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Autor: Anatoli Bedritsky











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Part 1. Matter of Universe


1. Ether                                                                                                  - Free

1.1. Mats - Initial Particles of Matter

1.2. Inertial Motion of Mats. Ether and its Properties

1.3. Collision of Mats of Ether


2. Development of Matter of Universe

2.1. Beginning of our Universe. Big Bang

2.2. Formation of Polymats. Polymats of Boundary Mass

2.3. Formation of Neutrons. Electry-plasma and Neutry-swarm

2.4. Formation of Stars, of Fogs and of Rarefied Cosmic Ether

2.5. Gravitation

2.6. Galaxies. Voyd Space. Formation of Uniform Body

3. Motion of Elementary Particles

3.1. Emptiness and Ethereal Stream behind Moving Dense Particle

3.2. Moving Ethereal Force. Acceleratedness of Motion. Uniform Velocity of Motion of Protons

3.3. Motion of Neutrino.

3.4. Space Particles


4. Ethereal Fields around Proton

4.1. Electric Field of Proton

4.2. Rotation of Protons and Electrons

4.3. Magnetic Field of Proton


5. Construction of Atoms

5.1. Atom of Hydrogen.

5.2. Molecule of Hydrogen

5.3. Atom and Molecule of Helium   

5.4. Construction of Nucleuses of Multiproton Atoms. Photoeffect

5.5. Proton Orbits of Atoms

5.6. Principle of Orbital Motion of Protons


6. Essence of Light

6.1. Emitting Beams of Light. Photons of Light     

6.2. Ultraviolet, Visible and Infrared Light

6.3. Impulse (Energy) of Photons of Light

6.4. Passing of Light through Cosmic Ether and Atmosphere. Curvature of Ethereal Space   

6.5. Interference, Diffraction and Dispersion of Photons of Light

6.6. Reflection of Photons of Light from Bodies


7. Radio Photons

7.1. Emitting of Radio Photons. Radio Waves

7.2. Velocity, Range and Passableness of Motion of Radio Photons


8. Sound and Infrasound

8.1. Essence of Sound

8.2. Sound Waves         

8.3. Infrasound

8.4. Harmful Action of Infrasound Emission


9. Stars

9.1. Yellow Stars

9.2. White and Red Dwarf

9.3. Neutron Stars

9.4. Black Stars (Black Holes)

9.5. Quasars and Pulsars

9.6. Rotation of Stars and Planets


10. The Earth

10.1. Internal Structure of Earth. Tectonic Plates

10.2. Connection of Ether with the Earth. Experiments of Fizean and Michelson

10.3. Motion of Atoms of Atmosphere

10.4. Brownian Motion of Particles

10.5. Motion of Bodies

10.6. Rotation of Bodies


11. Magnetic Field of Stars and Planets

11.1. Magnetic Field of Earth

11.2. Magnetic Field of Stars


12. Gravitational Field

12.1. Strength of Gravitational Field.

12.2. Acting of Gravifield on Stars and Planets

12.3. Acting of Gravifield on Protons, Electrons and Photons


13. Motion of Stars and Planets

13.1. Principle of Motion of Stars

13.2. Rotation of Stars and Planets

13.3. Graviacceleration of Gravibodies. Attraction of Gravibodies to Each Other

13.4. Orbital Motion of Bodies and Gravibodies 

13.5. Principle of Circular Orbital Motion of Gravibodies. Orbital Constant

13.6. Determination of Velocity of Orbital Motion of Bodies and Gravibodies


14. Asteroids, Comets and Meteorites

14.1. Motion of Asteroids and Comets

14.2. Collision of Asteroids with the Earth

14.3. Asteroid “Chebarcul”

14.4. Dense meteorites


Part 2. Physical Phenomena

15. Electric Charge and Electric Field of Bodies

15.1. Deplasmation (Ionization) of Atoms. Emission of Electrons. Photo Effect

15.2. Negative (Electronic) Charge and Positive (Hole) Charge of Bodies. Electric Field of Electrised Body

15.3. Electrization of Different Bodies by Friction

15.4. Electrization of Body by Contact to Electric Charge

15.5. Action of Electric Field on Protons and Electrons

15.6. Attraction and Pushing of Electrized Bodies


16. Electric Current in Conductors.        

16.1. Amorphous and Crystalline Bodies. Cells and Passages in Crystals

16.2. Rest of Free Electrons in Conductors

16.3. Dual Electrons (Dipoles)

16.4. Potential of Charge in Bodies. “Earth”

16.5. Motion of Electrons of Electric Current. Voltage and Force of Electric Current


17. Electric Current through Vacuum

17.1. Vacuum

17.2. Leaving of Electrons from Cathode in Vacuum. Strata

17.3. Entry of Electrons into Anode. Scattered and Penetrative Electric Current through Vacuum

17.4. Electric Field of Anode. Anodic Electric Current

17.5. Electric Current through Old Vacuum.

17.6. Electric Arch (Voltage Arch)


18. Annihilation of Particles

18.1. Collisions of Electrons with Positrons. Hadrons

18.2. Collision of Protons with Antiprotons

18.3. Collision of two Counter Streams of Electrons in High Vacuum


19. Transformations of Photons

19.1. Collision of Photon with Electron

19.2. Photon Molecule. (Quantum Complexity)

19.3. Principle of Work of Laser

19.4. Color of the Sun, of the Sky and of the Rainbow above the Earth


20. Specific Properties of Matter

20.1. Black Matter. Density of Black Matter

20.2. Thin Matter

20.3. Virus Matter

20.4. Plasma

20.5. Chemical Reactions. Matter Burning. Fire

20.6. Warmth of Matter

20.7. Range (Spectrum) of Polymats


21. Magnetic Field of Electric Current

21.1. Magnetic Field around Conductor with Electric Current

21.2. Magnetic Field of a Loop and a Solenoid

21.3. Action of Magnetic Field on Protons and Electrons. The Lorentz Force. The Left-Hand Rule

21.4. Permanent Magnets and Electromagnets


22. Interaction of Conductors with Electric Current

22.1. Action of Magnetic Field on Conductor with Electric Current. Ampere Force

22.2. Interaction of Two Parallel Conductors with Electric Current

22.3. Interaction of Two Coils with Electric Current

22.4. Unit of Strength of Magnetic Field


23. Induction of Electric Current in Magnetic Field

23.1. Induction of Electric Current in a Conductor, Located in a Variable Magnetic Field. Foucault Currents

23.2. Induction of Electric Current in a Conductor, Moving Across a Magnetic Field. The Right-Hand Rule

23.3. Magneto-Field Generator

23.4. Formation of Induced Charge in Transformer

23.5. Distribution of Charge in Transformer’s Winding

23.6. Voltage and Current of Induced Charge

23.7. Electro-Field Generator


On the basis of new knowledge of physics of matter, it is possible to make discoveries in energy and other directions in which mankind works.




«Реальную теоретическую физику» или иначе «Эфирную теорию строения материи», изложенную в статьях на данном сайте, я впервые издал в виде книги Самиздатом в 1994 году на русском и английском языках и зарегистрировал в библиотеке Конгресса QC20 B4 1994, QC177 B43 1994. Эти книги я неоднократно в течение 20 лет посылал во все известные журналы по физике Европы, США и России. Но, все редакторы отказывались их публиковать, ссылаясь на то, что они не соответствуют научному направлению журнала (из-за того, что теория учитывает существование эфира). После того, как в 2004 году я поместил данную теорию в виде статей в Интернет на данном сайте shila.org.il и на сайте mesfis.org.il появилось множество книг и статей, копирующих её, без ссылки на автора.

Физиков, нарушивших научную этику, скопировавших в своих плагиатских сочинениях мои идеи, без указания автора идеи, может постигнуть Божья кара, ибо эта теория выполнена мной по воле Божьей (под его влиянием).  

В 2013 году в издательстве URSS издана моя книга «Эфирная теория строения материи Вселенной», в которой изложение теории более совершенное чем в статьях.


KONTAKT: E-mail: anatoli_bedritsky@yahoo.com