














Translation from Russian into English





Copyrigth 2000-2024

by Anatoli Bedritsky

Email: [email protected]
















1.    Socialism phenomenon

2.    Degradation of socialism in the USSR

3.    Totalitarianism and democracy

4.    Globalization of mankind

5.    Unknown putinism

6. Revival of Judea.




���� From times immemorial humanity never had a social system, which would have been just for all people placed in various conditions deter�mined by the system. The economic system, defining the degree of the restriction on private property, from which depends the economic position of the person after his birth already and afterwards the degree of the inequality of the earning of the people, having or no having a capital.

��� Capitalism is characterized by almost unlimited private property, when the rich receive enlarge its capital due to their capital and due to mercenary workmans and in smaller measure by its personal labour, which can be also very intellektual. The rich persons spend on the amuse�ments and material bells and whistles more money than they earn the personal labour. Poor people are not only among hired laborers, but also among those in small businesses and liberal professions. Among the poor one may meet people varying in their ability to survive. But even strong individuals can not always reach relative prosperity, or become rich, since many of them may undermine their health while try�ing to improve their living and fail to reach their goals. In the developed capitalist countries the poor are in the minority as compared to the well-off; this allows to the well-off to achieve majority in parliaments where they can pass the laws favorable to them. Capitalism does not know concept of "rightness" and the human rights to this, capitalism know only the right to an economic gain. In the developed capitalist countries the poor receive social security in order ensuring a living minimum in order to decrease the poor's discontent.

��� The communism in the USSR was in an initial stage of development and referred to as socialism. Socialism is characterized by the all-encompassing state property and only by a necessary private property, which in fact is personal property. The socialist motto is: "from everyone according to one's capacity, to everyone according to his work," due to this one receives a salary in proportion to one's work, with some deviations. The Motto of the commu�nism "from each as far as possible and each on need" not only is unfair, but also harmful, as workers will not be interested in work and it will lead to decline of economy. For this reason such communism is a utopia. The ideal motto of communism can be only "from everyone according to one's capacity, to everyone according to his work and of additional need".

����� In the beginning of 20 centuries the majority of intellectuals of the Europe were adherents of social democracy on the basis of Marx's ideas, and many countries of the Europe were on the verge of revolution. In February, 1917 in Russia there was a revolution as a result of which tsar has refused authority in favour of parliament (constituent assembly). The parliament has passed democratic laws on equality of the rights of different people in Russia. The laws on nationalization of the ground, factories and factories have decided to consider after the ending of war. But the economic situation in the country worsened, due to that the workers and peasants did demand immediately to stop war and to carry out democratic reforms on nationalization of the capital. The Provisional government consisted in the majority of revolutionaries social democrats and esers, but bolsheviks there there was a minority.

The October revolution of 1917 have begun by Russian workers (proletariat) without leadership of known social democrats who considered that it is impossible to begin revolution in one Russia as she is doomed to a failure. Sinoviev and Kamenev even want to go to calm the people. But, Lenin has managed to convince the bolsheviks in necessity to head the revolution, which begun the proletariat. After October revolutionand Civil war Lenin has died and the authority has appeared at such strong personality as Stalin who has directed development of Russia on a way of the accelerated establishment of socialism.

���� The economy of any state depends basically on genius of the head of the country. The USSR during Stalin's board became a superpower and continued to develop during Khruschev's board. It has occured not so the owing to Stalin's talent, but more the owing to socialist system. However, if Martov, Lenin or Trotsky would be in the head of authority instead of Stalin, the USSR would reach even greater successes as they were more fair and are not less talented in construction and protection of the Soviet state and besides they were loyal to existence of different fractions and parties. But when the authority has appeared at Stalin, he has constructed his socialism with repressing.

Lenin during his illness do notfirmly the successor, and has named only possible{probable} successors: Trotsky, Sinoviev, Kamenev, Buharin and Stalin, having specified their negative features. The worst characteristic was at Stalin, and therefore Lenin has suggested to not put his by the head of the party. Lenin knew Stalin best as Stalin was protege of Lenin. Trotsky from modesty has not proposed itself the head of a party. Trotsky was the strong personality which was against the Brest world but which has supported Lenin and together with Lenin has led Russia on a way of revolution to one country though before Trotsky was menchevik. Trotsky was commander-in-chiefofthe Red army during Civil war and herewith has managed to involveon the party of bolsheviks the generals of imperial army. Without Trotsky, the bolsheviks in Civil war would suffer defeat. Lenin was not the military expert, and Stalin had experience only in an attack on bank.

Stalin, becoming the secretary general, increased number ofits supporters in the Central Committee of the party and together with Sinoviev has incited all the Political bureau against Trotsky. In 1927 Stalin by means of Sinoviev, Kamenev and Buharin has gained a political victory over Trotsky, has removed him from all posts and has sent into exile. In 1929 Stalin by means of Buharin has eliminated Siniviev and Kamenev from authority, and then Stalin has eliminated also Buharin from authority, because he has opposed Stalin's dictatorial authority. So, about ten years Stalin eliminated the competitors in the country leaders, due to that in this time the economic development of the country wasunsatisfactory.

From time of the revolution the peasants was obliged to do compulsory delivery of the foodstuffs necessary for the country. In 1921 was entered a new economic policy (NEP) at which the compulsory delivery was replaced on the foodstuffs tax, i.e. has been accepted the market . But, workers of cities could offer nothing to peasants instead of bread, why peasants have not been interested in increase in manufacture of agricultural production that has led to deterioration of maintenance of cities by the foodstuffs. In this connection in 1926 the government has started to plunder those people who were not proletarians.Them have deprived the suffrages, their dwellings and all property. Children of those people lost the right to study in educational institutions and to have the qualified work. It was a crime of the government before the most vigorous and efficient part of people.

In 1930 have cancelled the NEP and have beguncollectivization in village and industrialization of the country. Because a failure of system offoodstuffs tax and because of the begun compulsory collectivization the plan of preparation of grain was not carried out. In 1932-1933 power structures have started to take away violently bread from peasants as foodstuffs tax. Because of this in villages and small cities has begun famine. Ukraine has especially suffered. Stalin was guilty Of this tragedy as the main head of the state. Collectivization needed to be spent gradually, not touching an average layer of peasantry, and only to takethe earth from the large landowners.

���� If Lenin has remained alive, Stalin could not seize power and development of socialism in the country has gone in other way by, without excessive violence over people. Trotsky and Lenin argued in essence and they reconciled with each other. Russia at socialist system become a superstate with her people and natural riches. But Russia and without revolution could become a superstate after overthrow of tsar.

���Since in the USSR there was an one-party system during long board of Brezhnev, which was been ill, the national economy has fallen into decay. Because of this the capitalism is more stabile than the socialism. The socialist system, as any other system, requires reforming for its constant development in accordance with changing life conditions. But there were no such reforms in the socialist state of the USSR and the states close to it, since they had a one-party system of power; under such a system there was no opportunity to choose a bet�ter way of socialist development. Since socialism had been established in the states with one-party dictatorship, this socialism did not develop and continued to be in an embryonic state. In principle, dictatorship is not an immanent feature of a socialist system, which is based of councils.

��� Transition of Russia and other separate republics from socialism by capitalism was inexpedient. Improvement of development of economy of the state needed the accelerated reforming of socialism. Gorbachev has proclaimed the motto: � reorganization, publicity, acceleration �. But did not do reorganization, and has made only publicity that was advantageously for West and made advances to unreasonable democrats, having admitted them to authority. However, Gorbachev was not so silly that not to make out "unreasonable democrats", but it is a criminal way of treachery of ideas of a socialism which he should protect.

���� The personal freedom of people was already at Chruschev and Brezhnev at a sufficient level the then. Experience has shown, that due to equality of people at socialism, the the people have requirements to the state about validity and equality, but about this at capitalism the people even to think do not dare. Basically the socialist idea is more humane than capitalism which in general does not have idea, and only naked economic interest without pity to the workers. The socialist system is characterized by significant violence on individuality of the person, and without this violence the socialism is degraded, as the human harm always prevails of good. But the violence of socialism should not be totalitarian, and democratic. Basically the socialism for the majority of people is better than capitalism.




�� That the USSR less than for 50 years could become a superpower, testifies that socialist system is progressive. But, in conditions of one-party authority the head of the state should be clever enough and devoted to the state. When Brezhnev became leader, in USSR began the stagnation in economic development of the state and began the significant backlog of a standard of living of people in the USSR in comparison with a standard of living of people in the countries of the West. The people started to doubt in perspective of socialist system for development of the state. Change of authority was required, but she could not occur because of one-party authority in the state. In these conditions the representatives of authority have started to take itself special privileges in the form of special shops, that caused the national protest. In fact laws to the USSR developed on principles of socialism, provided equality for all citizens. Representatives of authority in the USSR personally have not been interested in protection of Soviet system as they not had from this system significant privileges in comparison with other citizens of the country. And even, on the contrary, at destruction of this system they could receive a greater opportunity for enrichment than simple people, as has occurred during rule of Yeltsin. As a result extemporaneous chaotic transition from socialism to capitalism there appeared poverty because has suffered considerably of which a lot of people than during Stalin reprisals.

�� The bomb for undermining the Soviet system in the USSR was set up already in Brezhnev's time when he signed the Helsinki agreements developed by investigation of the countries of the West. The majority of dissidents in USSR were not scientific analysts of social order, they did not have such works as at Marx, Plechanov, Lenin, Martov, Trotsky and other revolutionaries. And without development of such works it is impossible to create ideology for progressive development of the state.

����� Overwhelming majority of people in the USSR have received education which they could not have in imperial Russia and of which have no the majority of people in the West. But intellect of soviet intellectuals was below than intellect of prerevolutionary intellectuals and they ruined the Soviet authority. The Soviet highbrows have not been able to understand the principle superiority of the socialism over capitalism. From these intellectuals appeared the dissidents. Idols of the Soviet intelligency actually became catalysts of disorder of the Soviet system, and then and the USSR. People can do mistakes at choice of idols.

����� So, the analytical thinking and literary genius Solzhenitsyn do not pull on the Nobel Prize, but it give for other merits. Solzhenitsyn, left the conclusion, was embittered, has risen against the Soviet power, and consequently and against the majority of simple Soviet people, which before acquaintance with it have not been so strongly subject yet to dissident damage, the Soviet power basically suited them. Solzhenitsyn before condemnation was the normal Soviet person, but with inquisitive mind, thanks to that he saw the lacks of the Soviet power, but did not protest. Probably that the prison has cracked his, he there was under of influence of political prisoners and began to revenge, having overstepped the limits of judiciousness.

����� The Soviet power has not been imposed by the outside, this power was established in the country in the core by the Russian people. But the white army received an help from abroad. In the book "Archipelago Gulag" of Solzhenitsyn has stated set of the criminal facts from law enforcement bodies to the condemned. But it is all has already stopped at the same Soviet power and the socialist system after Stalin. So the socialist system is not guilty. Lawless of law enforcement began from the company of unfair condemnation trotskism, initiated by Stalin. Are guilty as well people which against each other slandered. One former prisoner has told, "people have each other eaten." Nature of the person is imperfect. The Gulag was an anachronism of the Soviet power because of the absence of the valid power of Councils. After Stalin reprisals does not remain outstanding figures of socialist ideology and in the late seventies the people have lost faith in a socialism, and the communism was understood as a utopia.

����� Sakharov, using the popularity of the scientist, has wanted to influence accordingly on politics of the state under influence of friends-dissidents. As wife Saharov was the dissident, then she could have on him an special influence. Sakharov behaved impudently against the government, undermining his authority. States of the West skilfully used the unreasonable soviet dissidents. A part of dissidents were simply traitors.

The Dissidents were so popular amongst people that they have influenced even among some members of the government. Actions of dissidents have so shaken the Soviet state system that it changed the soviet system and appeared two presidents Gorbachev and Yeltsin. Gorbachev in general could not be put the head of the state as he was with an obvious bad mark on a head. In ancient Israel the candidate on first prelate in Temple Jerusalem was checked on absence of defects of a body.

��� Among dissidents in 70 and 80th years, as well as revolutions of 1917, was participating many Jews (but not prevailing). If Israel since 1947 would go on a socialist way of development, then Stalin would let out Jews from the USSR to Israel, where Jews could construct a good socialism on an example of kibuts. Then and the USSR would have a sample for the best socialism and not would have no dissidents. The USSR and Israel in the Near east could dominate, and the world would be other.




��� The USSR almost from the very beginning was the socialist totalitarian state. During Stalin's board the totalitarian authority was not only disciplining (kept order under laws), but also criminal in relation to people of the country. The criminality of totalitarian authority consist that it{she} allowed this authority to make illegal actions{shares} against people. Apparently, lack of totalitarian authority is that at this authority it is impossible to exclude occurrence of illegal actions from the authority. The USSR almost from the very beginning was the socialist totalitarian state. During Stalin's board the totalitarian authority was simultaneously disciplining the people under lawand was criminal to the people of the country. The criminality of totalitarian authority consist in that, that she allow this authority to make illegal actions against people. Apparently, lack of totalitarian authority is that at this authority it is impossible to exclude occurrence of illegal actions of the authority.

�� Dicta�torship could be established in any economic system. Upon the disinte�gration of the USSR into single states, and upon the latter's transition to capitalism, the power dictatorship did not decrease, but even increased. So, for instance, in 1991 in the socialist state of USSR, during the siege of the [Russian] White House where the people's idol Yeltsin stood, the power headed by Gorbachev has put out tanks, but did not use them, while in 1993 in capitalist Russia, when the people came out against Yeltsin in defense of the parliament, on Yeltsin's order the tanks not only shot at the parliament situated in the same White House, but also at the peo�ple that defended it. Yeltsin, the idol of democrats turned out to be an even harsher dictator, than Stalin and the Tsar, since Yeltsin forced the people to adopt a constitution, according to which he had the supreme authority.

��� Soviet morality in relations between individuals was high even under undeveloped socialism. For instance, in the Soviet Union the authorities had no choice but to hide their activities that contradicted to Soviet morals. Unjust repressions seemed incongruous with Soviet morality, but it was a parallel phenomenon in the state. After the chief dictator Stalin died, the persecution of the innocent people did diminish considerably. When Khrushchev and later Gorbachev came to power, they tried to make the socialist system more human and democratic, but their mistake is that they should have acted gradually, because west democracy not completely is fit for soviet socialist system. Khruschev was enough clever and he has stoped such realignment of the socialism. And under Gorbachev as a result of glasnost occurred an explosive upsurge of the people's struggle for democracy, that has led to antipatriotism, to destabilization of the state and its disintegration.

��� Some states can exist only at presence at them totalitarian authority. Such states are the Arabian countries and others. The totalitarian authority is necessary for Arabs by virtue of their mentality which has partly developed historically, and partly has genetic character. So, vainly Bush tries to impose democracy in Iraq. Probably, what even Russian people accepts in a greater measure the state with totalitarian authority.

��� Even in the democratic states of the West and the USA the authority is totalitarian as she has an opportunity to do laws and decisions which in people are unpopular (for example, laws on an opportunity of migration of Asians and africans to the Europe, and also the decision on war in Iraq). If to lead a referendum under all laws it can appear, that many laws are totalitarian. As Russian people have more wont to freedom, and accordingly more disobedient, than people of the West.




����� If the person is oppressed in the state of the birth for the national, religious or political reasons, this person has the right to leave this state and to enter in other state which agrees to accepting him. But, it is absolutely unacceptable, if at deterioration of conditions in the state, capitalists can freely to leave with the capital in other state, having left people of the state on an arbitrariness of destiny though this people worked on education of his capital.

Laws in the USA and in other capitalist countries, including in Russia, do not provide equality for all citizens, and are directed first of all on protection of interests of owners of the capital. The owners of the capital do not break these laws, but other less provided people compelled submissively to live under laws of the state. Under these laws people can improve their life by using of other people, not having remorses. Only to the most powerful owners of the capital, the globalization of economy on all world is favourable.

The globalization in economy leads to deterioration of food because of technogenic ways of their manufacture, because of increase in term of their storage and because of decomposition of natural products on their components for increase in assortment of products which are less qualitative. Qualitative products are replaced with genetically changed substitutes.

����� Globalization leads to increase in economic dependence of the states from each other, to increase in migration of people and accordingly to increasing of infectious diseases, and also to formation of generalmankind which operate a small number of the richest people in their interests. As a result of globalization the states become fictitious, The corporation with corporate police will operate on the peoples. Superfluous people will be the homeless and to live on pity grants at the best, and will die out as they will not have conditions for reproduction. At globalization the world financial and economic structure supervise the industrial manufacture and the foodstuff of all states, having made unprofitable the manufacture in different states. China now practically supplies all states with the industrial goods necessary in the life. In case of participation of China in world war the mankind will lose the vital goods. And after all earlier all states existed basically thanks to their manufacture. It is a pity that now no Soviet Union which was provided itself independently and where people lived without reflecting on the future. At globalization continuation, an ending of mankind is inevitable, as there is no reserve mankind (a peoples, living irrespective of other peoples).

����� Formation of uniform mankind will lead to disappearance of white human race and degradation of mankind. In fact the science is moved forward basically by representatives of white race; the representatives of other races in the basic successfully master the science and put her into practice. The God after Babylon has divided the uniform mankind into the separate peoples, that they were at enmity among themselves and developed itself by different ways for the best life and thus the best civilizations. The uniform mankind can be lost from distribution of different illnesses and even from one virus. Ancient Jews at will of God did not mix up with the people of Cham. The modern mankind would not be that as now, if the homo sapiens would mix up with Neanderthal men, instead of have eaten them. Europeans should not eat Africans and Asians, but to be separated from them should, yet not late.





��� Putin has started to correct the mistakes, which Yeltsin and his command has done in foreign policy of Russia. But to correct all mistakes was already late and impossible.Putin has continued Yeltsin's way to capitalization of the country, unfairly clamping supporters of socialist development of the country. In fact privatization has been done illegally, because she could be spent only with the consent of all people through a referendum, but not on the basis of Yeltsin's decrees. In fact it was possible to only reorganize the state objects as the private companies, and these objects would become more effective and competitive than they became after privatization under direction of Gaydar, Chubays, etc. The public values have been taken from people and transferred to private possession for very little money.

�� If Putin has executed expectations of the majority of people it should go on deprivatisation, to declare illegality of disintegration of the USSR, formally to declare, that the lawful border of Russia should be on border of the USSR and formally offer the states which have left the USSR to arrange their independence under the law of USSR, but not�� onthe result of the putsch which was in Beloveg. At separation of the USSR it was necessary to leave only slavic republics in structure of new Russia, and the rest to suggest to be separated, but with a condition of participation in the economic union of the CIS and participation in military political Warsaw contract while there is a NATO.

Putin does the state national policy so, that has strengthened a vertical of the power and kept Russia as the Euroasian empire consisting of the different people, having the autonomy in the territory. Such empire is monogamma empire unlike gamma empire which is the USA. In the USA the people of a different ethnic origin are mixed in all territory and consequently association of any ethnic group for struggle for the independence there is complicated. The European states, before peace invasion the Asians, were basically the monoethnic states, due to that they almost did not have big internal national contradictions. But in those states where there have another compact national groups, as Basques in Spain and Irish in Great Britain, are there struggle for national independence.

The further declaration of independence to national republics is inadmissible, as it threatens the existence of Russia as the states. Modern Russia is much less than imperial Russia and than the USSR, but more homogeneous by nationality. The people concerning different races, have different mentality. But, religious distinction can cause not smaller contradictions than racial distinction. The religion is a superficial peel, but if necessary it can amplify and serve as the weapon. As Russian people are the state-forming, then inRussia needs to strengthen Orthodoxy and not to strengthening of other religious faiths up to prohibition those. Earlier the religion was spread by fire and a sword, now it is inappropriate. But it is possible to promote by granting of economic or other benefits to transition in the Orthodoxy of Christianity, as for example some pass in Islam because of the polygamy resolved there. In Russia the Orthodoxy should not be separated from the state as it was earlier, tsars it understood. But Orthodoxy can be reformed.

��� Russia should have a purpose of revival of the Kievian Russia as empires, without connecting itself bonds with the people of Caucas,which mentality differs from Slavs. Ukraine, Belarus and Russia should unite with center in Kiev. The islam and other peoples ofthe Volga region need to be integrated into slavic empire. The Mordvins or the Tatars is difficult for distinguishing from Russians.

��� The Russian people living abroad, should have the right to returning to Russia by help of the state. Russian Jews, as they in the USSR had no autonomy (Birobidzhan they did not recognize) should have the same right, because they have left from Russia at will of the God. After of that the Russian Jews by means of Russia at will Divine will change the policy of Israel and will make its a Jewish state, corresponding Precept of the God.

����� As construction of slavic empire is problematic, Putin has allowed to build the Euroasian empire, giving the Russian citizenship to Asians and even Africans. These foreigners are settled in all cities of Russia. In the USSR, as well as in imperial Russia, national minorities lived basically in the independent regions and their resettlement has been limited by a residence permit. Free moving of foreigners among Russian can lead to the same interethnic antagonism which was formed in the Western Europe (the French syndrome).

����� People differ basically on races, instead of on the peoples. The majority of Russians, Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Germans, Frenchmen, Swedes, Italians and other European people do not differ almost from each other and they easily can make one of peoples if will appear in one state where will talk in one language. So, in imperial Russia almost there was no difference between Russian, Ukrainians and Byelorussians. Even intellectuals of Poland, Lithuania and Bessarabia have joined Russian culture and it would lead make to general Russian people. But, it was stoped with formation of the USSR, because of the Stalin national policy of formationof national autonomies. In spite of the fact that the north caucasian people (Chechens, Daghestanis, Ossetins, Abkhasians, etc.) for a long time are in structure of Russia and outwardly they do not differ almost from Europeans, their mentality differs from the European people and it does not change. Different mentalities have the right to existence, but to mix them sometimes is inexpedient.

���� Natural uniformity and heterogeneity of people can be checked up on experiment if to collect unfamiliar 11 persons of a different nationality (the Russian, the Ukrainian, the Byelorussian, the Lithuanian, the Jew, the Tatar, the Chechen, the Kazakh, the Uzbek, the Azerbaijanian and the Ethiopian) and to offer it, without talking with each other, to choose to itself the person to pair for joint residing. Steams are formed if two persons have chosen each other, and the remained continue a choice among themselves and it proceeds some times. There is no doubt that the first 4 persons from the listed will prefer to choose each other and also the Jew, the Tatar and Chechen as they outwardly do not differ almost. But the Kalmyk, the Kazakh, the Uzbek and the Azerbaijanian should fraternize among themselves. Undoubtedly that the superfluous there will be an Ethiopian. So, it as Jews spoke, beat not under the passport, but on the physiognomy.

����� Division of the people into the different peoples and races has occurred at will of God. Liberal antiracist laws in the European countries and in Russia are violence in relation to the radical white people. Actions of skinheads are natural, they are patriots of the people. The skinheads struggle for preservation of white race. The ideology of modern democrats and intellectuals in historical prospect is immoral.

����� Among peoples of Russia except of Russians there are many Turkis who represent basically descendants of Chazars and Tatar-Mongols.Kagan Joseph in its letter has specified, that the Khazars are descendants of Togarmah, which is a grandson of Japheth in a family tree of people according to Torah. Descendants of turks of the Volga region, are appreciably presented in Tatars, Mordovs, Bashkirs, Buryats, Kalmyks and other people. Descendants of Togarmah are mentioned in prophecy of Ezekiel according to which in the end days (which are already close) the God will punish peoples of Meshech, Tubal and Togarmah (peoples of Turks of mongoloid posterities of Japheth), and also the peoplesof Paras (Iran), Cush and Put (negroid peoples of Ham). These peoples under Gogh's leadership will be at war against the people of Israel. Considering it, it is quite probable that at that time the people of Togarmah will separate from Russia and will adjoin Islam peoples.

In Israel live not only descendants of a tribe Judas, but also representatives of 10 tribes of Israel, which representatives of 10 tribes of Israel. Descendants of 10 tribes of Israel represent those orthodox Christians which have become related with Jews and have moved to live to Israel. In fact during when the Scythians was in the western Asia, the 10 tribes of Israel which was in the Mussel and Syria have adjoined to Scythians and have appeared in the Europe where having mixed up with the Scythians. Thus the 10 tribes of Israel have appeared not only in structure of Slavs, but also in structure of other peoples of the Europe after Great resettlement of people.

"And you Son of Human (Messiah) prophesy about Gog Gog and saythus said the Lord God: it I your god, you Gog chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. I shall lift you from distant north and I will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel. I also shall beat the bow out of thy left hand andwill cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand. Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured. And I will send a fire on Magog (peoples supporting Gog), and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the God. (Ezekiel 39:1-6).

From Putin's plan is not clearly, whether there will be Russia empire together with descendants Togarmah and will involved in war against people Divine, or will be separated from turkis for construction of new Russia together with Ukraine and Belarus. If Russia will go on the way of the strengthening of the Euroasian empire, then after a while the president of the country can become a Tatar. Then the nuclear button of one of the greatest the states with rockets and the nuclear weapon will be in hands of Islamites.��



����� Modern Israel created by the European Jews (ashkenaz).They the zionists from tsarist Russia, which was creating the Jewish settlements (ishuv) there. According to the words of God only descendants of a knee of Judas have to return to Judea and inherit the Promised Land: "The slave my Kalev, for the fact that in him there was a spirit other and he was quite devoted to me, I will bring it into the earth where it went, and the posterity will inherit it it" (Ch. 14:24). Kalev came from a knee of Judas which descendants are the European Jews (ashkenaz), now they is the Russian Jews and the American Jews. The world Jewry generally is the European Jews (ashkenaza), in Israel they now is less than a half of the population. In the Israel the Jews mix up with the east Jews. But the east Jews so differ from the European Jews of diaspora that Israelis represent already new Israeli nation, different from world Jewry of diaspora.

����� As the State of Israel becomes actually non-Jewish, this state which is on the Promised Land contradicts God`s Precept. On the Promised Land at the God`s will the state Judea has to be formed by the Russian Jews, which is being advance party of descendants of the people of ancient Judea. It follows from prophetical vision of Yaakov: "He (the rest of the great people of Israel) laid down as a lion and as a lioness, who will lift it. Judas's knee will not cease to exist and legislators from the circle of his descendants, and to it obedience of people" when will not appear Sheelah yet (B.49:9.10). And, really, Yaakov's words were carried out. From the great people of Israel remain only the Judas's knee. Shiloh (the Envoy God`s) is the Son of Human. Orthodoxes wait when the Messiah appears, then the state Judea will be created.

����� Position of the State of Israel, which is in an environment of the Arab states, is difficult. Israel is threatened not only by the Arab countries, but also the non-Arab countries which for domination on the East rely on Islam, general with Arabs. The State of Israel will not be able to exist further on a plot of land in an environment of the enemy states at modern missile weapon with which it is possible to strike all territory of Israel immediately. In the Middle East there there several resisting parties. Israel as the God's people, does not approach under one axis, and he needs only to hope for God. Israel is under the auspices of the USA now, but whether for a long time. Under the auspices of the USA there are also Arab countries, and these countries have an irresolvable conflict with Israel about the Promised Land (Palestine) on which there is the State of Israel and there live Arabs.���

����� Israel any more not that which was during its creation. Now Israel is infected with russophobia which struck Israel after acceptance of Afro-Asian Jews by it who suppressed the tolerant ashkenazi majority, and began to operate policy of Israel. Most of old residents of ashkenaz were merged in ecstasy with these Afro-Asians. Such Israel became non Jewish and cannot satisfy God, this Israel can be doomed in case of global war in the Middle East. At will of God, by means of the Hand of God, Israel can be transformed to the Jewish state of descendants of ancient Jews with the corresponding name Judea.

����� "You the Son of Human (Messiah) prophesy about Gog (Russia) and you will tell that the Lord Eternal "You the Son Chelovechesky (Messiah) prophesy about Gog (Russia) and you will tell that the Lord Eternal told: here I am the God you. (You) Gog of Meshech and Tuval's prince (Yefet's descendants). I will lift you from the outskirts of the North and I will bring you on the mountains of Israel. Also, I will beat out onions you�re of the left your hand and an arrow you�re of the right your hand. On the mountains of Israel, you will fall and all your groups and the people which are with you, field I will put to birds of prey and animals you at the mercy. Also, I will send fire on Magog (Arab people of Asia and Africa) and to living safely on islands and on continents (Western Europe, east Asia, America and Australia). Also learn that I am Eternal". (Iyezekiil 39:1-6).



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