilization, the emancipation of woman has bad influenced upon position in families, since the families have lost the head of the family. The head of the family should be a man, and the wife should be his helper. This according to with words of God to Eva: "To your husband there will be your inclination, and he will dominate over you". (Gen. 3-16).

6.6 The Earth from Nile to Euphrat promised by God for Arabs and Jews

And the Canaanite was then in the land. And the Eternal appeared unto Abram and said, unto thy seed will I give this land (Gen. 12:7). For all the land which thou seest, to thee I will give it, and to thy seed for ever (Gen. 13:15). I am the Eternal that brought thee out of Ur where there is crime to give thee this land to inherit it (Gen. 15:7). In order to convince Abraham that his offspring will receive the promised land, God sent him a prophetic dream about the fulfillment of God's promise, unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the great Prath (Euphrates) (Gen. 15:18).

When establishing the second Covenant, God said to Abraham, And I will give thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land where you stay, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession (Gen. 17:8).

And God said to Isaac, unto thee and unto thy seed I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father (Gen. 26:3).

And God said to Jacob (Israel), the land upon thee dwelleth, to thee I will give it; and to thy seed after thee will I give the land (Gen. 35:12).

��� The God speak to Moses: I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob... and I have also established my covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land of their pilgrimage... say unto the children of Israel... I will bring you into the land concerning the which I raised my hand (sweared) to give it to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; and I will give it you for an heritage (Exod. 6:3-8). Depart, and go up hence, thou and the people which thou hast brought up out of the land of Egypt, unto the land which I sware unto Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, Unto thy seed will I give it (Exod. 33:1).

�� On mount Sinai the God has told to Moses: I will set thy bounds from the sea Reed (Red) to the sea of Philistia (sea between Cuprus and Suria), and from the desert (Sinai) unto the [Jordan] river; for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land unto your hand; and thou shall drive them out before thee (Exod. 23:31). Apparently, the God has intended to people of Israel a part of the land Canaan on border from Mediterranean Sea up to the river Jordan and from Red sea up to Turkey, i.e. including Lebanon and the part of Syria in side to Mediterranean sea. Ancient Phoenicies, lived in territory of Lebanon, are one of peoples of Canaan and consequently this land is a part of the land Canaan, intended by the God for people of Israel. By means of the God the people of Israel as a result should possess all the land, which the God intended for him.

���� When the people of Israel stood near the river Jordan opposite to Jericho, the God has told to Moses: When ye come into the land of Canaan; this is the land that shall fall unto you for an inheritance, even the land of Canaan with the coasts thereof; then your south quarter shall be from the wilderness of Zin (the wilderness between Negev and Eilat) along by the coast of Edom, and your south border shall be the outmost coast of the salt sea eastward (the Dead Sea). Your boundary shall then turn to pass south of Akrabbim and continue to Zin and its limits shall be south of Kadesh-barnea, reaching Hazar-addar and continning to Azmon.From Azmon unto the river of Egypt (in desert Sinay) and the goings out of it shall be at the (Mediterranean) sea. And as for the western border, ye shall even have the great sea (Mediterranean) for a border... and this shall be your north border: from the great sea ye shall point out for you mount Hor (Hermon)...and your east border from Hazar-Enan to Shepham. And the coast shall go down from Shepham to Riblah, on the east side of Ain, and the border shall descend, and shall reach unto the side of the sea of Chinnereth eastward, and the border shall go down to [the] Jordan [river] and the goings out of it shall be at the salt sea. This shall be your land (Num. 34:1-12). The people of Israel supervised the land on these borders in an antiquity and now. The part of land of Canaan, given by the God to the blessed progeny of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for the people of Israel, is called the land of Israel, or the promised land.

As is seen, the same land from Nile up to Euphrates the God has intended in possession for posterity of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Descendants of Abraham are Arabs, Edomites and Jews. But it is necessary to note, that for posterity of Jacob (people of Israel) the God has intended separately a part from all land intended for all posterity of Abraham. According to words of God, the offspring of Israel must live not on the whole land of Abraham's, but must live separately on a part of this earth which borders between the river Jordan the Mediterranean sea through the river of Egypt in desert Sinay. And the great people Ismael (multitude of Arabian peoples) should live in other part of territory of the land Canaan, namely from the river Euphrates up to the river Jordan and from the Egyptian stream up to Nile, i.e. including Egypt in which nowadays live arabs.

The people of Esay (Edomites) is the posterity of Abraham and Isaac with the judaic faith, before falling the Second temple had the state Edom in the neighbourhood with the land of Israel. After destruction of Judea by Romans the Edomites lived in the Arabian states, and after education of the state Israel they have moved in this state and unreasonably rank itself as the Spanish Jews.

Ancient people People Philistin (Fulistieim) lived in part of the land of Israel in the cities of Ashkelon, Ash-dod, Gaza . The Philistines are white people ellins and have come on this land from the island Crete. The Philistines attacked Israel. King David has won the Philistines and has joined their cities to Israel. The Philistines have been destroyed at invasion by Alexander the Great in 334. Then Philistines have ceased to exist as people. Part of Jews which are descendants of ancient people Philistin, have same haplogroup E1b1b1 on man's chromosome Y, as Greeks (ellins).

��� The Arabs who have taken the land of Israel (Judea) after the Arabian gains, have called the land of Israel by name Philistin to not remind of an accessory of this land to the Jews. The Arabs, which live on the land of Israel (Philistin), are not a descendant of encient people of Philistin, but are a descendant of Ismael and consequently after the returning of people of Israel to their land of Israel, the arabs should leave this land and go to their extensive land, where are living multitude of arabic peoples.

���� During the period of the First Temple, the progeny of Israel consisted of all the twelve Isarel's tribes and formed one great Jewish people who were called the people of Israel. The people of Israel was divided into two states, Judea and Israel. The population of Judea was formed of the Jews of the tribes of Benjamin and Judah, while the Jews from ten other tribes lived in Israel. The people of Israel in these two states owned the entire land given to that people by God.

��� During the pe�riod of the Second Temple, the people of Israel owned almost all the land which God gave to that people. During the period of the Second Temple, the people of Israel consisted of those Jews who returned from the Baby�lon captivity. These Jews were descendants of the greater tribe of Judah and the lesser of Benjamin, as well as of part of the Levi tribe. Since the Jews of the people of Israel were for the most part descendants of the tribe of Judah, they were called Judeans. From the words of God: And as to Caleb, My slave, for he had My spirit and He was devout to Me, I will bring him to the land where he went and his seed will inherit it (Num. 14:24), the land of Israel the descendants of the tribe of Judah inherited, since Caleb belonged to that tribe.

Since at present the European Jews (the Ashkenazi Jews) and part of Afro-Asian Jews (solely the descendants of the Spanish Jews) are undoubtedly descendants of the tribe of Judah, only these Jews are the remainder of the people of Israel which will inherit the land of Israel. Now a part of Judean people of Israel lives in the State of Israel and part lives in the diaspora, then the land of the people of Israel belongs not only to the Jews that live in the State of Israel on this land, but also to the Diaspora Jews. Therefore, the land of Israel cannot be privately owned.

���� The modern Israel has a problem, consisting under the decision of the United Nations from 1947, when on the earth of Israel (Palestin) should be two states for Jewish and Arabian. But on this earth there is no place for two peoples, the Arabs have their other earth. The United Nations the originator of wars. The recognition of a belonging of the earth from the river Jordan up to Mediterranean Sea to people of Israel has also a problem consisting that the majority of peoples does not believe in the God. Even Christian peoples in the God sincerely any more do not believe, and the Torah (Precepts) for them is already archaic. But even when Christians believed in the God in Middle Ages, they have come on the sacred earth only for clearing Temple of Jesus Christ, instead of for return of this earth to people of Israel. The right of people Israel to live on the earth, given to him by the God, cannot be recognized by other peoples, as only white people of the Europe are set of Christian peoples of Israel.

Whether has a right the modern people of Israel to be at war for the earth, on which he lived 2000 years ago? The Answer is simple - yes, if exists the people without his earth, he has the right to struggle for the earth.





7.1 First Redemption Attempt

After the people of Israel had committed the great Sin, God, although granting the request of Moses He gave the people of Israel an opportunity to expiate the great Sin through obeying the Ten redemptive command�ments, He knew that the people of Israel would not be able to expiate (re�deem) the great Sin, since the guilt for any sin continues to exist through three or four generations; during this period the people of Israel would commit a new sin added to the previous one. Until present time, every year on the Day of Atonement (Lev. 23:27) Jews gather in synagogues and pray for the redemption of the great Sin, but in vain... the balance of sin does not change in favor of the people of Israel, since the Jews do not know about the existence of the Ten redemptive commandments.

To allow the people of Israel keeping the Ten redemptive command�ments, I (Eternal) have given you a land... and ye dwell [there] (Josh. 24:13). During Joshua's lifetime, Israel served the Eternal all the days of Joshua, and which had known all the works of the Eternal, that he had done for Israel (Josh. 24:31). But there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Eternal, nor yet the works which He had done for Israel. And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Eternal... and followed other gods, of the gods of the people around them, and bowed themselves unto them, and provoked the Eternal to anger (Judg. 2:10-12).

We can see from this text that after Joshua and the elders the people of Israel had broken the first redemptive commandment, which says: Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whither goest, lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee... For thou shalt worship no other God; for the Eternal, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they go a whoring after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, and one call thee, and thou eat of his sacrifice. And thou take of their daughters unto thy sons, and their daughters go a whoring after their gods, and make thy sons go a whoring after their gods (Exod. 34:12-16).

And the anger of the Eternal was hot against Israel, and He said, because that this people hath transgressed my covenant which I com�manded their fathers, and have not hearkened unto my voice; I also will not henceforth drive out any from before them of the nations which Joshua left when he died (Judg. 2:20, 21).

And the children of Israel dwelt among (the rest of) Canaanites, Hit-tites, and Amorites, and Perizzites, and Hivites, and Jebusites. And they took their daughters to be their wives, and gave their daughters to their sons, and served their gods 7(Judg. 3:5, 6).

Therefore, the anger of the Eternal was hot against Israel, and he sold them into the hand of Chushan-rishathaim king of Aram Naharaim (Mesopotamia), and the children of Israel served Chushan-rishathaim eight years (Judg. 3:8).

And when the children of Israel cried unto the Eternal, the Eternal raised up a deliverer to the children of Israel, who delivered them, Othniel... and [he] went out to war; and the Eternal delivered Chushan-rishathaim king of Mesopotamia into his hand... And the land had rest for forty years. And Othniel son of Kenaz died. And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the Eternal (Judg. 3:9-11).

During the period of time elapsed from the conquest of the promised land by the people of Israel until the formation of the state (kingdom) of Israel, the people of Israel six times was conquered by the surrounding nations, due to its failure to keep the First redemptive commandment, and other commandments. After its each turning to God, the people of Israel again reached independence brought about by a deliverer chosen from them. But after King Solomon himself took to his harem many concubines and wives of the Hamite extraction, and built altars for their gods, thus breaking the First redemptive commandment, God had pun�ished the people of Israel even more, by having divided the Kingdom of Israel into two states, Israel and Judea. In these states, the people of Israel continued to trespass against God's commandments, as a result the people of Israel was evicted from its land by Assyria and Babylon.

So, having for the first time settled in the promised land, the people of Israel failed to redeem the Great Sin, since the people of Israel did not keep the Ten redemptive commandments, especially the First one.

7.2 Second Redemption Attempt

After the first unsuccessful attempt to expiate the Great Sin, part of the people of Israel that previously had lived in the state of Judea and became prisoners in Babylon atoned to God, crying on the rivers of Babylon; due to this, these Judean descendants of Israel continued to represent the people of Israel. As to the other part of the people of Israel, which had lived in the state of Israel, and was imprisoned in Assyria, whence they have left to the Europe and has mixed up there with people which have recognized the Christ and became multitude of Christian peoples of Israel.

Since the Judean people of Israel captured by Babylon did atone for its sins, God had shown mercy on them, and returned this remnant of the people of Israel from the Babylonian captivity to the promised land. After the return of the people of Israel into their land, Ezra found the lost Book of Moses and gave this Book again to the people in order to keep God's commandments. After this experience, the people of Israel began to more strictly obey God's commandments than it did before. Upon Ezra and Nehemia's demand, the Jews annulled the mixed marriages with Hamites who lived in Samaria, in order to keep the First redemptive command�ment. Not trespassing upon the First redemptive commandment, the people of Israel lived happily under the Seleucides' (Syria) rule, having formed their state, Judea.

�� But when Jews began to voluntarily Hellenize themselves, God made so that King Antioch III of Syria, who had religious tolerance, was re�placed by Antioch IV, who began to forcibly Hellenize the Jews in Judea; naturally, it caused a negative response by the people of Israel. As a re�sult, there was an uprising by the Maccabees, who strictly observed the Torah.

The Maccabees' victory over the Syrians under Shimon made Judea an independent state in which the people of Israel lived observing God's commandments. These happy years of Jewish life are described as fol�lows: Shimon established peace in the land, and the people of Israel was overjoyed. Everybody sat under his vineyard and his fig tree; and nobody threatened them. And there was nobody left who waged war against them, and kings yielded in these days. He (Shimon) rendered aid to the poor in his people, demanded the obedience to the Torah law, and fought against any lawless and evil man, adorned the shrines and multiplied holy vessels (1 Mac. 14:11-15).

But Shimon's son, Johanan Hyrcanus, who conquered Edom and Samaria, converted the Edomites and Samaritans into Judaism, that is joined Hamites with the people of Israel, thus having had trespassed upon the First redemptive commandment, according to which, the peo�ple of Israel should evict Hamites from their land and not mix up with them. The Edomite, who now lived in the same state as the Jews, began to settle among the latter. Besides the Edomites, other Hamites settled among the people of Israel, who were recruited as mercenaries.

Breaching the First redemptive commandment, Jews married Edomites, as well as Hamite settlers and mercenaries who circumcised themselves. As a result the Jewish people became degenerate in favor of the Edomites, a Hamite people.

But God could not allow the extinction of the Jewish people through their assimilation with the Hamites. Therefore, in order to save the people of Israel from assimilation, God made Rome stronger and used it as a punitive force against the people of Israel, following which the Jews were evicted by the Romans to Rome, while the Edomites remained in Judea.

7.3 Third Redemption Attempt

After the defeat of the Judean people of Israel in the Judean War against the mighty Rome, which was the result of the failed attempt by the people of Israel to redeem the Great Sin, the people had been living in exile for about 2,000 years. It wandered among the nations of the world. In order to preserve spiritual unity in the Diaspora (outside their land given by God), Rabbi Jehuda replaced the liturgy in the Temple by worshiping in the synagogues. Due to the fact that the people of Israel, under drastic conditions of exile, tried to observe all God's commandments, God showed mercy on them and in the twentieth century allowed the people of Israel to make another attempt to redeem the Great Sin, which is the last attempt. In order to do this, God first influenced Theodore Herzl, who became obsessive with the Zionist idea, which was not stated in the Book of Moses; even vice versa, since the people of Israel was predestined to mix among all nations in order to improve morals of these nations (see sec. 4.2). The Zionist idea spread to many other Jews who started to settle in the land of Israel, forming the Jewish settlements (Yishuv). After this God allowed the Holocaust of European Jewry. Due to it, the international UN organization adopted a resolution to organize the State of Israel for the Jews who lived there and for the European Jews who were victims of the Holocaust. The UN resolution did not provide for the settlement of the adherents of Judaism from Africa and Asia. But the leaders of the State of Israel, not waiting for the settlement of the majority of European Jewry, who mostly lived in Eastern Europe and the USA, in the State of Israel, invited into this state almost all the inhabitants of North Africa and Asia, who were of Jewish faith, and recognized them as Jews.

The European Jews almost completely avoided to accept non-Jews into their community; due to this, their real Jewishness has been pre�served. In the State of Israel the European Jews are called the Ashkenazi Jews.

Of the Afro-Asian Jews true Jews are only Sephardic Jews, whose ancestors came out of Spain.�� But the Sephardic Jews only one third of all Afro-Asian Jews. The other Afro-Asian Jews are descendants of proselites (the foreigners who have accepted Judaism). The Sephardic Jews after their exile from Spain lived in the Mediterranean states of Asia and Africa, and there they assimilated with proselytes. The pros�elytes are Jews only with respect to the religious confession, while with respect to their ethnic origin they cannot be considered Jews; they even are not Semites, they are Hamites. Jews-proselytes it are descendants Edomites, Assyrians, Egyptians and representatives of other peoples. But the Yemen Jews by origin are thoroughbred Arabs because some Arabian tribes have accepted Judaism before occurrence of an Islam in Arabia. But despite of it, in Israel all Afro-Asian Jews name Sephardic Jews.

In the State of Israel various communities were accepted as Jews, mostly because of political considerations, and not those of the Book of Moses' laws.

In the State of Israel they mistakenly considered as Jews various ethnoses of non-Jewish origin only because of their Judaic faith. The weightiest proof of that is that even Ethiopians and Yemenites, who adopted Judaism long ago, have been recognized as Jews, but who are not even Semites. The Yemenites are thoroughbred arabs, and the Ethiopians at all are not Adam's descendants, but are representatives of primitive mankind before Adam. (see sec.4-7). In the previous Jewish state, Judea, there was no myth on the Ethiopian Jews who were allegedly descendants from King David and his lover, the Queen of Sheba, since in these times there were no pseudo-scholars who dug up new and new descendants of the Hebrews in order to create a sensation or due to political interests.

The rulers of the modern State of Israel should have understood that the people of Israel can be composed only by the people of Jewish origin, that is, by their ethnicity, while adherents of the Judaic faith who are not ethnically Jewish cannot represent the people of Israel. Representatives of any nation may be of the Jewish confession, like various peoples are Christians. Upon admission of a community into Israel, which claims the Jewish faith, they should be checked as concerns their ethnic origin, since the faith can be changed, while the genetic origin cannot.

��� Since the Torah (Book of Moses) does not provide an unequivocal answer to the question "Who is a Jew," as well as to many other questions, for many centuries rabbis were creating the Halakhah (Jewish rabbinical law) which is an interpretation of the Torah concerning various issues. Since the Halakhah is the fruit of human work and not that of God, unlike the Torah it could not be an undisputable law. But Israel's gov�ernment adheres to the Halakha when answering to the question "Who is a Jew." according to it the person born by a Jewish mother is a Jew. It is understandable since it is difficult to establish the actual father. But according to the Torah, just the opposite is true, since the descendants in a Jewish family is followed along the father's line, while the mother's line has smaller consequence. According to the Halakha, any person may be converted to Judaism according to a specific procedure, and acting individually. But according to the Book of Moses, the children who were born from father - the jew and mother - not the jew, are jews if mother occurs from semitic white race. And if even one of the parents is a member of the Hamite race, their children are not Jews.

Ben-Gurion, the first ruler of the State of Israel, as well as all the subsequent rulers of the State of Israel turned out to be far from under�standing the Book of Moses. Having not been aware of the reasons of the destruction of the previous Jewish state, and not having elaborated a necessary internal ethnic policy in the State of Israel, these rulers im�ported from Asia and Africa whole communities of the Judaic faith who are not Jewish. Ben-Gurion and his main adversary, Menachem Begin, competed for their electorate by making concessions to the Afro-Asian Jews; as a result, the State of Israel has become more non-Jewish than not, and the populace of this state has become alienated from the Euro�pean Jews who have arrived in Israel in recent years, as well from those European Jews who still live in the Diaspora.

A leader of the Sephardic Jews, Rabbi Peretz made once an interesting statement during an election campaign: "a state is of no importance for me, of importance for me is my people." And indeed, the Jewish people has been better preserved during its 2000 years of the Diaspora, than for several decades of existence of the newly created State of Israel.

��� It is a pity that among the rulers of the recreated State of Israel, including the rabbinate there were no people comparable to Ezra and Nehemia, who after their return from Babylon to Judea annulled mixed marriages between Jews and Hamites (Ezra 9:10-10:17). Apparently, Ezra and Nehemia, unlike the rulers of the modern Israel, were fully aware of the existence of the Ten redemptive commandments and had obeyed the First redemptive commandment, according to which the mixing of the Jewish people with the surrounding Hamites must be avoided.

Since from the very beginning of the existence of the State of Israel, its rulers disobeyed the First redemptive commandment, and even had not begun to build up God's Temple in Jerusalem in order to make it possible to keep all the Ten redemptive commandments, the failure of the Third Redemption Attempt is unavoidable; as a result, for the third time the same punishment as in the previous two cases is in store for the people of Israel. Although the land of Israel had been given to the people of Israel in perpetual ownership, but the people of Israel can live in this land only provided it obeys the Ten redemptive commandments which it tries to fulfill in vain and that has been predicted by God in His second Blessing to the people of Israel. But according to the same Blessing, God will give "mercy for thousands bearing iniquity and transgression and sin," and then the remainder of the people of Israel will live in their land in perpetuity (see sec. 5.7).


7.4 Mercy of God to the People of Israel - Kingdom of Priests and a Saint People

After the God has said 10 commandments before people of Israel on mount Sinai, and people of Israel has neglected the God and has made to itself artificial god from gold, then the God has given two non-blessings to the people of Israel due to this Sin made by them before the God. (see sec. 5.6).

The first Non-blessing: "The God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth. (He) will keep mercy for thousands, which carry iniquity and transgression and sin, (it) will clean and will not clear due to the visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation". (Ex 34:7).

The second Non-blessing: Behold, I make a covenant: againstall thy people I will do marvels, such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation: and all the people among which thou are close shall see the work of the God: it is a terrible thing that I will do with thee. (Ex. 34:10).

According to the first non-blessing the people of Israel really not could expiate the Sin for very long time, namely for 3450 years till now. And according to the second non-blessing against the people of Israel really were made the crimes and a awful genocide from fascism.

But according to the first non-blessing after a while the God will pardon Jewish people: (He) will keep mercy for thousands, which carry iniquity and transgression and sin. The God will pardon people of Israel when will come the Messiah. When the God will pardon people of Israel, then the conditional Blessing to people of Israel will be executed: if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people; for all the earth is mine. And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. (Ex. 19:1-6). Since the Covenant mentioned in given Blessing, represents Ten basic commandments which the people of Israel always execute, therefore at coming the Messiah will be executed the conditional Blessing the God, according to which the people of Israel will become a kingdom of priests and an holy nation.

��� The Messiah will be necessary, when the state of Israel will by in critical military position and there will be a necessity of application of the nuclear weapon, but to apply it is impossible. The God will admit such position because of infringement by leaders of the state Israel the first redemptive commandment: lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whither thou goest, lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee (Ex 34:12). Infringement of the first redemptive commandment by people of Israel on the earth of Israel consist in that that the heads of the state Israel accepted in the people of Israel new repatriates not on a national belonging to Jewish people, but on a belonging to judean belief. It has occured because, that in the head of the state Israel there were the Jews insufficiently knowing a Torah. If the heads of the state Israel would not accept the Hamitic people to the state Israel, to this state would arrive all representatives of people of Israel, living in Diaspora, and as a result this state would be much stronger and would be in full safety.

���� When the state of Israel cannot resist to surrounding of Arabs, then the heads of this state will agree to make such contract with surrounding Arabs, that the heads of Israel will give Arabs a part of the earth of Israel, on which Arabs could live only temporarily during absence of people of Israel on this earth. But only the God has the right to change His Testament about the earth between the river of Jordan and Mediterranean Sea, which the God has given forever to people of Israel. Therefore, at falling the state Israel the God through the Messiah will affect on the multitude of Christian peoples of Israel so, that they will not admit capture of the earth of Israel by Arabs and as a result the Judean people of Israel and the multitude of Christian peoples of Israel begin to own eternally this earth. The God will forgive to people of Israel the great Sin (creation golden god instead of the God) and will give the Mercy to people of Israel. But, the God can destroy the most part of mankind, i.e. to do the Apocalypse if Hamitic and the Japhetic peoples will be at war against people of Israel and the multitude of christian of peoples of Israel.

����� Revival of Israel and the subsequent Apocalypse it is stated in vision of Bilaam: "it is a saying son Beor, a saying man with perspicacious an eye, saying a hearing word of the God and a learning knowledge Supreme, who vision of Able sees and runs into (condition) of disclosing (vision) by eyes. It sees, but (it) not now, is it, but not on a close way. As a star will blaze (will be raised) the people from Jacob and the people in Israel (Jews ishuv) will cut off a part of Moab (Transjordan) and will crush all sons of Shet (the arabs, being direct descendants from Abraham, Noah, Adam). There will be Edom (arabian edomites) is subject and Seir (beduines) will be subject to the enemies (sons of Shet), only Israel will overcome them. And there will dominate (people) of Jacob, and they will ruin the people. which dominated in the state.

���� He has seen an amalekit (the tall people nowadays representing anglo-saxons and dutchs) and has told: "the first of peoples is Amalek, but its end - destruction. He has seen a kaini and has told: your houm is strong and your jack is arranged in a rock; even if will burn down Kain (modern Iran), whether for a long time Ashur (the strongest state, now the USA) will keep you in a captivity? He has said the parable this and has told: alas, who remains in alive when the God will make it? Also, will suffer (peoples) by hand of Киттим (China), they will restrain Ashur and will restrain Eber (peoples of an Islam), but also they will be lost ". (Num. 24:16-24).

"Kingdom of priests" will be the new state Israel as there has arisen the Judean and Christian religion, for which will be constructed the Third Temple Divine on the place in Jerusalem. Arabs have shown blasphemy, having constructed mosques on a place of the destroyed Second Jerusalem Temple. Mosques can be transfered to Arabia where the islam has arisen. �Holy nation� will be to name Jews of people of Israel, who can live not only in the new state of Israel, but also in other states among different peoples for the further blessing these peoples.

Instead of the existing state Israel on the earth of Israel the new state Israel in which will live the Judaic people of Israel, formed on the basis of descendants of the tribes of Judas and Veniamin. The Judaic people now represent the European Jews (Ashkenaz). In the new state Israel will live also descendants of ten tribes of Israel, which is dissipated among the European peoples. The representatives the Christian peoples of Israel of two tribes of Israel (ancient Judea) and descendants of ten tribes of Israel (ancient Israel) are related genetically and spiritually.

The most part of the modern Jewish people genetically are not descendants of ancient Jews (see lower), therefore at transformation of the existing state Israel to the new state, these Jews can return to the Outcome countries. Expediently that these Jews lived together in an autonomy. Such autonomy for the European Jews could be created in Crimea, or in earth of Germany, which now is in Poland.

����� The Afroasian Judeans of Israel are mainly a mix ancient Judeans and Spanish Judeans with representatives of different people of Asia and Africa, accepted Judaic belief. Therefore, the Afroasian Judeans identify itself the Edomites (descendants of Esav). These Edomites should live in the east from the river of Jordan, where earlier was the state of Edom. In Jordan should live also the Palestinian Arabs, which have come on the empty earth of Israel, when the Jews there were absent at will of the God.

����� The modern people of Israel are non-uniform and in him two groups, which on their nature is socialists or capitalists. Supporters of socialism - ancient Jews (if to judge on an epoch of Judges and the subsequent Prophets). Supporters of capitalism - phinicians and other Mediterranean people, which have mixed up with Jews. Ancient Jews were cattlemen and farmers, but the phinicians were successful dealers.

����� The heterogeneity of the modern people of Israel is expressed in that that this people consist of representatives different haplogroups, mainly J1, J2, and E1b1b1. It is most probable, that the haplogroup of true Jews, which the descendants of Jacob, is the haplogroup E1b1b1*, which have 20 % of the European Jews (ashkenaz), representing the descendants of the tribe of Judas. The same haplogroup have 6-10 % of representatives of all European peoples, representing in that case the descendants of 10 tribes of Israel. The Jews of haplogroup J1, which is 23 % of the European Jews, represent, most possibly, descendants of phinicans and other peoples of the Mediterranean. The Jews of haplogroup J2, which is the majority of afroasian Jews, represent descendants of Edom.

When will define and will known the haplogroup DNA of Jacob (Israel) and his nearest descendants, and there will be that it haplogroup E1b1b1*, then Jewish people and European peoples will understand, that together they according to Blessing of the God are "people and a set of peoples of Israel" (Б.35:11). Then as a result of the Mercy of the God all peoples will to look with a love to the descendants of the Jews, being among them, because they are a Blessing for all peoples of the Earth. Jews need to accept Christianity and then they will be closer to the European people among which there are descendants of ten tribes of Israel. As Christians are divided on different canons there will be one more canon - Judechristian, which unlike Catholics, orthodox, etc. will recognise Jesus Christ as the Messiah from God instead of as God. After all, the Jesus Christ the same son Divine, as Israel is the people Divine from Angel Divine.


7.5 Bilaam`s Vision and Other Prophets


����� The future events which concern the people of Israel are stated in Bilaam's vision: "speech of the son Beor, speech of the man perspicacious an eye, speech of the hearing the words of God, learning knowledge of God, who able sees vision and falls into (condition) of disclosure (vision) by eyes. It seems, but (it) not now, is it, but not in the close way. As see the star will blaze at the people from Yaakov and there will be settlers of Israel and will cut off a part of Moab (in the east from Israel) and will beat all sons of Shet (the Arabs). Edom (idume) will be subject and Seir (bedouins) will be subject to enemies to (Arabs). Israel (Jews) will overcome them. Yaakov's descendants will leave, they will suppress others, which remained in the state". (Number 24:16-19).

����� It already occurred: the Jewish people were excited by the Zionist idea; there were Jewish settlements on the Promised Land, and then the State of Israel were fixed on a part of the territory of Transjordan (Moab earlier). Afro-Asian Jews who in the majority are descendants of edomites became "subject" to Arabs in the Arab countries, therefore later the strengthened Israel was forced to accept these mizrakhy to itself. As a result, the mizrakhy began to dominate in the state and the Jews ashkenaz began to leave Israel.

����� "Also, he saw an amalekiyet and told: the first of the people Amalek, but his end - death" (Number 24:20). The people Amalek are giants who were one of the first people which occurr from Adam. They were deprived of God's Spirit and degenerated, and now memory from them remained only in the form of the multiton processed stones of which they once built the dwellings.

����� "Both he saw kaineyet and told: your dwelling is strong, and your nest is arranged in the rock; if Cain will burn down whether then Ashur will hold you long at itself? He said then: alas, who will survive when God makes that? The ships from Kittim will come and they will restrain Ashur and will restrain Eyver; but they will be lost". (Number 24:21-24).

����� These prophetical words certainly are about the near future. Apparently, Cain is modern Iran. Ashur is descendants of Assyrians and Babylonians in Syria and Iraq. Eyver is the Arab people from Avram-ivri. And Kittim it, most possibly, the superstate of USA, which kotabl will come to pacify all these people of the Middle East, their ships will come to pacify all these people of the Middle East, but as a result this military group of the USA in the Middle East will be destroyed, what cannot occur without participation of Russia and China.

����� Bilaam's words "your dwelling is strong and your nest" and "is arranged in the rock if Cain burns down", mean that as a result of military operations Iran (Cain) will burn with his military bases in rocks". The following words "whether for a long time Ashur will hold you in captivity?" are turned to the people of Iran who will be refugees in Iraq and Syria. Apparently, there will be so many Iranian refugees that they will become owners in these countries where the pro-Iranian Hezbollah managed. The words "alas, who will survive?" belong certainly and to Israel which will be one of participants of these events. Israel is also one of Eyver's people, though another. Then, it is possible that Syria with Hezbollah and Hamas with assistance of other Arab countries and Russia, will take Israel. But actually, Israel will be under control only of Russia which will remake Israel to the new Jewish state Judea in which there will live descendants of Jews (ashkenaza), the majority of whom is the Russian Jews, the American Jews, and other European Jews. Then on the earth, given to Jews from God, the world will be established. Americans will limit the interests by America, where civil war can begin. Then Jews will run to Judea, and Anglo-Saxons to Europe, but mainly to England.������

����� Before of the death, Israel (Jacob) has made the prophetical will according to which the continuer of people of Israel should become not his senior son Reuven and not after him two sons Shimon and Levi, but the fourth son Judas. Jacob has told to the sons: Gather and I may tell you that which shall befall you in the consequence of days (in the future). Reuben, thou my firstborn, my might, and the beginning of my strength... thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy father's bed (he has takenthe woman of the father)... Simeon and Levi are brethren; instruments of cruelty are in them... They in anger have slew all men (in the city of Schem). Cursed be their anger... I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel... Judas! You art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children shall bow down before thee. (Gen.49:1-8.). Brothers of the Judaic people of Israel are the Christian white people among which there lived Jews in dispersion. Christians accepted the Torah which on them had influence and at the same time Christians oppressed Jews.

����� Ezechiel made a prophecy: "So Lord speaks (to Jews): here, I - on you and on all your army, the Gog (Arabs from Arabia) I will bring against you, Persians (Iran), etiopians and Libyans (Arabs of North Africa) with them, all they with boards and in helmets. But Homer with all groups his (from Europeans countries), Fogarm's (Russia) house from North, with its all groups, many people with you. After many days you (the people of Israel) will be necessary; in recent years you will come to the earth saved from a sword, collected from many people on the Izrailev mountains which were in constant desolation. (Ezechiel 38:3-6). Israelis do not live in Judaic mountains yet.

����� According to the book by Isaiah during the Messianic period of life of mankind "a great number of peoples will tell let's we will ascend on the mount of Eternal, in the house of God Yaakov`s, in order that He taught us to a way his, and we can go by his way. Because from Zion will be a Divine revelation according to words of the Eternal God, from Jerusalem. He (God through the Messiah) will judge the people and will give words of blessing to many people. They (people) will reforge the swords on shouted, and a spear on a garden scissors, will not hold the people on the people of a sword and will not learn to be at war more." (Isaiah 2:1-5). These good words of Isaiah can be executed only after the Apocalypse as now the Christian people lost faith in God.

7.6 Jews and Jesus Christ


Jesus Christ was given birth by the maiden Maria when she was a virgin. Maria could become pregnant from God`s Angel, which told her that she will soon give birth to the son. So, Isaak from Sara was born. Maria was a pious Jewess who was brought up in the Jerusalem Temple. If Jesus Christ had a terrestrial father, then Judaic priests for certain would learn about it. But there are no certificates that Jesus Christ had a terrestrial father. Jesus Christ, having realized communication of the soul with God's Spirit, understood that he is a son of the God. For that he has bases which he did not find it necessary to give.

In the Sacred Revelation from John the Evangelist it is specified about Jesus Christ: John (Baptist) sees Jesus going to him and says: there is a Lamb of God Who undertakes a world sin." (1.29). John the Baptist became the witness of of subsidence (landing) of God's Spirit on Jesus Christ: "Also John testified: I saw the Spirit descending from the sky in the form of a pigeon and staying on it (on Jesus Christ). I did not know it, but the Sent (the Angel God`s) me to christen in water, told on whom you will see the Spirit descending and staying on it, He that is christening by Holy Spirit. And I saw and I testified that It is the Son of God." (John 1:32-34). Jesus Christ, unlike John the Baptist, do christ by God's Spirit. In John the Evangelist's revelation Jesus Christ is called the Messiah: "we found the Messiah, what Christ" (1.41).

The Jewish people of Judea accepted the identity of the man Jesus Christ's appearance with due consideration and patience, many accepted it as Godman. Even the priests wanted to find out sincerely are John the Baptist the Messiah's forerunner an envoy of God, namely Iliya from Malachy prophecy. John the Baptist directly answered these questions that he is not Iliya, or the Messiah and not the prophet, and only the witness of Divine transformation of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ's debate with the Jews, described by John is interesting. Jews have asked Jesus "Who You? Jesus has told them: from the beginning I exist... Sent me there is a true, and hearing from Him I speak to world... I do make Nothing from myself, but that mine Father to me transmits, I speak". John (8.25-28). In next words Jesus Christ speaks about Jews who have not believed his words: "I know that you seed of Abraham, however search to kill me because my word is not perceived by you... If you were the children of Abraham, affairs Abraham`s would make. And now search to kill me, the Person, which told to you the true, which heard from the God; Abraham it did not make". John (34.37-40). But next, Jesus Christ speaks about Abraham absolutely differently: "your father a devil; and you wish to use a dirty affair of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and has not kept the true, because in him is not present a true. When he speaks lie, speaks from itself; because he the liar and the father of lie. And as I speak the true, you do not trust me". John (39.44-46). Jesus Christ had the basis to call Abraham the liar because Abraham on a question of the tsar Emor "Who to you Sara?" answered that she is a sister, having hidden that she is also his wife. By this lie Abraham wanted to save himself life as the tsar Emor liked Sara. But Abraham's moral is not peculiar to Jews as Abraham is not a father of the Jewish people but is a father of the Arab people.

����� Jesus Christ for the Judaic people of Israel was test for fidelity to the one God. Even the miracles made by Jesus Christ did not shake faith of Jews in the one God. Judaic priests did not recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah and the more so as son of God. They were against Christ's recognition as envoy from God also because that they were afraid to lose the places in the Jerusalem Temple. But the people of Judea were not against Jesus Christ, but also could not recognize it as the Messiah. Jesus Christ could not prove that he the Messiah for the people of Israel as he offered nothing to Jews for release from the Roman dominion, he was not a savior of the Jewish people.

����� Jesus Christ had other mission, namely distribution of faith in the one God among a great number of the white people of Europe, since the Roman Empire. The Godman Jesus Christ became a link between God and the person, and thus God became closer to the person. In principle the Christianity did not differ from Judaism, but the hristianity was more human also more humane. But Jesus Christ was not a liberal. So, carrying out the first expiatory precept, Jesus Christ refused to cure a black woman from Chanaan (See IATF. 15:21-26; Mark 7:24-27) as descendants of Chnaan were damned by Noach and by God.

Jesus Christ had no wife and children, that there were no successors of the son Bozhy to whom Christians would worship as God. Christ the Son of God repeatedly said that he will appear on the earth again, but as the Son of Human.


7.7 On the God

In the Book of Moses God is denoted by the word Elohim, which is the plural of the word Eloh. Therefore God should be imagined in the plural. Although God is plural, but unlike humanity He is harmonious and therefore one. So a more correct name for God should be the Divinity.

In the Book of Moses God has the following names: the Supreme Being (Elyon), the Eternal (Jehovah or Yahwe), the Potent (Shadai), the Perpetual (Olam), the Seeing (Rei), and the Jealous (Kana). These names describe God.

The name "the Eternal (Jehovah)" originate from the word "ihiye" that means "will be forever," in the future tense. This is confirmed by the words: ...I AM THAT I AM... (that is, the Eternal, who will be forever) (Exod. 3:14). Since it was not said that God also was eternally in the past tense, so God should have been formed at some moment from the matter of the Universe. The matter of the Universe always existed in the past and shall always exist in the future, since matter cannot appear from somewhere and cannot vanish; it could only transform itself.God might have been formed by a natural way in a process of evolution under most favorable conditions, that is, more or less according to Darwin's theory, which is correct in principle, but nor absolutely true. This theory has even some absurdities, like for instance that humans evolved from apes, while in fact it was the apes that evolved from the intercourse of humans with other living beings. As to man, he was created by God, since the earth has no conditions for creating living beings; there are only conditions for the support of life of living beings created by God.

God is the most perfect living being in the Universe, since He has the most excellent knowledge of the structure, motion and transformations of the matter of the Universe. The laws of physics do not depend on God, but knowing these laws God may perfect Himself and change the Universe that surrounds Him so as to ensure His eternal existence and to maintain life of the living beings that He created, in particular, life on the earth.

The name "Shadai" means the Potent one, but not Omnipotent. In accordance with this name, God has the greatest capacity for creation of all living beings in the Universe. Nevertheless, God cannot create matter out of nothing, as well as He cannot destroy it; He can only transform it, since God cannot change laws of physics. Humanity is the peak of God's creation achieved during His six-day work on the vivification of the earth. But after this, God might have created other live worlds with more highly organized living beings than humanity. If some unidentified flying objects (UFO) really carry extraterrestrial living beings, then they are also created by God like humanity.

According to the name "the Seeing," God has a capacity of seeing any object He wishes on the earth. For this He uses His Angels who consist of rarefied matter and are thus unseen to a human being. God uses Angels for communication with people. And the angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time, and said, By myself have I sworn, saith the Eternal (Gen. 22:15, 16). Behold, I send an angel before thee... Beware of him, and obey his voice...for my name is in him (Exod. 23:20, 21). And she (Hagar) called the name of the Lord that spake unto her, Thou God seest me: for she said, Have I also here looked after him that seeth me? (Gen. 16:13).

When an Angel of God appeared on the road in front of Balaam and a donkey (see Num. 22), the Angel was first invisible, and later visible, while the donkey saw the Angel all the time. This is explained by God's spiritual action on Balaam: Then the Eternal irradiated the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the Eternal standing in the way (Num. 22:31). As to the donkey, it was irradiated so that it began to speak: And the Eternal opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam (Num. 22:28). As the Seeing, God of course had the ability to telepathy, which to a degree have also some people.

When Moses asked God, shew me thy glory God answered Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live (Exod. 33:20). Apparently, God's flesh emanates elementary particles of matter that are harmful for other living beings. Therefore, in order to protect Moses from these rays, God was surrounded by a cloud during His meetings with Moses. But despite this precautionary measures, part of the rays affected Moses's face, and the skin of his face shone while he talked with him (Exod. 34:29).

According to the name "the Jealous," God zealously followed the de�velopment of humanity. God's creation of humanity was rather a creative experiment for Him, than a necessity, since God does not make use of humanity. God had not only spoken with Moses, but also influenced him by His spirit; due to this, Moses was able to write to Book, which with re�spect to its content and perfection of style is perceived as a Divine Book. God had influenced by His spirit (soul) not only Moses, but also other people. For instance, the Eternal hath called by name Bezalel... And he hath filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship (Exod. 35:30, 31). a man in whom the Spirit of God is (Gen. 41:38). And thou shalt speak unto all that are wise hearted, whom I have filled with the spirit of wis�dom. (Exod. 28:3). All impersonations of Messiah were also filled with the Spirit of God. God influences not all people, but only those through whom He expects to influence the course of human development. There�fore, life of a person takes its course not as predestined by God, but depending on the person's choice between good and evil, as well as on current conditions.

��� The God moves in the Galaxy, in which there is the Earth, and influences natural development of this part of the Universe, with the purpose to protect his creations from natural cataclysms. The god through Angels observes and to a certain extent indirectly influences development of mankind. The Angels telepathically influence on some people for realization of plans of the God on development of mankind in the best direction. Actions of people can have not only positive, but also a negative role in relation to the plan of the God if these people are under influence of angels of the Dragon, which at enmity to the God. Angels of the Dragon are devils.











The word Messiah (Mashiah) is translated as the Divine Redeemer. This word is mentioned in the second book of Samuel, (2 Sam. 22:3), in the Book of Psalms (Ps. 18:7, 107:20), in the Book of Isaiah (Is. 19:20; 43:3, 11; 45:15, 21), in the Book of Hosea (Hos. 13:4). In Book of Moses the word "Messiah" is not present, but there is a word "Shila", which the Jews understand as the Messiah. So, in prophetical words of Jacob, it is told: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? The sceptre shall not depart from tribe Judas, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. (Ge 49:9,10). And it is valid, only descendants of a tribe of Judas continue to identify itself till now by people of Israel which after 2000 of the state nonexistence has restored the state. The descendants of 10 tribes of Israel are disseminated among the white Christian peoples, and do not realize their connection with the people of Israel. And these Christian peoples containing descendants of 10 tribes of Israel, represents the multitude of peoples of Israel, which are specified in words of the God to Jacob (Israel): people and multitude of peoples shall come out from you (Gen.35:11).

����� The word "Shila" has in Hebrew a pretext "sh�, which means "which", and the basis "silt" which means "particle of the God". Hence, Shila should be the envoy of the God on the Earth. The word "lawgivers" means the preachers of the Torah, which should be in Judas's knee until coming the Messiah, which should make Divine interpretation of the Torah. Words and unto him shall the gathering of the people be means that the multitude of Christian peoples of Israel recognize the Messiah. Actually, the Messiah is the Divine revelation "Messiah" created by the person-Messiah under indirect influence of the God. In this Divine revelation only the ideas is Divine, but not the literal contents of this revelation. The Messiah is necessary for rescue of the progressive Caucasian people, and including the Jewish people, from godless heresy and assimilation with the non-progressive people of Darkness now. "The messianic revelation" is created by the Son of Humanity at God's will therefore the creator of this Divine revelation is the Messiah.

���� In Malachi's prophecy there are words of God about it: "Here I will send to you the God`s prophet (Elia anavi) before approach of Days of God (the Last Days), which great and terrible. Also, it will return heart of fathers to sons and heart of sons to their fathers, that I (God) did not arrive and did not strike the earth with destruction". (Malachi. 4:5.6). The Malachi's prophecy it about the present, and not about life of Jews of ancient Judea. According to Malachi's prophecy the moral of mankind will worsen, that the fathers and children will not know each other and will be at enmity with each other. Further destruction of fundamental basis of family and promotion of a way of life of gays, and imitation of a sex of people can really lead to that. In order of improvement of moral of mankind and continuation of its existence God will send on the Earth a Son of Human, who will become Messiah (Christ Redeemer).He will receive God�s Spirit will make the Divine revelation and will become the Messiah. If the mankind does not obey the Messiah, then the God will come, and then the days on the Earth will be the Last days of mankind. God will leave life only for righteous persons.

����� The words "elia anavi" in Malachi's prophecy in Hebrew mean a prophet God`s as the word "eli�, as the word "el", means a person who is a representative (envoy) of God. Jews of ancient Judea and Christians understand Malachi's words so that before arrival of the Messiah there will be a certain prophet Elia. But it not so, before arrival of the Messiah of Jesus Christ was not Elia too. John the Baptist was not Elia, according to him. The Messiah will appear on the earth before God`s arrival. Then there will be the court from the God and occur the Apocalypse.

����� Jesus Christ knew that not He is fated to carry out the mission of envoy of God in recent days, as He told: "The Will of the Father which sent (gav) me, it was not gone, but to revive all that in recent days". (Ioann 6-39). Therefore, Jesus Christ said that he will appear on Earth again, but as the Son of Human. About emergence of the Messiah as Son oh Human on the earth, told also Matfy (10.23; 16:27; 24.27-35; 25.13.31) and Luka (12.40; 17.22-30; 18.8; 21.25-28.36). After, when God revived Iiisus Christ and took him to himself, Jesus Christ became eternal Angel, and his soul can reincarnate in other people.

����� Jacob's prophecy predicted private life of the Man Human Messiah: He will become attached to a grapevine and to an empty rod of the descendant of his she-ass. Will wash in wine the clothes and in juice of grapes the attire. His eyes become redder of wine and a teeth is more white of milk. (Gen. 49:11, 12). The words "there were no our sons" means that the State of Israel became non Jewish, and the words �will wash the clothes in wine" means that he will change its ideology, cleaning it.��

����� About the Messiaht is written lso in prophecy of Isaiah: "He has ascended as a sprout and as a root from soil dry, neither a kind in him, nor beauty, and we saw him, but its image was not that to be seduced with him. He was despised by us, and he is rejected by people, he is the sufferer and with illness, and as though avoided, he was despised by persons, and we did not esteem him. But he has our illnesses and he suffer��� pains from us, but we considered that the amaze from God and we torture. He bore our illnesses, is broken by our sins; punishment to us - on him and the wounds his will cure us. All of us as sheep wandered, everyone was seduced on a miscellaneous, and the God has assigned to him the sin all of us. He has been oppressed and exhausted and did not open the mouth as a sheep conducted on sacrifice, and as a sheep silent, before her cutting did not open the mouth.

From the conclusion and from punishment he is taken was, and who will tell about (happened) with ancestor his, as he has been cut off from the country life, the sinfulness of my people - defeat to him. Also, the tomb has been given with sinners to him and with rich - in case of his death, (though) he did not make violence and there no was lie in his lips. But the God needed that to break his with illnesses, when he makes the soul a victim of a duty he will see posterity, will prolong days (of life) and desire of God in a hand its (actions) will be carried out. Owing to the work of the soul will see and will take pleasure, through the soul the righteous person my slave will justify many, because their sin he bore. Therefore, I will give him to be among greats and with the strong will divide extraction because he risked the life when he by criminal have been ranked and the sin of many was on it, and he as though a protect for the criminals�. (Isaiah 53). In the prophecy of Isaiah (54) also is written about the wife of the Messiah before the God.


1-2. The Birth of the Son of Human


On the birth of the Son of Man, the Revelation of St. John the Divine relates the following: And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she is being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman, which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. But she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days. (12:1-6).

About sacrament of my birth, I have learned from the book of my mother which she has written in old age. My mother with my father lived in Moscow where the father worked as the chief of design department of Moscow underground, but till my birth he has been innocently arrested and imprisoned. After his arrest my mother out of fear that Stalin's repression will not avoid her, she immediately left for the city of Olevsk on Ukraine, where her parents lived.Being a pregnant woman and having lost the husband, mother under the insisting of her parents has decided to make abortion and when she already was on the operational table, she has thought, that it is bad to deprive the life of the child and has descended from the operational table. Having come home she has told about it to the parents, then her father Joseph has told that this is a will Divine. The small city Olevsk far from Moscow where mother has given birth to me " the son human " is named by "desert". I lived with my mother about three and a half years, which correspond to "thousand two hundred sixty days", specified in revelation of John. In this period, mother was accompanied luck in the life in order to protect me. But this was until the mother has married secondary. After that I lived constantly with her parents until I have not ended 7 classes and have arrived to study in technical school in Lvov.

" The Dragon on the woman also has grown furious and has gone to enter abuse from the other her seed, keeping precepts Divine and having Jesus Christ's certificate. " (John 12.13-17). Those relatives of mother were her father and mother at whom I lived from 8 months till 14 years. The grandfather Joseph and the grandmother Tajbel to me were instead of the father and mother. They lived in poverty, the grandfather has lost almost completely sight, but the Dragon could not make greater harm him as they were protected by Angels of Spirit Divine. During war the grandfather and the grandmother with me, and also family of mother were evacuated to Uzbekistan, and by the end of war have returned to Ukraine. The brother of the grandmother, which has accepted christianity was not evacuated, then Germans have shot him together with children on eyes at his Russian wife who has gone mad of it.

I probably was born under a lucky star, and it prevented the Dragon from destroying me at birth. If to me, as Yaakov's (Israel) maternal descendant, it was fated to become the successor of a mission of Jesus Christ, then at my birth entered into me God's Spirit of Jesus Christ. This God's Spirit in the form of aura over my head was seen by the clairvoyant the Jew the repatriate from Belarus, she in my eyes was as an angel. After Jesus Christ's rise on the sky, the God's spirit from Jesus Christ was moved from the person to the person to appearance of the descendant from a knee Judas who was fated to become from God the second coming of the Messiah. People who bore God's Spirit had unusual destiny, as they Angels. It is possible that the composer who disappeared after resettlement of his soul to the been born Son Chelovechesky was the last of them. This composer had a girlfriend who was an angel. The Son Chelovechesky during his work on the creation of this Messianic Revelation also had a girlfriend, an angel Katerina.


1-3. Overthrow of the Dragon and Threat of the Life of the Son of Human

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels.And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him... Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time... And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. (John 12:7-13).

����� After Mikhail and his Angels overcame the Dragon and his angels, the Spirit of the Dragon prostrate on the earth and began to pursue the woman Roza, who has to give birth to the Son of Human. For the purpose of not to allow the birth of the Son Chelovechesky who had to become the Messiah the Dragon decided to destroy the woman. For this purpose, the Dragon staged a massacre of World War I, the October revolution and the Civil war in Russia. Mother of future Son of Human then was still a girl, then she was 7 years old. During the disorder the thug hurt her head, after cranial trepanation she survived. In 1935 when the woman Roza married, the Dragon is twisting around Stalin and made him a Satan who began repressions in the country. Stalin began repressions not only against those who counteracted his power, but also against innocent people as a result to destroy the Son of Human. The husband of the woman who already carried in herself the Son of Human was arrested. For rescue from the Dragon "two wings of a big eagle that she flew to the desert to the place on behalf of a serpent were given to the woman and there ate throughout time, times and time floor." (Ioann 12.14). So, the God's Spirit protected the woman carrying the Son of Human from Stalin's actions, having hidden her in "desert" (town of Olevsk).

��� In 1939 the spirit of the Dragon has captured Hitler and has transformed him in serpent which has created strong army and has directed he on the east to destroy the Lamb. But the Spirit Divine, protecting the Lamb, has prevented to finish Hitler's criminal plan. "And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. (John 12.15-16). But the Spirit Divine, accompanied the Lamb with mother and her parents during evacuation and they have reached Uzbekistan where the Spirit Divine supported they. Apparently the Russian big spaces have helped to resist to army (river) of Hitler and the earth Russian has absorbed aggressors. But the Spirit Divine, accompanied the Lamb with mother and her parents during evacuation and they have reached Uzbekistan where the Spirit Divine supported they. Apparently, the Russian big spaces have helped to resist to army (river) of Hitler and the army Russian has destroyed aggressors. Hitler became a devil for many peoples and wished to destroy all Jews to destroy the Lamb. In war against Hitler Stalin has proved itself the ingenious commander.

����� After Hitler's death, the spirit of Dragon, pursuing the Son of Human, returned to Stalin who began to treat badly Jews and when he wanted to destroy all Jews by Hitler's example, having frozen them in tents in Siberia, then him has comprehended the death. Further the God's Spirit repeatedly protected the Son of Human life when it was threatened by danger. After Stalin's death the spirit of the Dragon has remained on the Earth and passed in different people to counteract the God.


1-4. Ascension of the Son of Human on the Sky to the God and his Sacred

The Revelation of St. John the Divine narrates the following on the revelation of the Book of Moses, that is, on the creation of The Divine Revelation on the Creation and Salvation of Mankind: And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon. And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints. And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: forthou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing... And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever (5:1-14).

The book that should be opened was the Torah, which conceals the hidden sense of the written text, which the Lamb has opened in given book "Messiah". When I was seventeen, I had pussy acute appendicitis that put me in mortal danger. I was urgently operated on Sunday. I was given general anesthesia, and my soul is separated from the body. I began to ascend and saw my body below over which I saw bent figures of doctors. I recall that I ascended to heaven where I saw flashing bright stripes of light through the whole sky. Then I was before the throne of God. At some distance aside below, there were Saint people in white attire and looking at me. God presented me to them as Lamb, on which there is a God's mark. And I returned to the earth.

����� The God "sitting on the throne" intended me to open the Book Torah on the earth. I was come on the sky as a Lamb which could die during operation. I was an innocent person (as lamb) till birth when in the womb of mother lay on the operating table for abortion. Therefore, the Lamb is intended to death, but avoided it.





2-1. The First Beast


The St. John the Divine's revelation begins with the words: The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John (1:1). As is seen, John's revelation is actually God's revelation after Jesus Christ's ascent to Him. This Divine Revelation is a description of future events revealed to John in a vision, sent down to it by Jesus Christ from God.

����� The Revelation of St. John has a prophecy about the present time: "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" (13:1-8).

����� "The beast rises up out of the sea (water)" is an arrival of military force from the sea. "Seven heads of an animal with blasphemous names" it is seven countries, making military armada. "One of the heads kinds of was fatally wounded, but this mortal wound is cured" - it means that one of the countries lost the former power. "Ten horns" it is ten Muslim states, which become allies of an animal.

The "dragon" is a Devil, he is an antipode of God which fight with each other eternally. The dragon, as well as God, has influence on the moral of people. The morals extended by God are love for the neighbor, and it is stated in the Bible. But the moral of the Dragon, this violence and sodomy which extend impious people in their interests. The people has been bewitched by the Dragon.Those people who are capable to flatter the foe will "worship" before military force and to deceive neighbors. But But "He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints" (13:10).

����� The "Saint" - Antiglobalists who represent the most conscious people, supporters of establishment of the economic laws, satisfying not only the rich, but also the poor are "Saint". In the most developed capitalist superpower, there is an incredibly large number of beggars and besides the homeless. The rich and the mighty of this world of this country, hypocritically say that these beggars are addicts and mentally crazy people. These people have no dwelling because they have no sufficient ability successfully to live at a capitalist system and because of the housing policy pursued by the rich.

2-2. The Second Beast


St. John's Revelation speaks also about another beast: "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name� The number of the name of the beast � 666". (13:11-17).

����� It is necessary to believe that number 666 is a code of time (according to chronology from Adam) when in Eurasia such great power is designated. The second animal will act as the first animal. Thus, time when two animals dominate over all mankind will come.


2-3. The Whore of Babylon


In St. Ioann's revelation, the Angel talks about the mystery of the whore of Babylon, who was the elite of ancient Babylon, and now is the elite of the capitalist world.

"And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication. And upon her forehead was a name written, mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth... " (17:1-5).

����� And he saith unto me, the waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. (17.16,17,18). These words mean that the states which supported the Babylon loose woman, will get influence and will ruin her.

����� And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. (18.1�5). The last words means that white people will leave this country.

2-4. The Fall of the Beast

And I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he tread eth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, "King of kings, and Lord of lords. And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God; That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant was slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh (19:11-21)

����� "The beast" and his troops which is brought together for battle with the sitting on a horse and its troops", is Asian peoples (people of Darkness), which throw up hatred to the progressive white European people (to the people Ligth). The false prophet is their ideological mastermind fed by the Dragon (Djyavol). These events will lead to Armageddon.

2-5. The Opening of Seven Seals of the Di�vine Book

After the opening of the first seal, the white horse appeared, on which was mounted a victorious rider, symbolizing the multitude of white European nations headed by the Lamb Christ.

����� After the opening of the second seal, the yellow horse appeared, on which was a rider with a large sword, to remove peace from the earth, in order that people kill each other. This horse with the rider symbolizes military group from the mongoloid peoples of Japhet.

����� After the opening of the third seal, the black horse appeared mounted by the rider with a balance in his hand, who measured wheat and barley for money and paying respects to the holy oil and wine. This horse and the rider symbolizes the Arabs and other people of the Middle East, practising moderate Islam.

After the opening of the fourth seal, the pale horse appeared, and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth (6:8). This horse and the horseman symbolize a military group of people of the first beast. They are not believing in God, but in the Devil.

���� When the fifth seal was opened [John] saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held [for justice] (6:9).

After the opening of the sixth seal, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth... And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth... and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains (6:12-15).

2-6. Seven Trumpets and Seven Vials of God's Wrath

In Ioann's revelations are described courts of God's (penalty), as a spill of seven bowls of God's anger, spilled by seven Angels on the earth.

After the first Angel sounded and poured out the first vial of wrath there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up (8:7). And there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image (16:2).

After the second Angel sounded and poured the second vial of wrath, as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood. And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed (8:8,9). Chapter 16 describes the event somewhat differently: And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea (16:3). In fact, it could have happened due to the formation and eruption of the largest volcano in ocean.

After the third Angel sounded and poured the third vial of wrath, there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters. And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter (8, 10-11). Chapter 16 describes only the result of the actions of the third Angel: And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood. The Lord so judged people for they have shed the blood of saints and prophets (16:4, 6). The star that fell on the dry land might have been a comet and its vapors and gases spoiled the third part of drinking water on the earth.

After the fourth Angel sounded and poured the fourth vial, the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; [smitten] so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise (8:12). Chapter 16 describes that as follows: And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. 9: And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory (16:8-9). Such phenomenon could occur when a space body from outside fell on the Sun; it could cause such a string flash on the Sun that considerable radioactive emission reach the Earth. In that, the light of the Sun may darken, and sores may appear on the human bodies.

After the fifth Angel sounded and poured the fifth vial, [John] saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth... And she opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit... And there came out of the smoke locusts... And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months... And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses...and their faces were as the faces of men...and their teeth were as the teeth of lions... And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon (9:1-11). Chapter 16 describes that in simpler terms: The fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain; And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores and repented not of their deeds (16:10-11).

The star that fell from the sky could have been a large meteorite or asteroid that pierced the earth's crust and hit a huge air- and smoke-cavity which could have been inhabited by unknown creatures called locusts. These locusts bit people, but those who had God's seal on their foreheads were as if inoculated and were immune from the bites of the locusts. The cavity in which the meteorite fell was most probably under the valley along the Jordan river up to Mount Hermon.

After the sixth Angel sounded and poured the sixth vial, John heard a voice addressed to the sixth Angel with a trumpet: Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand... and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. By these three was the third part of men killed (9:13-18). Chapter 16 describes that as follows: And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. And I [John] saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty... And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon (16:12-16). According to John's vision, a battle that was between the armies of the dragon and the second beast against the multitude of European peoples, which resulted in the destruction of a third of the Earth's population.

�� After that, God decided to stop the war on the earth: And I [John] saw another mighty angel come down from heaven... who cried with a loud voice... and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices... I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things... and write them not. And the angel which I saw... sware by him that... in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets (10:1-7).

��� When the seventh Angel began to sound and poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great city [Jerusalem] was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon [New York]... And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great (16:17-21). It is seen that after the seventh Angel made a strong earthquake all over the earth, the war between nations ceased.


2-7. The Captivity of Dragon and the Millennial Kingdom of God

And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bot�tomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thou�sand years. And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years (20:1-6).

These words mean that the struggle fought in a smart way by the dragon and his angels against God and His Angels from the time of the appearance of Jesus Christ will end in the defeat of the dragon. After that for a thousand years humanity will be ruled by righteous and holy men headed by the Lamb Christ. Righteous and holy men could appear not only among the people of Israel and the multitude of European peoples of Israel, but also among all the nations in the world. The souls of the righteous who were murdered for their justice and faith in Christ will be resurrected and they will rulers in the Millennial Kingdom of God. The resurrection of the righteous will be the transition of righteous souls of the dead into the bodies of newborn who will identify themselves with previous life. In the millennial kingdom people will be born and will die, like before, but the souls of the righteous ones will live a thousand years, by having been transferred in the newborn.

Prophet Jeremiah said in his prophecy on the descendant of David, which is Messiah, and of the people of Israel and the whole of humanity: Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. 6: In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely. Behold, the days come, that they shall no more say, The Lord liveth, which brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; But [they will say], The Lord liveth, which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries whither I had driven them; and they shall dwell in their own land (Jer. 23:5-8).

����� The words "Judah Has to Be Saved" means that on the place of modern Israel the Judaic state consisting of the Russian Jews who came from the northern country to the earth and built there the state has to be recreated. "They should not say words any more that Misters those which raised children of Israel from the earth of Egypt. But that Misters those which lifted and which gave a seed of the house of Israel from the northern country, and from all countries where I conducted them; they have to live on the own earth" mean that the new Judaic state there have to live the Russian Jews and other European Jews with their family, but not black hamita of Judaic belief which are identified with hamita of ancient Egypt. The words "Israel Has to Live Safely" means, the white people of Europe representing the peoples of Israel have to live safely in their countries.



2-8. Exempting and Torturing of Dragon.

Defeat of Gog and Magog.

The Departure of the Earth from the Sun

And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever (20:7-10).

These words mean that after a thousand years God will release Satan (the dragon's spirit), since God is merciful. The lands of Gog and Magog are lands inhabited by the nations of Ham and Japheth. The "camp of the saints" is the armies of Israel and the multitude of European peoples of Israel; "the beloved city" is Jerusalem. The "lake of fire" where God cast the dragon, beast and false prophet, is the Sun, and it is impossible to come out of it.

And I saw a great white throne, and Him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them (20:11). The "great white throne," where God is seated is the planet Jupiter. Evidently after the dragon's spirit weakened, and it was the spirit of the planet Saturn, the equilibrium of the graviatational attraction in the solar system had been disturbed. In order to weaken the spirit of the dragon, God mad Saturn to approach the Sun; as a result, the Earth did not keep on the orbit and went farther from the Sun. God left Jupiter and departed with the Earth. But it will happen in a thousand years.

2-9. Last Judgment and the Renovation of Earth

And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire (20:12-15). These words mean that in the "books" are written the good and bad deeds of the dead during their lifespan.�� And the Last Judgment will decide who will be inscribed in the "book of life." The souls of those who failed to be inscribed in the book of life will be destroyed.

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away... Behold, I make all things new... (21:1-5).

These words mean that after the Earth departed from the Sun, God transferred those inscribed in the "book of life" to "God's Tabernacle." After the departure of the Earth from the Sun, God was due to recreate the Earth anew, in order that those saved in "God's Tabernacle" were able to live there. The words "there shall be no more death" mean that only there shall be no untimely death from diseases and murders.

And there came unto me one of the seven angels... and talked with me, saying, come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal... and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass. And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof (21:9-23). These words show how God had transfigured the Earth, so people could live there in peace, honor and love.


Section 3.






Once a Khan with horde of Japhethes

Has attacked the North of Shem

Bones cracked and miriads killed

Until he conquered the Rus.


Already long time Jepheth remained

In his native South.

There he multiplied

And now his multitude is overwhelming.


Japheth having restored his strength

Will again send his sons on north.

That will be horror of the Orient

There long will be a terrible plague.


Russia will direct its power

Toward the Occident, in order to fight

It will force old Europe

Into an alliance with Russia.


America will meet Russia

By barrier of word and fire,

But having review the situation

It will leave Europe for good.


The Eurostates will be the house of whites

They will have no choice but to be together.

All will be carried away by faith,

To keep sincerely the Covenant.


By the revelation's word

Europe will mend its ways.

It will learn undoubtedly

That and the Jews are its flesh.


Proud Arians will put

Laurel wreaths on Jewish heads.

And those will not reject more

That Christ is their prophet.



������� 2. NOT THAT "ZION"

Zion: a beautiful idea

Fired the hearts of the Jews,

But having absorbed false Jews

It was burned completely.


Edom in Israel as Moloch

He has started to oppress Jews.

But it will not be long,

This Israel will be crumpled.


But the great Ismael will manage

To compose an alliance,

And entire Israel will be dumb,

Not able to keep the shut gate with Edom.


It is a pity, a way of Zion, it is visible

To Jews is eternal cannot be.

But the ancient city of David

Will be saved from the Ismael tornado.


Soldiers of Christ will enter

Into the promised land.

The Jews will be saved,

but, unfortunately, not all.


People from Europe will be

an outpost there to hold,

they from all freaks will be

to keep the Holy Land.


People Jewish among all peoples

Desired becomes everywhere,

Peoples through love to Jews

Will receive the blessing on the Earth.





The dark Sons of Ham freely

Has spread over entire Europe.

There is no rest as yesteryears

And no walking by the streets.


It is dark also in the New World,

������ There houses are not shone any more

In the States the sons of Light will rise

������ Will not want to live with darkness.

������� When the people of Light will decide

To clean their home of alien Darkness,

They humanism will judge,

The Good without Evil cannot be.


Will uncompromisingly fight

All forces of Light against Darkness

Until those times that all Hamites

Will be tamed forever.


Hamites no will live in lands of Light:

Only at visit they will be there.

Having accepted fate from the Gog,

Hamites will be happy.


Then everyone will aspire

To live together with the God.

All will enjoy by validity of the life

And carefully keep it.



