Translation from Russian into English
by Anatoli Bedritsky
Email: [email protected]
���������������������������������������� 1976-1980
1. Exodus and Exile of the Jews
from the
Sources of Exodus
Expulsion of the Jews from the
2. De-aliyah
Formation of the De-aliyah
Democrats and Aliyah
Who is Right?
3. A National Blind Alley in
National Development of
Hamitization of
The Way of Anomaly
Antisemitism, De-Zionism and Assimilation in
4. Search for an Error in the
Development of
A Historical Analogy
A Strange Political Case
5. Alternatives for the Jewish
Zionist Dictatorship
Way predestined by God
Part One:
1. Exodus and Exile of the
Jews from the
�� I am the Eternal,
God of Abraham thy father, and of Isaac. The land whereon thou liest to thee I
will give it, and to thy seed. And thy seed will be as the dust of the earth,
and thou shall spread abroad to the west, and to the east, to the north, and to
the south: and in thee and thy seed shall all the families of the earth
(nations) be blessed. And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all
places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will
not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.
(Gen. 28:13-15)
�� Fear not: for I am with
thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west; I
will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring my sons
from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth; Even every one that is
called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea,
I have made him.� Bring forth the blind
people that have eyes, and the deaf that have ears.
(Isaiah, 43:5-8)�
� ��I prefer to live in Jewish
�(From my statement
in the
1.1. Sources of Exodus
�� The miraculous eternal existence of the
Jewish people under unbelievable conditions; cruel punishments meted on this
people; the rebirth of stathood and the Hebrew language after two thousand
years of non-existence - all these phenomena are exceptional ones, which can be
explained only by supranatural reasons.
�� For many of the Jews it is typical to
realize in himself the exceptional character of the Jewish individual, which is
especially strongly manifested in feeling of a connection with God. As a result
the Jews have the feeling of the necessity of the Return to Jerusalem and the
Restoration of their Jewish State, which undoubtedly should have no
shortcomings typicla of the Diaspora states. If some Jews do not have such a
feeling, it does not mean that such a feeling will not appear in their
�� The connection of the Jewish people with
Eretz Yisrael (the land of Israel) could be considered in two different
aspects, the religious and the secular, expressed in the spiritual and real
Zionism. The special spiritual state of the Jewish people and the outcomes
generated by this state led eventually to re-population of Plestine and the
establishment of the State of Israel.
�� The connection of the Diaspora Jews with
Israel depends mostly on two factors, the positive national force of attraction
to Eretz Yisrael in turn depending on the degree of national selfconsciousness
and on the negative antisemitic force of displacement of the Jews from the
Diaspora. These forces act on the Jews in the same direction and will result in
the Exdodus upon a deteriorating of conditions. But there is another, third
force - that of comparison of material and cultural life - which for the Jews
in developed countries is often not in favor of Israel.
�� In various countries and in various times
the pressure on the Jews acquired different forms. For instance in Tsarist
Russia the pressure on the Jews was realized openly in the state laws. The
pressure sometimes even degraded into brute physical force. As to the USSR,
more subtle forms of oppression was applied, combining the open genocide of
Jewish national culture and a hidden genocide of the Jewish body by using
intentional assimilation, which was realized in a coercive-voluntary way by
creating hopeless national conditions. But since the Jews in the USSR were not
yet spiritually and physically assimilated in full, under certain conditions,
the hidden Jewish feelings became acute and led to the start of a grandiose
"aliyah" (returning of Jews on the earth of
�� The East European Jews who became the
pioneers of the revival of their ancient national state in "Eretz
Yisrael" (earth of Israel), are in all
probability the vanguard group of the ancient Jews who left destroyed and
humiliated Judea. They passed through the arena of the Roman amphitheater with
gladiator fights, through the inquisition of medieval Europe and reached cold
Russia; as a result they hardened and preserved their national spirit. In the
diaspora state the Jews had often reached an apogee in their creative
development, but each time they unavoidably paid for that in the form of
oppression by the native populace of the country of residence. On persecutions
the vanguard of the Jewish people always answered with fighting against the
surrounding society of oppressors, or left the country when aware of
senselessness of struggle. Both things have happened in Russia. First time the struggle against
the oppressors led to a revolution. The second time it led to alyiah.
�� The alyiah and the Zionist movement in the
world are not separated but connected with various problems of historical,
moral, cultural,� religious and even
emotional character which are considered below.
1.2. The
�� Among the reasons that promoted the Jews'
exit from the USSR for ever, not the last place is occupied by the relations
between the Jews and the Soviet government conditioned by the nature of the
Soviet social system and the history of its bringing about.
�� The Soviet totalitarian system has a great
capability to subjugate its people to the will of the government transforming
Soviet men and women into thinking robots. The dissidents who publicly voiced
their opinions were immediately, silently and secretly removed by the
authorities from the Soviet society.�
Nonetheless, one cannot state that the Soviet system is more
than the capitalist one. Under the capitalist system each country's government
always represent the interests of the richer strata who increase their wealth
by exploiting hired workers. And the hired workers are being paid to such a
degree so as not to think about a revolution. The poor are in the minority and
therefore nobody lends them an ear. Under capitalism, democracy is the freedom
of suppression the poor by the rich; under socialism there never was democracy,
but in principle it is possible.
�� The main factors which determine the
position of an individual or a group of individuals in a state are power and
money. Under socialism, power determines the status, since in that case power
produces money and power, while under capitalism it's money that� determine the status, since in that case
money make money and power.
�� Taking into account all that, farsighted
Jews (Abramovich, Aizenshtadt, Martov and others) understood that under the new
social order the Jews in the long run could not hope for an equal national and
social status, since they would not be able to keep their positions among the
overwhelming majority of non-Jewish population with antisemitic leanings,
unless they create their own organization.
�� During the period of the revolution, the
Jews followed three directions :
�� The first was the Zionist one, the most
correct, but also the most difficult to realize, since at that time no state in
the world was inclined to help the Jews in establishing a Jewish state in Eretz
Yisrael. The territory was and English colony inhabited by the Arabs. The Arabs
deliberately called the territory Palestine after the name of an ancient tribe
which lived in ancient Israel in the Gaza strip, in order not to recall the
relation between the territory and the Jewish people. The Zionist organization
in Russia raised a considerable sum of money from the Jews and bought
considerable areas from the Palestinian Arabs, which until present are owned by
the Jewish National Fund and belong to the entire Jewish people.
�� The second path was pursued by the Bund
party and according to it the Jews should stay in Russia provided they had a
political organization defending the Jews' interests. Under favorable conditions,
the Bund eventually could have chosen the Zionist line.
�� The third option was proclaimed by the
Russian Social Democrats (RSDRP -- Bolsheviks and Mensheviks) and consisted in
that after a just socialist society was built, the Jewish question would be
automatically solved.
�� The policy of the USSR government towards
the Jews followed the way shown by Lenin and Trotzky, namely the assimilation
of the Jews without asking the latter's opinion. The assimilation of the Jews
was being prepared by their spiritual transfiguration that is by replacing the
Jewish national consciousness with international facelessness in the interests
of the domineering Russian nation. The national situation of the Jews had
become completely devoid of any prospects, due to the socio-economic
development of the country. While the Soviet power made great achievements in
the development of national cultures of other Soviet nations, in the case of
the Jews it did succeed only in putting into oblivion the Jewish heritage and
all things Jewish.
�� The Jews found
themselves under the conditions when they were forced to renounce themselves
their external national features (the language and culture). For a long time
was in the USSR a conspiracy of silence concerning the Jewish question, so that
in society people were ashamed even to utter the word �Jew.� Having created
such a state of affairs, in fifty years, the USSR government succeeded in
destroying national awareness in many Jews. The attempts of Jewish activists to
come out in defense of their nation from the looming threat of assimilation
were nipped in the bud.
�� Before the
revolution the Jews suffered from official antisemitism, but they had
nonetheless� their efficient
organizations (religious communities, schools, press) which preserved and
developed Jewish culture and to a degree stood for the Jewish interests. And
the Pale of Settlement had even a positive side, since it contributed to the
preservation of an unique national character guarding the Jews from enhanced
assimilation and dispersal.
�� After the
revolution, due to the vacuum just formed because the majority of the Tsarist
bureaucracy and intelligentsia were banned or in emigration, the Jews who
actively participated in the revolution became full-right creators of a new
state and occupied unpredictable high offices in it. But their position was not
very imperishable, since the Jews were deprived of their own political
organizations (Zionist ones, the Bund, etc.), while the Jewish leaders who
entered the government were not guaranteed the stability of their holding
offices. After the revolution tumult the non-Jewish majority had duly tried to
and succeeded in improving its status on the account of the Jewish minority.
The antisemites could not accept the thought that the Jew Trotzky and those
close to him ruled Russia; as a result, they allowed to the oriental satrap
Stalin. On the first opportunity, which presented itself after Lenin�s death,
Stalin began to remove Jews from the leadership, along with millions of non-Jews
who supported the ideas of Trotzky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Bukharin and Rykov.
�� So, the Jews were
displaced from the Party and state apparatus and the diplomatic corps, which
decided upon the internal and foreign policy of the state. But for a prolonget
time, the Jews were allowed the freedom of activity in the sphere of industry,
economy and culture in order to strengthening and flourishing the state in
which they lived, but whose equal-right bosses they were not. But at the end of
the 1960s, the Soviet government decided that it could do without the Jews in
all the spheres of activity. The Jews felt that they were losing ground
and� justifiably began to be afraid of
the future of their children who in the long prospect could not gain� positions occupied by parents.� The policy of �not accepting, not promoting,
not firing� applied to the Jews had deteriorated the situation of the Jews as
compared with other nations of the USSR.
�� Nonetheless up to a
recent time, the living standard of the Jews was no worse than that of other
USSR nations. They were the most educated group and most of them worked in
their professions. It should be noted that most Jews started to leave for
Israel not out of mercenary motives and not because they wished to change a
socialist country for the free capitalist world; their first and foremost
motive was their patriotic feeling of solidarity with the Jewish people in
Israel. It could not be denied that this positive Jewish morals is the result
of the socialist popular morals common in the
�� In Israel and in the West the information
about Jewish life in the USSR is somewhat distorted. On the one hand, the
Soviet Jews themselves who left the Soviet regime were overeager to represent
difficulties of life in the USSR; on the other hand, the Israelis who left the
USSR 50-30 years ago cannot believe the changes the occurred in the USSR. For
them the USSR is still a country of peasant in sandals made of the bark of
trees and the depths of Siberia for innocent victims of the regime. In the USSR
the Jews were surrounded by the atmosphere of hidden antisemitism; to it the
Jews had got accustomed and perceived it as something natural. But in some
instances the USSR even had common interests with the Jews as during the Second
World War or the discussion in the UNO concerning the creation of the state of
1.3. Auto-exodus
�� After their exile
from Jerusalem the Jews have always been striving to return to Israel. Up until
the recent time at the feasts of� the
USSR Jews the toast: �Le haiym (to life)� was followed� by: �Af bariyor in Yerushalaim (next year in
�� Israel�s brilliant
victory of 1967 filled the hearts of the Jews with pride for their people. Many
Jews were ready to help Israel in war. But the USSR had taken an unjust,
lopsided mercenary pro-Arab and anti-Israeli stand, ignoring the national
feeling of Soviet Jews. This spitting in the soul of the Jewish people greatly
contributed to its national awareness, and led it to a protest against the
USSR, the alienation from the Soviet solidarity and made clear the absence of
any further prospects of the Jews� staying in the USSR. Many Jews noticed that
while working in the USSR, they work against the interests of their people,
part of which lives in Israel.� The USSR
Jews began to feel themselves in a mousetrap. The high level of national awareness
led them to a conclusion that the only and most correct way to solve the
national question once and for all in its moral aspect is the Zionist way, that
is moving to the state of
�� A grandiose process
of the return to the Jews of their Jewish self-identity began in the USSR.
Overcoming great difficulties but with a immense inspiration Jews started to
��� In the first period
of the aliyah (Jewish immigration to Israel) from the USSR the greatest flux
was from the western USSR regions incorporated after WWII and from the
underdeveloped Asian republics. In these places the Jews were too late � and
later did not manage - in occupying positions in the strategic fields of
activity; due to that, they had less obstacles preventing them from leaving. In
contrast to that, many Jews of the RSFSR,
chances to get a permit to go to
of the two million Jews in the central part of the
�� The
�� After several years
of its rise, the alyiah to Israel receded. Many Jews cannot already remain in
the USSR, since they ways parted, both spiritually and conceptually. In
addition they have lost the former relative confidence in them on the part of
the authorities and surrounding people. After part of the Jews left the USSR,
antisemitism there has increased. All of the Jews who remained in the USSR are
now forsake to leave it; it is especially true in the case of those Jews whose
relatives have already left the USSR. Even those who were categorically against
leaving the USSR, are leaving it.
�� The situation of
the Jews who have remained in the USSR has now been determined by the positive
outcome of the struggle by Jewish activists for exit to Israel, and they have
no choice but to leave for Israel. Thus, a considerable part of the Jews who now
leave the USSR are really refugees.
�� The Jews in the USSR can be classified into
two categories:
1. The real Jews who strive to go to Israel in order to join their own people. Those who are categorically against the Jewish people's leaving the USSR, but who are also against assimilation in the USSR.
2. The lost Jews who, deliberately or not, have chosen assimilation in the USSR.
�� The exodus of the
Jews from the USSR is more difficult than the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt,
since they then were led by Moses, while in the USSR each Jews is forced to be
both a Jew and a Moses at the same time. Therefore, the Jews� leaving the USSR
is a Great Auto-exodus.
1.4. Expulsion of the Jews
from the
�� The struggle of the Jews for the departure
from the USSR caught at first the Soviet government unawares and it begat to
take strong measures to suppress the movement. In the question of Jewish
emigration, the USSR government yielded to the pressure by the Jewish patriots
and the support of their struggle rendered by world public opinion only after
having weighed bot positive and negative outcomes of the yielding.
�� The positive for the USSR factors stemming from the decision to allow emigration are as follows:
1.� The
continuation of the d�etente which was needed by the USSR for rapprochement
with the West in view of the threat by China. Due to the d�etente the USSR also
has strengthened its economic situation by receiving bread and technologies.
2.� A relief in
finding workplaces and habitation for their citizens due to the vacationing of
many workplaces and flats.
3.� An
additional income provided by collecting duties on the renouncing the Soviet
citizenship and higher education, the latter was demanded previously.
4.� An
opportunity to purge the dissent (represented usually by many Jews) in a
relatively �humane� way.
5.� An opportunity to blame the Jews for the
country�s problems.
�� The negative factors are as follows:
1. The subversion of the USSR ideological doctrine about the unshakeable stability of the country's regime. Obviously, a concession to the Jews with respect to emigration could cause other groups of population to fight officially for their ideas with a hope to their coming into being. So, following the Zionist movement the democratic movement began to spread as well as nationalist minorities' movements.
2. A possibility of leaking sensitive defense information.
A weakening of science and technical cadres in the country. But by that time,
the USSR had sufficient numbers of professionals in all the fields of the
national economy who were able to replace Jews without any effort; besides, all
the Jews did not leave simultaneously.
�� As is seen, the
USSR government has decided that for the USSR the positive factors of Jewish
emigration overweigh the negative ones; the latter could be reduced to a
minimum. Had they wished so, the Soviet authorities would have prevented Jews
from emigration, as they did before. But having taking account of the
advantages quoted above, as well as other probable long-term plans, the USSR
has taken a positive decision concerning Soviet Jews� emigration and even took
various measures to regulate the aliyah, using its own discretion.
�� By conducting wide
anti-Zionist propaganda loaded with a double context the
�� During the 1970s
almost all the Soviet Jews who wished to emigrate to
�� The USSR was
interested in some ado about the persecution of alyia activists, since it was
unknown whether aliyah would have been greater or smaller, had there been free
exit from the USSR, if one takes into account that the aliyah from the free
world countries is unhindered, but small. With time, the USSR Jews had begun to
receive reliable information about Israel from their relatives who left, which
had changed their image of Israel. But the initial stage of the aliyah had by
that time been passed. By the end of the 1970s 200,000 Jews had left the USSR
(150,000 of them to Israel), who are able by a chain reaction to pull to the
West practically all of the Jews remaining in the USSR. As to the possible
return of the Jews, the USSR government had prudently closed by depriving them
of citizenship upon their departure.
�� Only thanks to a
totalitarian regime which excludes discussion did the USSR government succeed
in so artfully playing with their Jewish citizens. Apparently the Soviet
government is trying to solve the Jewish question by their banishment from the
country as did the medieval rulers in Europe. The Soviet government has decided
to get rid of its Jews using the tested �humane� method of Gomulka rather than
that of Hitler who failed. In the USSR the
nationality is being preserved in the internal passport. The clear
breaking down the Soviet citizens according to nationality has played a
considerable role in saving the Jews from assimilation under the Soviet power.
�� But in the 1970s
the USSR government has been considering removing the nationality entry from
the passports. But since the idea seemed to be controversial, it was not
realized. Had the idea been realized, the Jewish national separateness would
have suffered the most, since they do not live in a separate territory, and do
not have their national communities.
�� The USSR government's attitude towards the
aliyah had been changing not only according to a plan set in advance, but also
with the course of events. The USSR rulers have paid the attention to the fact
that the former Soviet Jews have difficulties in their absorption in Israel,
that they are alienated from Israeli society and that they have been
transformed into "Russian" Jews. The Russian Jews need
Russian-language information and culture. It is evidenced by the existence of
Israeli Rusian-language magazines, the "Nasha Strana" newspaper, and
highly professional radio broadcasts. Taking this into account, the USSR
government could have realized that at the present stage of emigration, it is
even expedient to surreptitiously promote it, in order to change the ethnic
composition of small Israel by increasing the number of Russian Jews there
deporting them. It would easier for them to establish closer relation with a
�� The Soviet plan of
uprooting and exiling the Jews from the USSR may continue, if it will still
satisfy the USSR�s interests in its internal and foreign policy. There are some
reasons to believe that the USSR is not satisfied with the fact that Soviet
Jews have almost stopped to go from Vienna to Israel and go to the USA instead.
As a result, the Soviet government begun a foldup of Jewish emigration; and the
USSR obtained more information about Israel.
2. Dealiyah
�� A Racist is not a
person who does not want to mix up with people of another race, but a person
who demands that forcibly, despite that the majority of people are naturally
against that (according to God's will).
(From my statement
in Israel).
2.1. Formation of
��� At the first
stage of the formation of the aliyah from the USSR, when the Soviet government
had not yet clearly defined its stand on that question, it tried as far as
possible to stem and to discredit the aliyah in the making in order that aliyah
would destroy aliyah by itself. To achieve it, the Immigration Office (OVIR)
ungroundedly refused to allow many Jews to leave to
�� The aliyah to
Israel depends not only on the national self-consciousness of the Jews, but
also on the relations between the Israelis and the new olim. Regretfully,
Israel itself had planned only the material absorption of olim, and not a moral
one; as is known, there is no limit in material needs, and Israel made a
disservice to the aliyah and to itself. Banking on the promoting of the aliyah
by providing the Soviet Jews with a higher economic standard of living did not
pay off, since it resulted in a worsening ideological composition of the aliyah
and in creating a non-sound stand towards the aliyah on the part of the
�vatikim� (veteran residents).
�� Israel did expect a modest patriotic aliyah
from the USSR, while the Israelis themselves had long ago ceased to be such
people and by their way of life only contributed to the corruption of new olim
in new conditions. Miscomprehension and mutual reproaching started leading to
some alienation of olim from the USSR and their transformation into the
�Russians� (Jews). By the moment of the peak in the aliyah in 1973 Israel was
in a moral crisis with the declining of spiritual patriotic stamina due to
social and national contradictions, while the moving forces of the aliyah did
hope for a unite spirited Israel which would be close to the Soviet Jews in the
ethnic composition and outlook. For many olim Israel turned out to be widely
different from their imaging of it.
�� That resulted in
the appearance of a considerable number of Jews from the USSR who failed to
absorb, and even did not wish to, in Israel. These Jews chose the way of
�yerida� (leaving Israel), which in turn formed a new trend, �neshira� (leaving
the USSR not for Israel but to third countries). If one takes into account that
from the end of 1970s most of the Jews leaving the USSR do not enter Israel, one
can admit that our aliyah has transformed itself into a de-aiyah.
�� The main reason for
the de-aliyah is the revealed incompatibility of moral and national states of
the Israelis and the new immigrants. Most of the Israelis and the new olim are
not able to establish friendly relations between them, since they widely differ
in their ethnic origin and culture. And even the Israelis of similar origin are
often so distant in their outlook from the new olim, that the latter are closer
to Israelis of other ethnic groups. New olim detect that Israel widely differs
from a Jewish state corresponding to their concept of it. Due to that, new olim
from the USSR in their letters often avoid to directly invite their relatives
and friends and prefer that they come on their own initiative.
�� The drop in aliyah
from the USSR after 1973 occurred also due to a number of other reasons, among
which one could name a worsening of the economic and political state of Israel
after the Yom Kippur war, malfunctioning of the absorption bodies, the HIAS�s
activity and a difficulty to satisfy the demands of many of the olim, who
behave in their Israel in a more capricious way than as immigrants in other
countries. But these reason would have been of no consequence to aliyah, had
there not been the main reason mentioned above.
�� The excess of the
force of de-aliyah over aliyah was also due to the� September 1976 decision of American Jewish
organizations that the Jews from the
�� But the process of
dropout in Vienna did not solve any problems and turned out to be a
disadvantage to Israel, since the majority of educated and civilized Jews from
central regions of the USSR began to remain in Vienna, while only the former
residents of Central Asian USSR republics did arrive to Israel in full.
�� There are essential
differences between the aliyah from the USSR from the previous flows from
Russia and other European countries.
1.� The
idealists of aliyah from the USSR did not find a corresponding ideological
ground in Israel, while the previous flows did find a sufficient number of
halutzim (idealists) who represented the conscience of the people. At the
present time, the idealists-nationalists (Zionists) are impotent in the face of
the accomplished fact of a transformed Israel.
2. Unlike the olim from other countries, the olim from the
USSR have no�� opportunity to reconnoitre
Israel prior to their immigration and cannot leave the country in the case of
their disappointment. No letters are able to describe a real picture of Israeli
reality as compared to individual direct perception.
3. Jews from the USSR driven by their Zionist convictions
have voluntarily changed their citizenship and left the country where their
situation was not so disastrous, while the former flows of aliyah were from the
countries where hard cruel antisemitism was reigning supreme (Tzarist Russia or
Europe after the Holocaust).
�� Due to the �voluntary� character of their
departure from the USSR and the difficulty to absorb in the Israeli reality,
olim are frequently asking themselves, whether they were right to act in such a
way. This doubtful nostalgia combined with a real one, only aggravates the
difficulties of absorption of olim in Israel.
�� De-aliyah
undermines the strength of Zionism, since it refrains from living those Jews
who intended to go only to Israel, and not to other countries. In addition
there begins a process of uniting families outside Israel, mostly in the USA;
due to that, it would be even more difficult to revive the aliyah from the USSR
to Israel.
2.2. Democrats and Aliyah
�� A considerable role
in the formation of de-aliyah was played by democrats, who by defending the freedom of
movement have excused the �directs� of the neshira and yordim of the yerida,
who prefer more well-off countries than their long-suffering Israel. As
concerns the morality, they don�t give a damn about it from the heights of the
Helsinki Conference that defends the notorious freedom of movement rather than
national interests of nations. The Helsinki Conference has not influenced the
emigration policy of the USSR at all, and as concerns that issue, the USSR is
acting only with regard only to its own interests. The
�� The USSR democratic
movement has gained momentum almost simultaneously with a revival of the
Zionist movement; both have unified their efforts in the struggle for securing
human rights.� And the Zionists were
demanding the freedom to emigrate for the Jews so as to gather all the Jews in
their historical homeland, while the democrats, the right to leave the country
for any citizen, according to his/her wish. As is seen, the Soviet government
did yield only to the Zionists� demands.
�� Nonetheless, it
should be noted that it was the democrats in the USSR that have played a
grandiose role in putting the Zionist movement at the proper level by
establishing links with western public opinion making use of their
organizational abilities and public eminence. In the USSR the paths of
democrats and Zionists almost coincided, besides, many democrats were also
Zionists. After they have left, their ways began to diverge.� Especially manifest the contradictions
between the democrats and Zionists became in Israel. For Zionists of democratic
inclinations the principles of freedom turned out to be more important than the
interests of a nation (Zionism). The democrats� stand was clearly stated in
their article/appeal �Preserve Democracy� published in many newspapers in
1976.� At that time the slogan �Preserve
Aliyah� would had carried far more importance for the Jewish people.
�� With the
collaboration of democrats in all western countries, the Israeli democrats
managed to overcome Zionists; as a result, the national aliyah began to acquire
an emigration character.
2.3. Who is Right?
�� There are many
discussions on whether Israel has the right to be harsh towards the �direct�
emigrants and send them from Vienna to Israel, taking into account that in the
USSR they obtained visas to Israel. There could be no unequivocal answer to
that question.
�� When arriving in
Vienna, the USSR Jews with the visas for Israel find themselves in a completely
abnormal situation, since they are beyond the state power of the country which
they have left and the country where their visas direct them. On their way from
the USSR to Israel Jews stay in Austria where they obtain an unprecedented
freedom of action with respect to their people.�
Under these conditions the transit Jews have an opportunity to choose an
anarchist path and go to the USA and other countries, instead to Israel,
against their conscience and general Jewish interests. Israel should take that
into consideration, and at least make an attempt to settle with Austria the
problem of delivery of the transit Jews having visas to Israel. Long-going
discussions in
�� But many Jews, not
jokingly, but in earnest think that Jews cannot live together, that Jews among
other nations are like a fertilizer, but that the Jews together are manure, in
other words, the Jews are catalysts in life of all the nations of the earth. If
it is true, then the reason is the exceptionality of the Jewish people. In that
case, the Jews are entitled to do as they like, and without any remorse to go
from the USSR to the USA and other countries, provided that doing do they do
not harm the Israeli interests. But having received a visa to
�� Have the �directs�
the moral right to pursue their way connected to a certain infringement of the
interests of Zionism and Israel?� Yes,
they have such a right. Many of the �directs� leave the USSR not out of
mercenary motives, nor out of Zionist goals, but they are forced to escape
antisemitism which has increased in the USSR after the start of the aliyah,
which has come to life not only due to the Jews� national self-awareness, but
also due to a considerable degree to the Zionist propaganda campaign conducted
by Israel.
�� To the refugees
from the USSR belong not only those Jews who while being non-Zionists escape
from antisemitism, but also those who changed their mind about coming to Israel
under the influence of the information about Israeli reality. These former
Zionists have the full grounds for leaving the USSR, since they have already
lost their loyalty in the eyes of the powers-to-be and the population, so what
is left to them is to fill the ranks of refugees.
�� But in the same way, one could count among
the refugees those of the Jews who after they moved to Israel are unable to
absorb there. It is also expedient to grant them the right to settle in the USA
and other countries along with the �directs.� The olim who are disappointed
with Israel have even more rights to settle in the USA than the �directs,�
since they honestly have fulfilled their national duty by going straight to
their state of Israel under the influence of the state radio stations the Voice
of Israel and the Voice of America.
�� Many Jews go to the
USA instead of Israel, saying that they always will be able to come to Israel
from America, while not vice versa. But if America would not accept the
�directs� as refugees, accepting them according to general rules, many of the
�directs� would go to Israel, since they always would be able to enter the USA
on general grounds. Under present conditions, however, the olim who stayed in
Israel for more than one year practically can no more go to the USA, while
�we�ll always catch the train� from the USA to Israel, as they say, besides
receiving various benefits from the Sokhnut (the Jewish Agency).
�� The results of the
exodus of the Jews from the USSR in the period from 1970 to 1980 are not
satisfactory. During the time span, around 250,000 Jews have left the
�� If God exists as
well as the exceptionality of our people, the stubbornness in national
self-preservation with the hope to return to Jerusalem is justified despite all
the trials and tribulations meted out to our people, which is following the
path of the fulfillment of the Covenant. In that case Zionism have been
originated by the spiritual qualities of the Jews.
�� If there exists no
exceptionality of our people, Zionism is only a normal reaction of the Jews to
their situation in the modern world at the present time. In that case it is not
a necessity for all the Jews to remain Jews and to cherish the dream of the
future revival of Jerusalem, if the dream has no prospects. In that case it is
more expedient for the Jews to choose assimilation among suitable nations. And
it should be taken into consideration that from times immemorial a great part
of our people assimilated, voluntarily or not, thus ending in the composition
of other nations.
�� But it is not easy
to leave Jews, and to do it consciously is even impossible, since doing that
consciously, a Jew experiences a fear that committing that step, he will
deprive himself and his progeny of a special Jewish soul which perceives the
surrounding world in a special way.
3. A National Blind Alley
�� If the black Yemens,
Moroccans and Ethiops of Israel are Jews, I not the Jew.
(From my statement
in Israel).
3.1. National Development
�� The European Jews
are descendants of the Jews of the great tribe of Judah and a small tribe of
Benjamin who in the ancient time lived in the southern part of Israel called
Judea. Therefore the Jews who lived there are called Judeans. In Yiddish, a Jew
calls himself Yid, and in German, Jude. The self-name of an ancient Jew was
Ivri, derived from the ancestor of all Jews and Arabs, Abraham-Ivri (Hebrew).
As is seen, the Russian name �evrei� is derived from the ancient name of the
Jews and from the liturgical language, Ivrit (Hebrew).
�� In 66 CE, the
Hebrews (Judeans) were driven out of their land to
�� Modern Israel has
become a blind alley for world Jewry as the European Jews are becoming a
national minority among the majority of Afro-Asian Jews who in Israel are
called Sephardic Jews (Spanish Jews). In actual fact the Sephardic Jews are
only the descendants of the Jews who after their exile from Spain (Spain is
called Spharad in Hebrew) arrived to the mediterranean states of Africa and
Asia. There theybegun to mix up with the representatives of various Afro-Asian
paganic people. But part of the Sephardic Jews who spoke in Ladino almost did
not mix up with Afro-Asians, and in their appearance and national character
they do not differ from the Ashkenazi Jews.
�� The unsatisfactory
for the European Jews national development of the state of Israel has occurred
due to the neglect of the problem of national development of the people of
Israel by its state leaders. For instance, even during the stay of Golda Meir
as ambassador in Moscow, a large aliyah of the European Jews from the USSR
could have been feasible on the condition of Israel�s close cooperation with
the USSR in foreign policy. But Ben-Gurion�s government choose the way of
neutrality between the
�� Instead, Ben-Gurion
and his government managed in a �miraculous way� to organize a shortsighted,
rash, wholesale aliyah of 700,000 Afro-Asian Jews who then were unable to
influence either internal or foreign policy of the state of Israel, and that
apparently to the satisfaction of its leaders. As a result, by 1980 there were
in Israel 60 percent of Afro-Asian Jews and 40 of European, while in world
Jewry the European Jews have an absolute majority. Upon the creation of the
state of Israel, the proportion of the Afro-Asian vs European Jews was more or
less in agreement with the rest of the world.
�� It goes on without
saying that Israeli government had a duty to accept the Jews from Afro-Asian
countries where they came under threat on the part of the Arabs after the
formation of the state of Israel on the land of Israel, which the Arabs
considered their own. But one should have accepted Afro-Asian Jews selectively
by checking their Jewish origin and not according to their Jewish faith. The
acceptance to Israel the Afro-Asian Jews who little differed in their culture
and appearance from the Arabs and other Asiatic people has resulted in that a
newly organized, not consolidated state of Israel has come under the influence
of Afro-Asian Jews; the national and cultural situation in Israel changed and
it became unfavorable for further aliyah of European Jews. By conducting such
national policy, Ben-Gurion and his government had destroyed the fundament of
the Jewish state which was founded mainly by East European Jews. Ben-Gurion was
devoid of the gift of prophecy, which was necessary for the head of the Jewish
state in order to conduct an internal policy directed at preserving and
strengthening of the Jewish essence of the state.
�� The rulers of
Israel are not able to realize that Israel is losing its future because of lack
of proper conditions for the aliyah of European Jews of whom the majority of
world Jewry consists. And the European Jews of the Diaspora will render support
3.2. Hamitization of
�� During the 2000
years of their stay in the diaspora among Christian peoples, the Jews did not
suffer a serious genetic assimilation, due to the fact that they often were
forced change their places of residence when enmity of a titular nation towards
the local Jews reached an apogee. Despite the fact that the Jews for a long
time lived among various European nations, in Europe only fractions of Jews
split from Jewish communities and joined Christian ones, and not vice versa.
After Europe�s Christianization, there were no pagan people in Europe.
�� Afro-Asian Jews
consist of the Jews who for 2,000 years lived in a diaspora in West Asia and
North Africa. Before the appearance of Islam, Afro-Asian Jews accepted to their
communities those of various people of Asia and Africa who were willing to
join. There were many such people since the Jews� culture was higher than
culture of the surrounding pagan nations. Therfore among the Afro-Asian Jews
there many prozelites of Hamitic origin. According to S.I. Dubnov�s �General
History of Nations�, the Afro-Asian Jews prior to the time when they were
joined by Sephardic Jews were called �indigenous Jews�.
�� After the
appearance of Islam, the Afro-Asian Jews were not persecuted to the same degree
as the European Jews. The Arabs converted to Islam all the conguested pagan
nations, while they treated the Jews benevolently. Because of that, the Jews
had the opportunity to leave permanently at their places of residence; that led
to the Afro-Asian Jews� becoming considerably closer to the surrounding peoples
and their assimilation to a considerable degree. And since the Jews in Asia And
Africa were mostly living among the Hamitic (dark-skinned) tribes, their
assimilation was of Hamitic character.
�� The Idumeans had
played a major role in the formation of the Afro-Asian Jews. Having
collectively converted to Judaism under Johanan Hyrcanus, due to their better
relations with the Romans than the Jews, the Idumeans remained in Judea and
Nabatea (across the Jordan river) as the main representatives of the Judaic
faith after the Jews were driven out by the Romans. Subsequently during the
Arab conquests, the Judean Idumeans spread following the Arabs into other
regions of Asia and Africa where they had mixed with other Jews who lived
�� The assimilation of
Afro-Asian Jews began long before the fall of Judea, since the Jewish Diaspora
in Asia and Africa did exist even during the period of the Second Temple and
the existence of the state of Judea.
�� The so-called
Yemenite Jews are purebred Arabs who converted to Judaism under the influence
of a part of the Jews who escaped to Arabia after the defeat of Judea by the
Romans. And the so-called Ethiopian Jews also called the Falasha, are an
Ethiopian people who started to practice certain Jewish rites after a
rapprochement between their Queen of Sheba with King Solomon. Inspired by the
case of the Yemenite Jews, the Falasha had also begun to demand the right to
emigrate to
�� When Israel
accepted the aliya, not only the Judaic Jews but also Judaic Gentiles and even
Gentiles who were in friendly relations with Jews were able to settle in
Israel. Since the aliyah was a group one, any new immigrant from a group was
able to declare him/herself a Jew even when not being one. Since Afro-Asian
Judeans are a mostly Hamitic race by their origin, their settling in Israel
could lead to a considerable degree of Hamitization of the people of Israel.
When one takes into consideration that the birthrate of Afro-Asian Jews is
several times higher than that of the European Jews, in a not so distant
future, by approximately 1990, the Afro-Asian Jews will become a majority, and
as a result, another people will appear instead of the Jewish people in Israel,
which will be closer to the Hamitic peoples than to the Semitic ones. Due to
this, many European Jews do not wish to stay in Israel and leave it. No wonder
that many Jews do not wish to mix up with the representatives of the Hamitic
people. This quality could be detected in the first Jews. �And Rebecca said to
Itzhak: I am fed up with life because of the Hittite daughters (who belong to
the Hamitic people of Canaan), if to be like these daughters of this land, what
do I need such life for? And Itzhak sent Yaacov to his relative Lavan (white)
and said him: go take a wife from the daughters of Lavan the brother of your
mother.� (Gen. 27:46, 28:8),
�� The ignoring of the national question by the
Israeli government is equivalent to the conducting of an anti-national
(anti-Jewish) policy. If no measures are taken to stop the degeneration of the
Jews in Israel, soon no aliyah will be able to regenerate a Jewish Israel.
Since most of the European Jews are not eager to live together with the
Afro-Asian Jews due to the incompatibility of their mentalities and cultures
and due to non-perception of
the external
appearance of the Hamites, for a normal national development of the Jewish
state of
��� Only with restrictions put on the
settlement in Israel of the Jews o of Hamitic origin, and with the creation of
segregated places of habitation for different national groups of Jews the
national closeness of the Jews who remain in the Diaspora with the Israeli Jews
would be preserved and the danger of the transformation of Israel into a
non-Jewish state avoided. The external enemies are less dangerous for the
preservation of Israel as a Jewish state than the Hamites who have penetrated
to the heart of Israel (into the people of Israel). But unfortunately, the
process of the transformation of Israel into a��
Hamitic state has passed the point of no return.
3.3. The Way of Anomaly
�� The appearance in
Israel of two groups of Jews, the Ashkenazic and the Sephardic one, which are
almost equal in numbers, but different and incompatible in their mentality,
culture and appearance, led to contradictions between them and to a mutual
decline of their morality and culture. The creative work of the �Haluzim� was
replaced by the struggle for improving one�s personal position in the society
under the new circumstances.
�� Mismatching
between the European and Afro-Asian groups started already at the dawn of the
settlement of the European Jews in Eretz Yisrael. A testimony of that can be
found in Dr. Khisin's� "Diary of a
Bilu member." It says: "In the end of 1884, the Jerusalem Rabbinate
turned to the Constantinople Khakham-Pasha (the Chief Sephardic Rabbi of
�� Despite all this,
after the formation of the state of Israel, almost all the Afro-Asian Jews were
resettled there. They were less educated and their culture was considerably
lower than that of the European Jews who founded the State of Israel.� Since most of the Afro-Asian Jews had large
families, they received social allowances to children, thus being able to grow
them up� and give them education. But
part of Afro-Asian Jews used the allowances as a means to earn a living. In
that case social allowances to large families become a social evil, since
children raised on somebody�s account do not receive sufficient assistance from
their parents and tend to violent means to solve their material problems. The
fact that in the initial period of the existence of the State of Israel almost
all Afro-Asian Jews settled there made it possible for them to exert a
considerable influence on the development of Israel and to consolidate their
positions; but at the same time it gave rise to negative consequences in the
national development of Israel.
� �The health of the Afro-Asian Jews in Israel is
in general higher than in European Jews, because the Afro-Asian Jews see their
predominance in a near-by future. It was that fact that caused a decline in the
aliyah and an increase of the yerida of the European Jews. For instance during
Israel�s existence 80% of the former Russian Jews left it.
�� Despite the
continuing gap between the European Jews and the Afro-Asian Jews, at the same
time there is an ongoing process of their coalescence and mutual influence with
the formation of a single people based on the generation of young people united
by the school, army, common interests etc. The Jews of European origin born in
Israel are in their outlook and culture more similar to the Afro-Asian Jews
than to the European ones.
�� At the beginning,
the State of Israel consisted mostly of European Jews and then a real rebirth
of the Jewish people in their state took place. Israel then developed on the
basis of a high Zionist morale. But regretfully the nearsighted national policy
of the state leaders of
� There still could
have happened a new rebirth of the people of
�� Since not all the
Jews perceive modern Israel as the Jewish state, at present the European Jews
do not almost settle in Israel; as a result a process of alienation of Israel
from the Jewish Diaspora is going on.
3.4. Antisemitism,
De-Zionism and Assimilation in
�� Antisemitism in the diaspora is explained mainly by the fact that�� the Jews there wer dispersed, forming a minority among the other peoples. Noteworthy is the fact that in Israel many ethnic groups of Afro-Asian Jews counter oppose themselves to the Ashkenazic (European) Jews who differ in their culture from all the other ethnic groups. Anti-Ashkenazi attitudes in Israel are somewhat resembling antisemitism to which the Jews were subjected in the Diaspora. Antisemitism with respect to the European Jews in Israel is explained by the fact that the European Jews became a minority among the other Jewish ethnic groups. The most regretful is that this attitude could� harm the children, for the sake of whom the aliya was mainly made. Meanwhile, the European Jews who had suffered terribly from antisemitism in the Diaspora hoped that after they settle in Israel they will be in the majority and thus get rid of antisemitism.
�� The national degeneration of the Jews in Israel led to that most of the Israelis had lost interest in Zionism. And the Afro-Asian Jews strive to regenerate Israel after their image. The greatest opponents of the aliyah of European Jews to Israel are the Israelis of Afro-Asian origin, who having almost completely resettled in Israel are no more interested in Zionism out of the fear to lose their numerical superiority which gives them better prospects in Israel. But there are a considerable number of opponents of the aliyah from the USSR also among the Israelis of European origin due to their unwillingness to give place in Israel to the new olim. From many Israelis one could hear the following words addressed to the new olim: "Why have you come here, nobody invited you, you could go back if you don't like it here!"
�� The national Jewish
aliyah faces a paradox, consisting in that the new olim settle in Israel in
order to avoid assimilation, and having come to Israel, they see that they have
not only to absorb there, but also to assimilate. Nor everybody is willing to
do that. If the Jews are doomed to assimilate, it is better to do among the
European peoples with whom they lived.�
Part of the Jews who left the USSR for Israel would have stayed there,
had they known that Israel houses a prospective majority of Afro-Asian Jews,
most of whom cannot be counted among the Jews after one is got acquainted with
them, and the majority of whom do not support Zionism.
�� Prior to the
beginning of the aliyah, many USSR Jews were already culturally assimilated.
Had in their passports lacked the item of ethnic origin, their cultural
assimilation would have followed by their genetic assimilation. Even at the
dawn of the Soviet power, Lenin and Trotzky said that the Jewish question
should be solved by assimilation of the Jews. as to Stalin, his hate towards
the Jews was pathological and because of it he wished to exterminate the Jews
in 1953. But God would not let him, and he suddenly died.
�� The majority of the Soviet Jews have avoided
assimilation in the USSR not in order to assimilate in modern Israel. For the
sake of their children, in order that they remain Jews, many Soviet Jews have
left the USSR, and for the sake of these children, many olim Jews strive to
left modern Israel in order to avoid the transformation of their children from
Semites into Hamites.
�� In the initial period of the existence of
the State of Israel, when European� Jews
were in the majority there and when the moral state of the Israelis was much
higher, there were all reasons to think that in the long run the majority of
world Jewry would move from the Diaspora to
�� But since the path of the national development of the State of Israel follows not� the line of the national preservation of the Jewish people, but that of a degeneration of the Jewish people into some other people, and since that way of anomalous development of Israel is already beyond repair, in future on the territory of modern Israel will live another people, which for the Jews in Diaspora will be no closer that any other people. The debacle of Zionism in Israel is substantiated by the fact that during the existence of Israel about 500,000 Jews, mostly of European origin, have left it.
�� Having an instinct of national self-preservation, the Jews were always trying not to intermix with other peoples, due to that they have retained Jews. The instinct of national self-preservation does not allow the Jews to mix up not only with other peoples, but with Jews of other ethnic groups. Especially strict in that aspect were the Ashkenazic Jews of Israel who in their communities have preserved even the fashions of clothing and the way of life practised in the shtetls of East Europe. The non-religious part of the Ashkenazic Jews which did not wish to assimilate in Israel, when possible left for the USA and other countries where the Jewish communities are closer to them in the national state and culture. The inner feeling of many Jews does not allow them to perceive part of Afro-Asian Jews of modern Israel as real Jews. And that inner Jewish feeling certainly is more true than the opinion forced upon us by Ben-Gurion and his companions-in-arms supported even by scholarly authorities whose opinion is of course made to the order, and not the truth.
�� Until there is no
law according to the Torah answering the question, Who is a Jew?, there is no
sense in mixing up different ethnicities considering themselves Jews. But even
if in
�� The fates of not
only the Israelis, but in part also that of the Diaspora Jews is connected to
the State of Israel.� The triumph of
Israel after the Six-Day-War spread also to the Jews of the Diaspora; when the
prestige of Israel falls, the Jews in the Diaspora also feel that.
4. Search for an Error in
the Development of
�� If the advent of the
Messiah is close, it is the most probable that a former Soviet Jew who has left
one world and cannot enter the other could become the Messiah. Looking for his
place on the earth, that Jewish man can eventually turn to the Torah; as a
result he could approach God and exalt himself above mankind thus revealing a
human Messiah. The Messiah will show, according to the Torah, the further way
of development of the Jews and entire mankind whose members will be closer on
the earth.
4.1. A Historical Analogy
�� For the national
development of the reborn modern state of
�� The national
rebirth of the Jewish people in Judea became possible due to that outstanding
Jews Ezra and Nehemia made this idea real on a nationalist basis. The Jews who
returned from the Babylonian captivity to Judea were not mixed with alien
people, while the Jews who were not in captivity concluded marriage unions with
the aliens, therefore, following Ezra�s and Nehemia�s directions, the returned
exiles accepted among them only those Jews who broke the marriages with aliens.
As concerns the Samaritans (descendants of the ten Israeli tribes) who had
mixed up with the Assirian colonists long before, they were not accepted by the
Jews at all.
�� Reborn
�� During the reign of
Johanan Hyrcanus, the campaigns of conquest had begun; as a result, Judea
annexed Edom, Phoenicia and other countries. The non-Jewish population of these
countries was converted to Judaism. For Judea it was a fatal error, since the
acceptance of a large number of non-Jews into the Jewish people of
�� Hence, it is
completely clear that for the preservation of the Jewish people something
should have happened in order to separate the Judaic Jews from the Judaic
non-Jews. And that something did really happen. Judea began to morally
disintegrate and subsequently fell in the war against the Romans. And the Jews
were expelled by the Romans to another part of the Roman Empire, while the
Judaic non-Jews were not driven out of their places of habitation, since their
relations with the Romans were better.�
Let the surviving Jews become exiles, but this residue of the Jewish
people continued its national existence by separating itself from� the admixture of other peoples.
�� A great role in the
rebirth of the Jewish people in Eretz Yisrael was played by the founder of
ideological Zionism Theodore Herzl and his practical followers Ben-Yehuda,
members of Bilu and others. At the turn of the 19th-20th
centuries, the Jews who returned to Eretz Yisrael from exile in order to revive
their state, were moved by the same national feelings and ideas as the ancient
Hebrews who returned from the Babylonian captivity.
�� But as in the
ancient times, in the development of a reborn state, along with positive trends
there existed also negative ones. For instance, Dr. Khisin in his� "Diary of a Bilu member" described
the newspapers "Hazvi" (that started to appear in
and vivid spirit, the Jewish vitality. For hundreds�� of years they live in the Holy land and they
still do not have the necessary institutions of a more or less organized
community, like hospitals, etc."
�� Despite all
that, after the creation of the state of Israel, Ben-Gurion and other rulers
did accept all of the Afro-Asian Jews. But since these groups of Jews contained
many degenerated Jews (Judeo-Hamites), after a period of time of their
settlement at the new site, they have led the national and moral state of
Israel to the same degeneration which had formed in ancient Judea in the
Hasmonean epoch. Thus reborn ancient Judea and reborn modern
�� The Jewish people,
from the ancient times deprived of their state and dispersed among other
nations, have been nationally-genetically preserved better than other nations.
It is doubtful that the Jewish people would have been preserved better if it
had had its own state, since such a state would be filled by other people who
would intermix with the Jews. Such a state was during the reins of Kings Saul,
David and Solomon, as well as after the victory of the Maccabeans in the
Hasmonean times; such a state is at the present time when Ben-Gurion�s
government began to built up an empire adding to the Jews different groups of
Judaic faith without checking their Jewish origin.
�� In order to conduct a definite national policy in a state, the head of state and his government should be representatives of a given nation and have a enough theoretical knowledge in the national question. In the initial period of the existence of the state of Israel, it was Ben-Gurion who headed the state who regretfully had no deep theoretical knowledge of the national question. He was a good man of practice, not a theoretician. Using his organizing talents, Ben-Gurion had directed the national development of Israel� along his nearsighted path. Ben-Gurion begun to melt a Jewish people in Israel of the representatives of different peoples who counted themselves Jews only because of their Judaic faith without accounting for their genetic connection with the Jewish people, thus leading to the creation of a new Israeli people which differs considerably from the Jewish people left in the
�� But not only
Ben-Gurion�s government is to blame for gross errors in the national question.
No less responsible for that was Begin who while sitting in the opposition used
not an honest means accusing Ben-Gurion�s government of neglecting the
Afro-Asian Jews thus pushing Ben-Gurion�s government to taking unreasonable
steps in order to rehabilitate themselves in the eyes of the surrounding
�humane� society.
4.3. A Strange Political
�� Since the national
development of Israel is not satisfactory for the preservation of the Jewish
people, the State of Israel is devoid of support from above (from God) and in
order to survive Israel has to conduct the usual political game with other
�� The policy of total
neutrality does not suit Israel, since it is surrounded by many enemy states
and Israel alone is unable to withstand their pressure. But Israel is forced to
maintain formal neutrality with respect to different countries so as not to
cause antisemitism towards the Jews in these countries.
�� The strongest allies no doubt are
superpowers. The best ally for Israel would have been a superpower interested
in the creation of a large and strong Jewish state. It seems that only the USSR
could be such a power which could have banked on Israel in this
strategically�� important oil region to
counterweight the bloc of the countries of the West. But this option could have
been real, had it been implemented earlier after the formation of the State of
Israel. But Ben-Gurion made choice in favor of the USA and other Western
countries. When Golda Meir was in the USSR, there was an opportunity to improve
the relations between Israel and the USSR, and more important, there was a
possibility to conclude an agreement with the USSR about the repatriation of
almost all Jews from the USSR to Israel. But Golda Meir chose a haughty
tactless� attitude. By so doing, she only
worsened the Soviet-Israeli relations. And in addition, she gave to the Soviet
authorities a list of Soviet Jews who expressed their opinion about the
necessity for the Soviet Jews to settle in Israel in order to resolve the
Jewish question in the USSR. The result of Golda Meir's mission was that these
Jews were harmed. Had Golda Meir's mission been successful, Israel would have
concentrated not only the Soviet Jews but eventually almost all the Western
Jews; in that case all Afro-Asian Jews could have been accepted without
negative consequences for the national situation in Israel.
�� Arab countries
cannot be reliable allies of the USSR, since their main solvent oil customers
are the Western countries which on their side are also interested in an
alliance with the main oil-producing Arab countries, and not with Israel. It
was only Israel which could have become a reliable ally of the USSR, but it did
not happen. What have happened is that part of the Arab countries are allies of
����� If the ally of Israel was the USSR
instead of the USA and other countries of the West, then in the territorial
question at any succession of events Israel would not recede, and in Israel
would live all ashkenaz, instead of Asians of Judaic belief, there would be a
fair socialism instead of impudent capitalism. The USSR has forced the United
Nations to make the decision on creation of the state of Israel. The Jewish
state has been based on the earth, where its existence depended on two great
powers USSR and the USA which among themselves clashed. Israel has relied on
the USA and now has problems. If Israel would remained true to the USSR, then
all Near east� would appeared under the
influence of the USSR and Israel. But, Ben-Gurion who had westernized
orientation, has turned a history wheel back...
5. Alternatives for the Jewish
5.1. Zionist Dictatorship
�� Since the degeneration of the Jews in Israel has become reality and no Israeli government is able to stop the process, a cardinal interference of the World Zionist Organization has become necessary in order to save the national situation of Israel. The main task of the modern Zionists should be bringing the Jews of Israel closer to the Diaspora Jews in the national and cultural aspects. This problem is more complex than the problem of cultivating the land of Israel which was fulfilled by the Haluzim before the establishment of the State of Israel. The Zionist Haluzim were building a Jewish state on the land of Israel starting from scratch, while the modern Zionists could build a Jewish state on that land only after the present state of Israel is liquidated. Therefore such way can be undertaken only by God.
�� The modern potential aliyah which consists mostly of European Jews should be steeled in separate new regions (colonies) where the new olim could preserve their culture not diluting in Afro-Asian Israel. With time, these Jews could positively influence entire Israel.
�� It is unrealistic
to expect a considerable Zionist aliyah from the Jews in the Western countries.
But the prospect for a mass aliyah from the USSR to Israel is still real,
despite a decline in the aliyah which started in 1980. The departure of the
Jews from the
�� But it is not
highly probable that the Zionist organization is able to undertake anything in
order to improve the conditions of absorption of new olim in Israel. And the
Zionist policy on the eve of WWII has turned out to be nearsighted and
partially even responsible for the easiness with which the Nazis brought about
the European Jews� Holocaust. Had the Zionists conducted a more reasonable
policy, the majority of Jews would have been rescued. On the eve of WWII many
Jews in Germany felt the danger of Nazism and started to leave the country. But
the Zionist dictatorship was interested in the settlement of these Jews only in
Palestine (Eeretz Yisrael). But the entry of Jews to Palestine was being
obstructed by Great Britain which did not want a strengthening of the Yishuv
(the Jewish community) in their colony of Palestine. The entry of the Jews to
the USA and other countries was also made difficult, and the Zionists did not
struggle against it (and maybe even supported it).
�� The
situation had arisen when no state was interested in protecting Jewish
refugees. That gave the Nazis the idea that the Jewish question could be solved
by exterminating defenseless Jews. The ghettoization of the Jews was made
easier for the Nazis since previously the ghettoes by them as transit camps on
the way to Palestine. At first the Jews were even taught Hebrew and agriculture
but later these things were used only to deceive the Jews.� And the Nazis had even managed to use the
Jewish self-organization for bringing about their plans. When the Zionists in
the ghetto exposed the Nazi lies, it was too late...� and they themselves went to ovens.
5.2. American
�� In promoting the aliyah from the
�� Since many Jews
from the USSR did not wish to nationally absorb in Israel, because it was
equivalent to assimilation, the olim from the USSR begun to look for a new Zion
and found it in... America, and the number of Jews leaving the
�� One cannot hide the
fact that the aliyah from the
5.3. Way predestined by
�� The fate of the
Jewish people is so complicated that it cannot be described by the usual laws
of human development. A comparison of the miraculous history of the Jewish
people with the history of other peoples, convinces one that the Jewish people
has an unnatural historic development which can only be predestined from above.
The only thing difficult for understanding is why reborn
At present, the internal and external situation of
The first national calamity occurred as a result of the fall of the
Jewish state by
��� The modern
third national shock of Jews it is actually an Zionist shock, because it is the
result of not fulfilment of the Zionist idea. The sionist idea has fallen
because the government of the state of
��� Since 1991 the
majority of Israelis, which are employers or work on good works with constancy,
and they arranged financially considerably better than Jews from Russia and
they, clearly, do not want to lose the positions in case of an unsatisfactory
outcome of war with Arabs and consequently they have organised movement
"world now" at any cost. These Israelis are ready to betray the
Jewish state
����� Consequences of
the last shock of Jews is not known. Probably, that in case of occurrence of the global
conflict to occurrence of the world war when Israel will be on the verge of
destruction, the peoples of Europe and especially Russia, will interfere with a
situation and there is possible a creation of the new state Israel for true
Jews on a man's family tree as in a Torah (on genetics, instead of on belief)
on the promised land from the river Jordan to Mediterranean sea. In
The half of the century
Section 6
��� Chapter
����� After 1990 when the USSR is desintegrated
up, and when was the accelerated replacement of socialism by capitalism, there
was the economic decline of all Post-Soviet states,� why there was the mass aliya to Israel of the
Russian Jews, who are not knowing idysh any more, but knowing their Jewish
origin. This time the pressure alija of Jews from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus
was so strong, that the counteractions of a part of the Israeli political figures
of Afro-Asian origin, such as David Levy, Abu Hatsira, Itzhak Perets and other,
cannot broke it. But, these opponents of the Russian aliya held the
predominating ministerial posts on which is depended not only aliya, but also
the absorption of the alim from the USSR in Israel. They held posts of the
Minister of Internal Affairs, absorption, construction and the head Sokhnut.
Even the leader of "black panthers" received a ministerial post.
These people on ministerial posts can to take decisions, which counteract the
aliya the Russian Jews.
����� During alija of Post-Soviet Jews, they in
Israel were given a so-called "basket of money" for which they had to
rent apartment in the private market, buy home appliances and other. But old
residents the Israelis who had excess apartments raised the prices of renting
of apartments to the ceiling equal to "a basket of money". So
Israelis peeled new alim Russians Jews. Therefore many Russian alim was to rent
not apartments, but the slums, which were in adverse areas. Many of these
"apartments" were not intended for living. At Afro-Asian
"Jews" appeared� possibility of
use of distress of Russians alim. The men from these alim in private business
were used as cheap labor. The young women and girls for acceptance for any work
had to pay off by nature, and if they refused, then they were fired. Post-Soviet
Jews had no means for purchase of the apartment, but for the Ethiopian people,
who are not Jews at all, the state gave gratuitously money to 80% of the cost
of apartments which to them were bought by the state.
����� It was difficult for Post-Soviet Jews to
get a job in the specialty. Russians the alim got mainly low paid work and
without constancy (kviut). The young women besides were exposed to sexual
harassments. Only the most capable representatives from Post-Soviet Aliya
managed to find decent work in the specialty. But, after a while, having
learned language, most of Post-Soviet Jews adapted to life in Israel and made a
big contribution to development of economy of Israel. In spite of the fact that
Aliya of Post-Soviet Jews was big, they practically had no representatives in
the government protecting their interests.
����� A big fuss was made in Israel by
Afro-Asian people of Judaic belief on the fact that among Post-Soviet the alim
there are many non Jews, who are related to Jews. During the Soviet Aliya was
less than such cases in comparison with Post-Soviet Aliya. But the fact that
non Jews moved to Israel together with their Jewish husbands or wives, it is� even very laudable as they went to some
personal victim in an ethnic question. Some of them accepted Judaism, and some
remained non Jews with the Israeli citizenship, that is quite normal for most
the states of the world.
����� Better Afro-Asian Jews would be silent as
they in the majority are not Jews in fact at all, and got to Israel by mistake
of governors of Israel, who after Destruction of the European Jewry in the war
had complex of national tolerance, and therefore they could not arrange check
of Afro-Asians on their Jewry. Now in Israel a paradox, that� these Afro-Asian non Jews of a Hamitic sort
arrange check to the Russian Jews. Afro-Asian people of Judaic belief already
have the most important posts in the government of Israel.
����� Chapter 6-2. RETURN OF JEWS IN THE GALUT
����� In Israel began the national retreat,
when in it was accepted a large number of Afro-Asians of Judaic belief who
genetically and externally are not similar on Jews (Ashkenaz), due to that the
people Ashkenaz began to leave Israel and Israel� became Levant. Israel turned from the Jewish
state in non Jewish, where the remained Ashkenaz mixed up with mizrakhy, the
majority of which represent black Asians of Judaic belief. These new Israelis
dominate� in Israel. They do not care for
national preservation of the Jewish state. They are directing public policy
only in support of the business, allowing use of cheap labor from Africa. But
ordinary Jews not wish to see in the country a many black people (Ethiopians,
Sudanese, Nigerians, etc.)
������ After
creation of state Israel in it были в основном only the European Jews Ashkenaz and their relatives
from the white peoples. The USSR did not allow their Jews to go to Israel, and
the American Jews lived well in the USA and did not hurry to go to Israel. Then
in Israel were accepted from Africa and Asia a great number of any people,
which are not Jews, but�� having judaic
religion. It was opposed by Zionists, but to their voice the governors did not
listen. To such Israel the Jews from the USA and other countries did not want
to over to live. Then Zionists of Israel and the USA, was decided to use Jews
from the USSR who knew nothing about reality in Israel. Zionists� are proclaiming the plan "Release my
people" by means of which they achieved departure of Jews from the USSR in
����� From Israel the Jews wrote letters to the
family in whom disclosed reality in Israel, that in Israel there are too much
"Jews" similar to Roma, and then almost all Jews with visas to Israel
began to go "straight" to the USA and other countries. So Aliya of
the Soviet Jews of the 70th years ran low, this Aliya was deceived and
underwent a Zionist shock as Israel was non Jewish. Promotion of radio stations
"Voice of Israel" and others brainwashed the Soviet Jews and actually
pulled out them from the country, where they generations took root and took
good positions. A part of these Jews took root in Israel, and a part left it.
����� Not all Soviet Jews of are appeared in
Israel voluntarily, they were going to go to the USA. But the Zionist
organizations for council of zealous Zionists like Kedmi blocked the road for
the Soviet Jews in the USA, and they went to Israel. It was useful for Israel,
the people turned more white. But, was already late, the ashkenaz old elite
already grew together with Afro-Asian people and saw in the Russian Jews the of
the competitors, who had the higher education�
and had modern culture, it was very sensible Aliya.
����� Israel has no right to define the
question "who Jews?". It is a prerogative of the Jewish diaspora,
which kept the Jews people during 2000. In Israel with the question "Who
Jew?" reached to the point of absurdity. So, a non Jew, who arrived to
Israel and accepted Judaism through a conversion across Galakhe, will become
Jew. Rabinovich on the father in diaspora he is Jew, and in Israel the non Jew
if mother the non Jew. But the Afro-Asian Jews, whose ancestors did not live in
Judea in the period of the Second Temple, without any check were delivered in
Israel, and and defined them as "Sephardic Jews". Also blacks people
from Ethiopia were delivered to Israel as descendants of the queen Savskaya who
allegedly had short-term communication with the tsar Solomon. To call
blacks� Ethiopians by Jews it is in
general idiocy. The man, having judaic belif, is not a Jew yet, it is necessary
to be born the Jew, at least in the third generation. The Mizrakh in the
majority the proselytes, which accepted Judaic belief in pre-Islamic time. A part
of mizrakh are descendants Edomites, which accepted Judaism at Iokhannan
Girkan. The heterogeneity of the people in Israel is called sectoral and
religious division.
����� God is not satisfied by the way of
development of modern Israel, because Jews in Israel under the influence of
liberalism were accept to itself alien Afro-Asians of Judaic belief. Due to
that in Israel began the full assimilation of Jews, and to the State of Israel
and the Jewish people would cease to exist. If it comes true, then Jews should
wait again 2000 that God will deign to provide creation of the Jewish state.
(True Jews in the main it is only ashkenaz).
����� CONCLUSION: Jews of an ashkenaza during
2000 lived in Europe, and they have to be returned there. The place of residence
of Jews in Europe can be on a part of the disputed territory of Ukraine where
Jews lived more 1000 together with the Russians and Ukrainians. Poland, Germany
and other states also have to participate in ensuring normalization of life of
Jews in Europe. In this case the apocalypse will not be.
Los Angeles, 2024